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Posts posted by aquadreamin

  1. Hello,

    I have just purchased my first pressure washing rig. I got it used and it definitely needs some love but the price was right, so now I own it. I have a few questions. It is a pressure pro model with a burner by beckett. From the research I have done on this site, I have leaned that there are two switches that control the burner. The pressure switch and the temp switch. Unfortunately one of the previous owners has disconnected what I think is the pressure switch. I'm not real sure why this was because I don't know the full history of the machine. The switch is located on the line between the pump and the burner. It has 3 wires coming off it red, brown, and blue. They go to a junction box which contains the gas valve, 12v connections and 2 toggle switches. One of the toggles breaks the connection between 12v + and the gas valve. The other toggle doesn't have any wires attached to it. The 3 wires from the pressure switch are not connected to anything they are just laying loose in the junction box. The junction box also contains the wires from the temp switch which is wired between the gas valve and the igniter. Can anyone tell me the proper wiring info or have a schematic?

    Thanks Tom
