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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Wishing everyone a safe and Happy 4th!

    Burger cookout with lots of family complete with homemade ice cream - Fresh peaches ROCK :)
  2. Farrah & Michael Jackson BOTH Die Today!!

    Okay - so I'll be the first to post one of thousands of bad jokes now circulating ........ Farrah died & went to heaven. There she met God and was given one wish. She asked for all of the children of the world to be safe, so he killed Michael Jackson.
  3. Advice Needed

    It could be some of that new heat treated wood - does it smell nice? Our samples smell like toast :) The color is just beautiful but I have some apprehension about a wood that has been baked to 0% moisture content!
  4. I lost count but I will third or fourth this professional opinion! You have a board full of professionals that deal with this ALOT. The nice folks as Messmers have reason to tell you what they did.....and I bet not ONE has ever done what WE all do :) Good Luck!!!
  5. I am really amazed at the lack of participation here! This is where we come to grow & learn - how much better can we do than to all present our challenges and solutions! What another extraordinary avenue to help each other AND get publicity! There is not a single business person on this forum who doesn't wake up to this question every day!!! C'mon folks - get in the picture!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Beth n Rod What is the biggest challenge to your business right now? Weather - North Carolina seems to be either exceptionally dry or extremely wet. A happy medium of several dry days with a needed bout of rain would be very helpful in keeping on schedule! Quote: Originally Posted by Beth n Rod What can you do or did you do to overcome that challenge? As the saying goes, "Make hay while the sun shines." We have also adjusted our work hours and days to fit with the appropriate weather conditions. Gone are the 8-4 M-F work times! We have also rescheduled customer meetings - the rain has definitely allowed for longer and more effective consultations when discussing projects. Quote: Originally Posted by Beth n Rod Was your effort successful and why or why not? "You can't fight Mother Nature!" - We have learned to work with the weather as best we can. Quote: Originally Posted by Beth n Rod If the challenge is beyond your control what are you doing to try to manage your business in spite of it? Fortunately with our clients, the understanding that rain prohibits staining or sealing their project is always there. We have also explored a variety of add-ons to our business, just as we did when we had NO water instead of an over-abundance. Quote: Originally Posted by Beth n Rod Where is your business right now compared to where you thought it might be at the beginning of the year? We're a bit behind from where we'd like to be but not disappointed in the new type of customers we are finding this year. Also stepping up the continued contact with our existing customer base. Quote: Originally Posted by Beth n Rod Where do you see your business in the next 12 months based upon your specific area? With all of the additional services we are providing, our existing business plan is changing and evolving. The economy is allowing us to customize how we want to and are doing business. We are optimistic about where we will be at the beginning of next season!
  7. Spam or No Spam

    Stencil threads are obviously not spam.
  8. brick stains

    Call EacoChem. HD80 isn't going to do anything for that.
  9. What's your favorite coffee?

    Starbucks Cafe Verona - whole bean - leaded!
  10. U Call it.....

    I won a remote starter for our pressure washer & a new hose in Las Vegas Starter courtesy Tony ************** - ********** Value $100+ Hose courtesy *** (?)
  11. Truck completely burned up

    I think a number of us may get Charlie through this all :) Charlie, Roger is going to be in Wake tomorrow - give a call tonight if you need him to bring you anything....seeing as how your wheels are probably not moving at the moment!
  12. Truck completely burned up

    Charlie - call us today when you get time - Celeste 336-516-6356 Roger 336-516-6139
  13. Help stripping old sealer off stamped concrete

    Xylene or Xylol is NOT necessarily the best option on this.... While yes, for addressing bubbles in a finish, it will emulsify the existing product and cause the bubbles to "lay down", for removal, it is definitely NOT the most efficient or cost effective method and will cause more problems than you may want to deal with. Photos of the job would be helpful when asking for advise on issues. Without actually seeing the full extent of the issue you are somewhat describing, it is difficult to suggest the best remedy. You could have a $10.00 Xylene solution and a happy homeowner or a $10 Xylene solution that could cost you a lot of money AND a customer. Celeste
  14. Help stripping old sealer off stamped concrete

    Lowe's - Home Depot - paint stores
  15. Help stripping old sealer off stamped concrete

    Mike, Give me a call - I can probably talk you through this better than trying to type. We run into this with installs and later maintenance all the time :) Celeste 336-516-6356
  16. We had a bandit friend at the last log home project.....quite the ham she was also :)
  17. Not all work...

    Tracy are you having a mid-life crisis? :) And where's your helmet?????
  18. What up in the Scene??

    Mafia Wars will suck your life away :) Celeste (aka Master Boss [ELITE] 'Ticles)
  19. I had that same question when I saw it on the site - I definitely would not consider that a semi-solid AT ALL!
  20. That is COOL Scott! I want one!! Will you pm me the details :)
  21. Myrtle Beach help

    Here's Greg's booth
  22. Myrtle Beach help

    This is what we have used in the past.
  23. Don't beat yourself up - he's being silly. You've done your job as a professional - decks aren't buses :)