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Everything posted by Chad16

  1. Song playing on your...

    Pound Sign #?*!
  2. New concrete

    I have a customer that wants his driveway and sidewalks cleaned, but he has some new concrete that is about 7 months old it's not that dirty. Everything that I have read on here talks about removing the cream from the top with too much pressure. I think my surface cleaner will remove the cream if I use it on the new stuff. I'm not sure what to do. Plus he DOES NOT want me to use ANY detergent to remove stains. I"m kinda lost on this one. Plus I don't want to screw his stuff up.
  3. New concrete

    never mind I called Lighting Gene and he told what to do. Thanks Gene
  4. Song playing on your...

    I'm a ramblin man
  5. Angry Homeowner

    Has anybody ever been cussed out and run off just for leaving a flyer or bussiness card on the HO's door?
  6. Angry Homeowner

    I did ,but the problem I had with her was that even after saying I was sorry and leaving her property she was still cussing me in the street walking away. Oh well Still passing them out only ran into one other HO kinda like that since then. For the most part you run into some pretty nice people.
  7. Barter Company

    Has anyone used a barter company?
  8. Barter Company

    I looked athe company and it looks like they could rip you off if you don't watch your account. In the legal section it reads almost like a credit card. If you balnce it negative a the end of 30 days they charge you 19.5% intrest, over draft fee and so on. Doesn't look very good.
  9. Angry Homeowner

    I will be giving you a call today. What is a good time Gene?
  10. Angry Homeowner

    I was just passing out flyers in my own subdivision and I was on the last street before walking to my house. Which her street is connected to our loop and I see her all the time, but I guess she didn't reconize me. As I was placing the flyer in the door she drove up with her 3 kids so I walked back to the driveway and she jumped out and asked how @#*k I was I tried to tell her what I was doing and she started cussing and yelling at for being on her property. I told her I was sorry that it would n't happen again. Then she starts saying she calling the cops while I'm walking away from her house and calling me trash and a few other colorful words that would make a sailor blush. The funny thing is she called the H.O.A rep for her street . The HOA rep for her street is my wife. So my wife knew about it before I could even tell her. Kinda pops your ego alittle, but I guess thats part of the job.
  11. Finished my first paying job last night. It feels good!
  12. Driveway and Pool area

    Thanks I will.
  13. Driveway and Pool area

    Yes I'm using a surface cleaner 18". As of now I'm not recovering the water just using booms. I did make some money on the deal it just took longer than I had thought. Everything that I have practiced on had not been this dirty, but the home owner liked it alot. I know now for the next time I come across anything that dirty to price it Alittle higher. I finished 3 of the neighbors yesterday . They weren't as dirty but I raised my price alittle and made alot more money off the jobs. Plus 2 more referals.
  14. Driveway and Pool area

    It didn't go at all how I expected it. If I can figure out how to up load the photos on here I could show you. The driveway and pool area had never been cleaned in about 35yrs. On top of that they had several post oak trees growing around the drive and pool. I think I under bid the whole job but thats my fault. I do know for next time . The driveway was 101*22 and the pool area was 75*35, but the home owner was very happy with the job. plus I got several job offers after just doing that one. When cleaning both it looked like burnt motor oil coming off the concrete.
  15. Driveway and Pool area

    Thanks just from that job I have 5 more lined up now. Hopfully all the time that I have spent researching everything pays off.