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Earl Johnson

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Everything posted by Earl Johnson

  1. chemical ratios

    For Oxalic Acid, 8oz. per gal. So. Is that 1 cup per gal? Earl
  2. Pro Spa N Decks

    I'm still working on my pricing structure and have alot to learn. Nice to have a place to ask questions. I appreicate everyones imput. Earl
  3. Anyboby do docks or boat houses? What kind of cleaning/stripping is allowed, and what can be done about run off and drips? Thanks again, Earl
  4. Boat docks

    I'm going to take the advice and contact the EPA as well as The Corps of Engineers and see what I can find out. I'm sure glad I found these B/B's. You'all have been such a great help. I really have a much greater appreacition for the P/w industry. I hope at some point in the future I can be of some help to a newbe as much so as you guys have been. Thanks again, Earl PS. Craig, I used to deliver log homes to Binghimgton back in the 80's. Can't remember the dealers name, but nice people and some beautiful country.
  5. Boat docks

    I will reconsider how to price these docks. All good points you make. I'm going up to the lake this weekend and see what I can find out how others are doing them. I'm not even sure what if antthing they use on them to seal . Thanks for your help. Earl
  6. Boat docks

    Yeh, I agree that it would probably be a hassle, but I understand that about 2.25sf is average so it may be worth a little hassle. I'm about 40 miles from the lake, but need to get working so I'll take what I can get Right now. Earl
  7. Pro Spa N Decks

    I made a mistake when I figured this job. The customer and I were running off at the mouth and I misfigured part of the job. I learned this lesson real fast. Double check figures. He's a friend so I didn't want to say anything that would make me look even more like I didn't know what I was doing. It won't happen again! Earl
  8. Pro Spa N Decks

    Well I sure bid my first one aweful low, but i learned a good lesson. Howard, First, thank you for your service and sacrifice in the US. NAVY. I meant to say clean and seal, not strip. Thanks for the breakdown. I dont think the market around here will support those prices. But I may be wong. Its hard to find out what the going rate is around here. Cat has everybodys tongue. lol Thanks again Earl
  9. Pro Spa N Decks

    Doing it all in one day would be great, if its a good finish. what is the top three (in your opinion) sealers? Earl,,,, Aplus, you thinking more like 350.00?
  10. Hello All, Enjoy this board with all the info. Its Great! I do have a question about chemicals though. Can somebody explain the applications and differences between Sodium Percarbonate, Sodium Hydroxide, and Sodium Hypoclorite. Is one preferred over the other? Thanks Also, I tryed out my new x-jet. Couldn't get it to draw right. When the wand was horizonal, it did good, but when it was raised it would pulsate and then stop drawing. I checked all the fittings and hose for leaks. Could low GPM (3.5) cause no suction? I appreicate any help. Earl
  11. Sodium Per.....Hydro.....Hypo ?

    Beth, I thought the same thing. Maybe they won't put it in writing because it really does hurt the shingle and therefore more shingles could be sold. What ya think? Earl
  12. Sodium Per.....Hydro.....Hypo ?

    manufactures I talked to told me to mix 1 cup TSP, 1 gal.houshold bleach, with 4 gal. water, apply and let dwell 15/20 min. then rinse. I asked if they had any literture they could send. They said no which I thought was unusal. What do you guys think. If the manufacture would supply a recommendation for cleaning, wouldn't it be easier to sell the customer? Earl
  13. Sodium Per.....Hydro.....Hypo ?

    You cleared that nicely! One other thing. Is sodium hypoclorite bad on asphalt shingles and wood, or is it a matter of prefrance What do the shingle manufactures recommend as proper cleaning? Thank you for your help and warm welcome, Earl PS. Thank you too Ron. I just read your post, and i will check out the website.
  14. Sodium Per.....Hydro.....Hypo ?

    I did talk to Ron, and he said he would see that it was fixed. I just wanted to know if it could be the machine and if anybody else had any trouble lke this. Thanks for the help. Any advice on the Sodium? Earl