This morning I had a lady call me wanting to know what I would charge to wash a small 3 bedroom brick house....I explained to her that I would have to come look at the house before I could give her a price... I told her I would try to come look at it this afternoon and let her know something in the morning( by the way she just bought the house and hasn't moved in yet so she wasn't gonna be there when I looked at it) anyway when I got there I couldn't believe it.. The place was a wreck. Half the house was brick the other vinyl.. There were bricks missing out of the walls , windows were busted, one whole wall in the back had nothing on it but plywood and some of it was rotten , plus most of the soffit was missing as well. I thought I was at the wrong place so I double checked the address..but that was the house.... She really wants the house washed and it is nasty but I just feel like it's a trap. It would be very easy to cause a considerable amount of damage to what's already there by trying to wash it.... So I think I'm gonna have to pass on it and try to explain to her why.... What are your thoughts??:confused: