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About kennyk

  • Rank
    TGS Newbie
  • Birthday 10/15/1964

Profile Information

  • Company Name
    kenny kendrick pressure washing & window cleaning
  • First & Last Name
    kenny kendrick
  • City & State
    brandon ms
  • Occupation
  1. Anyone had any experiences with delux from ft. Worth? Were you happy with their product and service? Please explain.
  2. Does anyone have any experiences with pressure pros 3500@ 8 gpm. I saw one for the same price i can get a landa 3500 @ 4.7 for. Are they reliable machines i have never heard of them until recently. I have owned farlys and delcos. Will 8 gpm make that much of a difference on concrete. Also will i have problems using my big guy surface cleaner with that many gpms
  3. I am thinking about getting a 1993 chev 3/4 ton truck with a 6x8 flat bed on it. I will be mounting a landa pghw, a 225 gallon tank, and hose reels. Has anyone had any experience working off a truck instead of a trailer? What were your likes and dislikes?
  4. Copy of Walmarts RFP

    Man, what ever happened to the days when you dealt directly with the store manager. When you got through washing you got hin to sign off on the invoice and got paid cash from cust. Service. He had a budget to work with and as long as he stayed within it he had full discretion. Those days were nice. Of course that was when mr. Walton was alive. Back then i had several walmarts and k marts throughout alabama. However, i think i will pass on walmarts now there are other jobs that are less trouble