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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Ugh.....the Preserve - there's a band of unmentionable un-nationals running around in there doing ipe for .50 / sq foot....Just ask Kevin Frazier! Celeste
  2. Ditto to what Beth says....... The price bar around here for Ipe has been set higher than PT - don't underbid it!
  3. We have a specialty brick cleaning job to bid in New Bern, NC but I'm not driving 3 hours one way to take pictures. Would be willing to share the job with someone in New Bern wanting to learn brick cleaning. Call me 336-516-6356 if interested. Job will happen within a week to 10 days. Thanks, Celeste
  4. Anderson SC

    It's near Charlotte NC - John from Camelot is there.
  5. Richard - how's that baby girl? Give us a call sometime this week - trying to get a summer party lined up and want you guys to come (no work - just food & fun!)


  6. Beths number 1 www.seedirtrun.com

    Ron, are you saying because the company started in 2003 and they didn't spend 1000's of $$ and hours on their site.....they're not credible? There are "old" companies out there whose sites are still under construction. Doesn't look very credible either.
  7. My boxer

    Here's ours - Jake & Jersey (except Jersey went to someone else because she was stupid!) Jake we still have - he's 9 now :) Second one is my son's daily bath from his dog!
  8. And that works with you guys? I'm doing something wrong :( Nothing is sacred in Roger's closet!
  9. That's why we like the concrete finishing brooms - seem to stand up to some pretty strong stuff :)
  10. Bartering

    Oh yeah :) Probably mimosas too LOL
  11. We use deck stripper followed by a neutralizer then into the washing machine. Whole outfits or splashes, it works the same :)
  12. Bartering

    Oh please.......the whole bartering thing with commercial is not new. http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2986&highlight=restaurant+gift+cards&page=2is See post #21 from John Orr forward. Our limited commercial desires with a certain food facility got us paid in food certificates for two years, yes......but that is often up to the management. New manager, new cleaning contract for less $$ than we were willing to work for. Not only that, but every CEO/Business owner/Property manager lives somewhere. W have done residential work for a CEO biggie who has in turn, hooked us up with over $15K of commercial wood work first quarter of this year at his statewide retail locations because we did such an outstanding job on his personal home. For this he gets his maintenance cleanings at a discount - whoop-tee-doo. Sometimes, it all comes down to taking care of he who writes the checks.
  13. Removing Black Streaks

    Depending on your location, a professional supplier of contractor grade products will help your bottom line. No disrespect to those who utilize products readily available on box store shelves, but you need to be able to separate yourself from products available to homeowners. Concrete cleaning we use F-18 from Pressure Tek. You can get similar products from other vendors using a search for concrete cleaners or sodium hydroxide based cleaners as your search term. With that said, are you cleaning "established" concrete or "green" concrete - residential or commercial? There are many variable associated with cleaning different areas.
  14. Bartering

    Bryan - she may just be working on the whole "you never know until you ask" thing. If you HAD an immediate need, it would have worked out well maybe. I'm with Ken on the no dollar for dollar thing. Out of pocket is bad for business! I don't think a medical student loan qualifies equally to purchasing materials for a job :)
  15. We have found that a softish concrete finishing broom (18+") on a pole is a wonderful back brusher when spraying on deck horizontals or wood siding. Swipes quite a few boards in one pass!
  16. New Flyer for the Summer Season

    Did that - still get the error....on here AND on the other site. What is wrong with my computer?????
  17. Welcome back to the NEW TGS on version 3.7.0!

    I LOVE the new features :) This is going to be fun!
  18. What is the most effective way to get jobs?

    Yard signs can be effective if you work out something with their yard guys....they're notorious for pitching them. Our experience has been that in the higher end neighborhoods, no one wants the cheesy plastic throw aways in the yard past the time the trucks are there.
  19. HD80 is all we've ever needed with the exception of taking off a horrific homeowner application of Sikkens DEK. Penofin should easily come off with a sufficient dose of patience.
  20. Rick - did you find that once the crusty was off that the wood was actually in nice shape? That was our experience on a dock we worked on.....looked like absolute hell when we estimated and cleaned up unbelievably well.....like the crust had protected the wood actually. Celeste
  21. Adrian, send them to me and I'll put them up for you :) prowash2@carolinaprowash.com
  22. Nice work Dane :) You staining?
  23. Woodrich vs. Woodtux

    This is comparing spots & stripes.....new ptp (1 yr or less) versus wood that is 4-5 years old ..... Like Beth said as well, the wood treatment changes in that time period would be a mitigating factor. Even now, there are a variety of pressure treated woods on the market that could and do affect sealer application. Softwoods go through too many changes in the early period after installation, it just makes sense to minimize the effects by treating it early and then frequently if necessary in order to maximize the longevity of the wood.