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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. First, you shouldn't guarantee 1 year on ipe, much less 2. The penofin should come off easily with a quality stripper. Defurring, if necessary, with defelting pads. I'm not going to start at debate about the stain. We know what works for us and for how long but you're in CA and we're in NC. Different altogether.
  2. My guys thought it was very nice - great coverage rate, went into the wood very well. The time & exposure test has begun! Celeste
  3. Here's our Super Cedar on OLD PTP - Do NOT look at the handrails (they're ugly & painted and we couldn't mess with them!) Celeste
  4. Price

    Okay Carolina Boys - let's back up and remember we're in the same profession, all trying to achieve the same goals. Charlie has a very very respectable business up here, as do we and I'm pretty much agreeing with the don't lower prices. Charlotte is a very different demographic - period. You don't have to tell us about the drought - it was HERE, way worse than further south. The PWNC made HUGE strides in keeping a lot business working. With that said, be a part of the solution, not part of the problem. If you have 18 years of experience in both pwing and business, you can bring something to the group. But, bottom line is, let's don't air this sort of stuff in public. Celeste PS - Please put a signature in (see posting rules)
  5. Final advice on stain for ipe

    Mike, I will be taking photos of some ipe tiles that we prepped and will be staining this weekend. Three colors will be applied (about 3 boards each) so you will be able to see the Warm Honey Gold, Brown Sugar and the new Amaretto shade that will be available soon. Celeste
  6. Vote for PWNC site

    BUMP! Wow - we fell right off the top 10 - Please go click on the Vote button - it's on the home page of the PWNC site! Thanks!
  7. Six Word Memoirs

    Perfectionist goals learning to accept life.
  8. Next door neighbors *****ing about the trailers in OUR driveway!
  9. new web site

    Found sp's :) Business (only ONE "s" at first)!
  10. What is my problem?

    Jayson - check out Contractor Events - Connect - Network - Succeed for map/calendar & lists of events to choose from.
  11. Deck Staining Help

    We have had some very nice results using CWF-UV5 as well as the Olympic GREEN label oil when we needed fill-in stain. Both spray very nicely with an airless sprayer if that is an application option for you. John Orr on this forum swears by Olympic. Celeste
  12. I've won a major award!

    Scott = Killjoy ;) Congrats John!
  13. Ditto to Jason, Beth & Charlie :) Celeste
  14. AC vs. Woodtux

    We're still using WT but are open to AC and testing it this year as well. Also going to give the Wood Sentry a shot. Celeste
  15. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    Is there some small print somewhere that says a boy has to learn to burn ants with a magnifying glass??? Roger is planning to teach my son this little trick - says every boy is supposed to know how to burn ants with a magnifying glass?!? I say NO. Is this a guy thing that I just don't get or what????? Celeste
  16. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    We've decided to compromise and leave the ants alone. Rather, the guys are going to remove fleas from the dog and burn them up instead :)
  17. bleach injection

    No one here puts chems through their pumps - downstreaming is chemicals AFTER the pump, hence, no problems with bleach in the components :) Celeste
  18. My first deck

    You may want to look into the PWNC, Stefano - it's a great networking opportunity. Couple of good wood companies on there as well :) We love our Wake customers! Welcome to TGS! Celeste
  19. Roger mixes up a bucket (actually he uses my cement bins! - flat, black things) of HD80 and one of Citralic. Pants go in one, then rinse with garden hose, then into the other, rinse, rinse, rinse, then to the washer :) It's not a daily thing - there must be multiple pairs needing the treatment! Celeste
  20. We do the HD80 thing with Roger's stained pants & some shirts (most t-shirts get the trash treatment) but HD80 does wonders with blue jeans! My guys love their carpenter style shorts/jeans. Also, for you camo type guys - the Walmart camo shorts take ALOT of abuse before they start showing wear - bleach doesn't touch them. Celeste
  21. The economy must make folks do really stupid things - like try to skip their professional maintenance WASH! Figured a little bleach water (turns out Outdoor Bleach 50/50) and 2300 psi would save a little $$$. Oops.
  22. Lake water on brick

    Steve - call Lyn at EacoChem - he can tell you exactly which of their fabulous products to use AND a distributor to get it from :) | EaCo Chem Inc. Cleaning and Restoration Compound Manufacturer |
  23. When we have to use Olympic, we use a Titan440i airless. Sprays beautifully.
  24. Anyone who deals with the public will enjoy...

    There is some seriously funny stuff on there :)
  25. I think a "me-mebership" is a great new term!