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Posts posted by apom

  1. Hey everyone

    Looking to help my parents to fix there driveway. It's a patio stone paver driveway. about 14 years old hasn't really had any proper maintenance or cleaning ever. First problem is there is an ant problem. The ants are removing the sand from under the pavers and making them sink. 2) oil stains. I was told BT200 works good for this.

    My plan is to use something for the ants. (Any suggestions?) power-wash with a rotary nozzle and BT200. Then Sweep fine sand into the joints to replace whatever was removed. Finish off with a sealer. First time doing this so any tips and suggestions would be appreciated.

  2. Hey guys I'm almost at the stain step. I installed all the balusters and power washed the deck on a low setting on Wednesday. I just used plain water, nothing else. There are a few dark patches on the deck. You can see them picture 5. I don't know if this is mold or from to much sun? Anyways sanding did not get rid of it. How do I proceed? Can I put a bit of oxiclean on the spots and then rinse it off? Or do I need a deck cleaner or brightner? So far the only locally available products are Thompsons deck clean and brightner and 'eco wash' products made by concrobium. It's to late in the season for me to order stuff over the internet.

  3. bigchaz Nope I tossed the lattices. It would have been possible to sand them with a dremel attachment but that's to much work for sure. Chemical stripper costs more then the lattice so out they went. Replacing them with wooden balusters/spindles. Thanks for the sand paper recommendation I would have sanded it with 100 tomorrow if I didn't read this. After reading this I'm glad I only did a light pass with 80 on the floor.

    Rod thats to bad. Why did the guy even hire you guys if he thinks he knows best. He probably thought you guys were inexperienced. Did you show him pictures of decks you've done in the past? at least you explained it to him.

  4. Yep I went 24,36 and then 80 to finish up the floor. Will use 100 to finish up the railings.. The question though is do I have to wash the deck after to remove the saw dust or can I just sweep it and stain? For anyone wondering the drum sander with a high grit paper works great for tough stripping jobs. But its really aggressive so maintain a steady pace when using it and always lift the handle at they very end of every pass. Do not let it run in one spot because it will cause damage! 10 seconds is enough to cause serious damage. It goes without saying but sand with the grain. If the boards are set horizontally then don't even think about going vertically.

  5. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I will defn try it next time and save myself the 2 weeks of sanding and $100s on products from the box stores. I attached some before pictures for anyone interested. Pictures after it was sanded will be posted tomorrow.

    Quick question before I move onto the staining. Do I have to wash the deck? I sanded it 4-5 days ago. I read that I should wash it because saw dust may have clogged the poors and this will effect the ability of the stain to penetrate the wood.






  6. Hey I'm currently working on refinishing a 15 year old deck that has seen better days. The deck is pressure treated lumber. Most of the planks are in solid shape. It looks like it has 2-3 different colours of solid stain or paint that have accumulated over the years. The thing is an absolute nightmare to sand. I'm about 60 hours deep on sanding and I haven't even finished sanding the edges, posts, rails etc.. I'm using a belt sander with 36-40 grit paper to strip it and its still taking forever. I can see all the different colours come off when I sand. I figure even I rent a big drum sander for the floor I might be doing this till christmas lol

    Basically I am looking for recommendations on how to proceed. Is there any good stripper I can use that will take this off? I tried thompsons maximum strength deck stripper and it barely does anything. I'm thinking of testing out circa 1850 furniture stripper. Open to ideas.
