I really want to thank everyone for your support! I am Torrey Shannon, the Executive Director of CFH. I wanted to thank Russ for sharing our information here and inviting me to your forum.
Some of you already know me, but for those who haven't met me yet....I am the wife of a severely injured veteran who was shot in the head in Iraq in 2004, but I am also a former maid service owner. I can see the value of this program in so many ways that I dedicate about 70-80 hours a week of my own time to make this program a success. Having companies like yours coming on board makes all that hard work mean something...so thank you from EVERYONE here at Cleaning for Heroes. I can tell you straight up that it means a great deal to the veterans we serve, and it's so rewarding to know that heroes across the nation are receiving a "thank you for your service" in a meaningful and tangible way.
For your reference, it costs nothing to join and there are no membership fees to be a part of our program. All we ask is that the service company pledge a comfortable amount of free residential services toward veterans and heroes in their community each month. Our network providers are recognized by their communities as a caring and socially responsible business that operates with a moral compass. Goodwill is a powerful tool and can result in many more paying clients who may choose your company over a competitor that does not participate in our program. We offer many free marketing tools to build your business along with products and discounts to offset the cost of your investment to your community. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
If anyone has any questions, PLEASE let me know. We've been working very hard to keep up with the demand of our program so when people like Allison offer their assistance ... and companies like Russ' and Doug are coming on board....and pros like Ron are out there sharing our info to help others learn more about us....I become very thankful for such a great community who cares!
You can request an application using the link that Russ shared. We'd be honored if you joined us too. :)