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Posts posted by smokey51

  1. If you wait til December you can kill two birds with one stone. Mitsubishi is coming out with a promotion for "Buy a Mitsubishi, get a Mitsubishi". You buy a Mitsubishi car, suv, or truck and get a 42" or 52" Mitsubishi television for "Free". If I had to choose I would buy the Endeavor (Suv) or the Eclipse with all the bells and whistles.

    Too bad it's not buy the TV get the car free!!!


  2. I started using Amsoil synthetic motor oil about six months ago and my mileage increased 1.8 mpg. That is not much but every little bit helps. A friend of mine who races on dirt tracks say he uses it in his race car and does not have to tear down the engine at half season like he does with regular oil. So maybe less wear and tear on the engine is another benefit.

    It is kind of weird, I bought the best they had and it says change the oil every 25k miles and the filter every 12k miles. Hmmmmmm!


  3. I have tried the Pilsbury brand of biscuits and they are good, but I perfer the Mary B's brand (may be hard to find in your area but in most stores around here). They seem ligther and more of a homemade taste. If memory serves me, they are cheaper too.

