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Posts posted by FullBlast

  1. My understanding is: If you make your tip smaller the psi will increase. If your unloader is set correctly, this increase if pressure will make the unloader bypass some water. The pump is still pumping "X" amount, but only "W" is coming out the tip(s). Thus you are really using less water and pumping the same.

    But I agree, defeats the purpose of getting an 8gpm machine


    This is true and it is NOT good for the unloader to bypass just a lil, it wears away at the lil ball in there and soon you won't be getting full pressure anytime.

    I have my bypass plumbed returning to my tank and you can see when it bypasses a lil. If we think a pump is getting down on pressure first check the pressure and that is good check the bypass and you can tell real fast if a unloader is junk.

    I don't think throtling the motor back would hurt it but I don't know that, but that is what we some.

    Lets ay you have a 7 gpm pump and you get a job that can't quit keep up with water take and throtle the motor back a lil and put 6 gpm nozzel in just make sure that it is not bypassing any and you will save 1 gpm. Done and do it!! I have three 7gpm pumps on my one trailer =21 gpm trust me we try the well out!! I carry a stream pump along just in case...

  2. In the spring of '01 I Moved to Watertown NY. to help a fellow do Maple Syrup for 1 month. On the weekend I would help my cousin wash trucks, then when the month was up I was Kinda getting hooked on P/w ( and was in no hurry to go home) so I started helping him all the time doing all kinds of washing. I stayed all summer. Came home in the falland was wound up about washing!!! Started getting my things together and did my first job in March '02 (didn't make any money on the first job but I was in glory!!!;) I can't complain the Lords been good to me!!! I now have 3 rigs on the road and Trying to find help!!! I turn 24 in March!!

  3. I really thought about it!! I run all 7gpm pumps and always use 300-350 ft of hose, so the farther you go the more it adds up, but I just never bit the bullet yet... Thinking about trying it on one trailer maybe...?? Don't know??!!

    p.s. just got rid of my last 2- 6 gpm pumps and up graded to 7gpm. finnally!! Been wanting to for a long time but didn't.

  4. I have only one wish on my list this year and it is getting bigger each time.



    I am 100% behind him!!!!!!!!!

    Just had one of my gooood fellows quit. Man I hate when that happens!!!!! Don't know what I'm going to do... but so far the good Lord has provided so we'll see what he has for me this time!! Good luck to ever one!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I got hooked on washing when I lived in NY for a short summer. My cousin did washing and I washed all summer in 01 for him. Came back to PA and got my rig set up in feb. 02. Washed lots of trucks and logging equip. Anything and everything!!! Times were really tough but it was just me, no wife. In june 03 I bought 1/3 of a mans p/w biz out. Then in june 5 04 I got married and in july 04 I bought the rest of his biz out!! That was a big bite there!!!! So now there is 5-6 of us working with three trucks and trailers. Do anything!!!! Lots of Ag work.

  6. I work with other companys all the timeon timed things. They will give you date 2-3 months ahead and sometimes the evening before we find out that it is not a go but got moved till next week. And if your running a tight schedule next week it sure puts the pressure on!!

    Ever now and then they take something from next week and pull it back to this week!! That is rough But its like this I do all I possibly can because if you say you can't do it Guess what you may have lost that job for life. Most of my work is repeat biz so that is not good at all!!

    Have a better week!!!! You are not the only one!!!!

  7. Don't even think about it!!!!!!!

    I just got screwed a few weeks ago by sending a ebay item over seas, and some fake emails saying that I had gotten my money. No good.-$300 for me!!

    Just last week buddy that sells power washer just got a big or for pressure wahers over there somewhere then the fella wanted him to send the stuff over then he pay and my bud says yea right and the fella gets all mad and hangs up and don't hear from him any more. DUMB JERKS!!!

  8. Man save yourself alot of touble by puting a filter on right away, I wish I did when I started, but I guess I learn how to clean my valves out and change the unloaders too!!! I came across a nifty lil filter that I been using on my machine and it works great its just a lil brass filter that the filter screw into the side at 45* angle. When I first started I didn't use any but then I went to using a small filter that has the glass or plastic bowl on the bottom. It dont have to big but just enough to catch that grit going thru there!! It will save you a pile of trouble!!!

  9. I'm not really for sure yet. Me and a friend is thinking about taking 2 camping trailer downs and pay my trip down, and he is the one getting things lined up, so I don't know much about it yet or if it will fall thru. Who knows?? I thot that if I could get a payed trip down and do some looking around while I'm there I may get hooked up with a contact. Don't even know if I get down or not at this point tho. I hope it works tho..

  10. From my understanding to go into New Orleans you have to be Hazwoper( Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard ) certified.Do any one of yall have this or know much about it? Thanks, Duncan

    I have no idea what this is but lets find out! Me and a nother fella was doing some checking into this too. I may be going down this weekend just to get away for the weekend and do some checking things out in the mean time while I'm there. I'm not sure if I am going or not I hope things turn out so that I can!!
