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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. If he called you to perform a service, you should take the role of the professional. If the guy wants something completely natural on his deck, tell him you can put straight linseed down and be back every month to clean it. I'm all for preserving the earth and all that but some of this stuff is just over the top IMO. But by all means, help him to promote nature's growth (of mold & mildew LOL) Did you go the route of - you have to have preservatives in certain woods. If he had wanted to be an all natural sort, he should have picked a hardwood :)
  2. "complete natural" is going to be complete mold/mildew within a month - stains/sealers that are effective have mildewcides and fungicides and all kinds of "cides" to help protect the wood. "Complete natural" won't have those and the wood is going to go downhill from there.
  3. UAMCC National Convention

    Back to the subject of attending.....October is so busy here. It will be hard to commit until much closer to the date for us.
  4. Trex deck cleaning

    Hey Jim --- something like Wood Defender?? I do love your suggestion of Clear RS!
  5. Live Cast from Sunbrite Atlanta Meeting

    I think that is Randall (mudduck)
  6. night work

    Twice a year we foul up two to three weeks of day work because of a night time contract. It is definitely in the PITA category right up until we make the deposit :)
  7. In support of Beth

    What amazes me is the continous reference to "women" in the comparisons. Frankly, the much larger majority of participants in these frays are MEN. I'm starting to refer to my 13 old daughter's middle school dramatics as acting like the boys on the forums. At the end of the day, all that should be in view are helpful, relevant threads, not the personal attacks on ANYONE, BY ANYONE. One other view on this...... This forum is provided as an aid to the industry by Beth & Rod. It is also a BUSINESS to them. Would you go to another company's job site and start raising a ruckus in front of their customers? What makes it okay to do it here. People's behavior here not only reflects on the public's perception of our industry, but it can also hurt the very people that make this site possible. If you like what is here, stay and be positive. If you don't, don't come here. How hard is that?
  8. Enough Already!

    Scott, you will certainly be missed. Losing a professional such as yourself is not only a loss to the forum, but to the industry as a whole. All of this line drawing and peeing on trees needs to stop. The damage is widespread.
  9. Xjet Soap Pail And Hose

    Have you tried downstreaming yet?
  10. dock cleaning

    Over water there is no "right" product - it's all a sticky situation. Beth & Rod are probably the most familiar with Maryland & water stuff.
  11. Crazy Wind

    Guys - be thankful it's not a drought! Rain makes mildewies too!
  12. Estimate for a 7 story condo.

    Better check with your insurance agent to make sure you're covered for over three stories.
  13. I was just saying.......
  14. FYI on the 200 series - we had a call from a hardwood deck owner that had 200 series on her Ipe - did NOT do well. Installed several months after deck was built so not on brand new installation - seemed to "wash" away fairly quickly as the deck is only now a yearish old. Didn't see it, only spoke to her by phone.
  15. Volunteer work.

    Press Releases are wonderful things. You're providing a service - out of your pocket - for the community.
  16. It's not just the cleaners that are the concern for getting back into the system, but what is taken off - most of the time, THAT is worse than what you use to clean with!
  17. Effloresecence remover

    Get back with EacoChem....you'll need to use Eff-ortless followed by NMD80 I believe. We have been successful removing calcification on historic brick with that process. Craig is right - done improperly, you can cause bigger problems than you have. Next question - have you adjusted your sprinklers to water the yard, not the house :)
  18. Effloresecence remover

    What does it "feel" like? That just doesn't look like efflo to me. How did you apply the SafeRestore? Diluted or straight?
  19. Corn cob blasting

    Do you have lead issues up there?
  20. Angieslist.com

    Be careful John - they get a bit perturbed that you actually use the Award for anything other than promoting them!
  21. Jack's back!!!!!

    WOO HOO!!!!!! Jack's BACK!! More 24 tonight :)