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Brent Turner

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Posts posted by Brent Turner

  1. Thank you for your interest in our products. As always your questions and concerns are welcome. To answer a few of them without giving away any trade secrets...

    This is a penetrating non-blocking stain. The total solids by weight is 25-30 percent. This is the resin and pigment solids only. When advertising or comparing the solids of any product it is advised to omit the parafin oil from your calculations. Parafin oil will dissipate from the wood over a period of time. Parafin oil is not a V.O.C, however it is not a true solid. When conducting a solids test in a laboratory using an ASTM test method parafin oil will evaporate with the solvent in the formula and leave you with the true solids. Using the senario that parafin oil is a solid I could sell a bucket that included nothing but parafin oil and advertise it as 100% solids. Parafin oil is a very important ingredient in our formulation. It helps to pull the resin, pigment, additives, wood preservatives, mildewcides... deep into the wood where the protection is needed.

    The 25-30 percent solids (pigment and resin) in this product will cause you no problems with maintenence coats. Stripping the product prior to re-coats is not neccessary. A light cleaning and re-coat is all that is required. The solids in the product do penetrate and are not film forming. We are in total agreement that this is better for the wood. There is no debate from me on this issue.

    Trans-oxide pigments are utilized in this formulation. Trans-oxide pigments are a very good U.V inhibitor. All of the Wood Defender Transparent Deck Stains use only Trans-oxide for pigmentation.

    A silicone additive is used in a small amount to aid with water repellancy. In a small amount silicone additives can be used without the adverse effects some of you seem to have experienced. The silicone in this product will have no effect on re-coats.

    I hope this answers a few of the questions that were brought up. I am somewhat hesitant to reply to these threads. I am not interested in a debate on any topic. I know that the contractors using this forum have had great success with our competitions products. The success you have had speaks for the products you have used. We are only hear to offer you are products and service, to help in any way we can. Please call or visit our website if you have any questions.


