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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Just Started My Company This Summer (2009)

    Actually, no - we don't use Ready Seal at all....it's just not our thing. But, we do encourage maintenance because in the long run, it does save the customer money (while you make money) and it's just better for the wood. Celeste (PS - I'm a girl!)
  2. Follow up call

    We always meet with the customers but rarely if ever give them figures on site. The email is our second contact and opportunity to "impress" them further....and our email proposal is pretty nice. It provides both additional information about us that we don't talk about as well as details/explanations that back up our estimate.
  3. Follow up call

    Considering that most of our proposals are delivered via email, I generally indicate a time reference that we are booking (which is generally several weeks out anyway). I will send a follow up email to them if I've had no response inside the week to see if there are questions.
  4. Just Started My Company This Summer (2009)

    Joe - Believe it or not, lots of maintenance is your goal. Faster service is supposed to equate to higher profits.....your restorations will turn into maintenance. Your restorations will be the new customers you will harvest annually and convert :) Celeste PS - Welcome aboard! Thank GOODNESS I didn't have to use the dreaded "search" line with you - I think you're going to be a fine asset to this forum!
  5. Why Does Everyone go to Roundtables?

    Face to face networking.....the learning and prizes are gravy - the face to face time is the best!
  6. While Beth isn't looking :)

    Just wanted to take a minute today to thank Beth (and Rod) for her influence over our business and lives. There have been many folks in this industry that have affected us in both positive and negative ways, but through thick & thin, to hell and back - Beth has been there for Carolina ProWash and me. The hours she puts into this forum and the example that their business sets is commendable but the heart that she puts into helping on different levels is priceless. Thanks :)
  7. pricing wood

    Hey Charlie - don't waste your time.
  8. Help with pricing

    I had typed a pretty lengthy response to your stupid comments but decided you just weren't even worth it.
  9. Help with pricing

    I'm probably one of the rude ones. Guess I'll run buy a lawnmower - just for the extra income - I've cut grass before. I'm sure no professional landscapers in my area will mind me cutting into their profession for a little side money. BTW - you got the proper insurance to be power washing?
  10. down streaming???

    I second that!
  11. good detergent for vinyl

    Flash back to his equipment:
  12. seals/stains

    Okay, I'm going to be the PITA member here that says the dreaded "Use the search feature" There is a ridiculous number of posts on every topic you have asked about. We've all typed it more than once so it is there if you just look.
  13. Help with pricing

    Measure. If you fold out a picket it's 4" by 3-4' depending on rail height, sweep through/no sweep through, caps at standard or 2x4 or 2x6 - they have underneaths, posts are larger....... you need to learn to measure.
  14. Help with pricing

    Just a suggestion - on the heels of Dan's post......... Have you considered networking with a power washer in your area - there's a high likelihood that he's been asked about things that you would be better served doing - refer work back and forth. I'm afraid the machine you have in conjunction with your pricing will have you losing money pretty quickly.
  15. Who is Going to Myrtle beach

    David - day went haywire - I'll touch base tomorrow evening!
  16. Who is Going to Myrtle beach

    We could sit a jar out and take donations?
  17. Then there's this one: http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/club-house/17354-hows-2009-biz.html
  18. or here: http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/business-topics-tips/15445-2009-economy-poll.html
  19. here's a good place to start: http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/business-topics-tips/16997-what-biggest-challenge-your-business-right-now.html
  20. way too funny today at work!!!

    Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya...........
  21. way too funny today at work!!!

    OMG....and I thought this couldn't get worse.
  22. way too funny today at work!!!

    LOL Doug - snack time!
  23. way too funny today at work!!!

    Oh Michael - we have NO reason to be afraid of you except what damage you can/have done to this INDUSTRY. We mentored with Beth & Rod so I do know about MHIC - we have multiple PROFESSIONAL colleagues across Maryland and VA and you are potentially damaging THEIR area perspectives. So far in this thread you have mutilated the english language, bragged about committing criminal acts AND now state that you aren't licensed to do your services. I'm quaking in my NORTH Carolina boots.
  24. way too funny today at work!!!

    Here's a new can of worms for you Michael - MHIC license?
  25. Michael - has it occurred to you that maybe you don't even want the price-shoppers as customers?