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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Million dollar contracts.

    We bid a restoration job on a town - our bid was 1.8 mil - we got bumped off by a guy that bid $250K.
  2. Vote for PWNC site

    Thanks Chris :) Wanna put it on your daily things to do list? That site is a PR5 so us hanging and staying at the top is very helpful! Celeste
  3. Vote for PWNC site

    Absolutely :)
  4. Vote for PWNC site

    Bump again! Keep voting folks!
  5. Maybe Kevin can do a Youtube vid on stripping a deck for you
  6. Quickbooks?

    A monkey can pull the trigger on a power washer - but it doesn't mean that the monkey can do everything with the power washer that can be done. The offer still stands to NC/SC contractors - I am QuickBooks Certified and I am happy to (a) arrange a seminar and (b) provide telephone support. This is offered free to PWNC members as a benefit for participating. Celeste
  7. Quickbooks?

    I was talking about YouTube instructions and forum lessons being free (as in you get what you pay for). If I give a class, it will involve classroom time and hands on computer learning....I was simply making an additional benefit to PWNC contractors but if Ron has them covered - hey, more free time for me.
  8. roof wash

    http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/search.php?searchid=458654 You should be able to find your answers in one of these :)
  9. Quickbooks?

    And don't forget - it will be FREEEEEE!
  10. Quickbooks?

    I don't suppose it matters that I am QuickBooks trained & certified - seems one can learn anything through YouTube or forums anymore.
  11. It is a great article :):lgbow::lgbow:
  12. Quickbooks?

    Pat & Dane.....get together and pick a date that you guys can be at the same place at the same time (in between where you are :)) and we'll do a mini class to get you up to speed. Or, we can try a conference call so everyone can be looking at their computers. Celeste
  13. Quickbooks?

    Not EVERYONE has employees that they can designate to or a "spouse" that they can count on to pick up the ball. No, the program is NOT rocket science, but add learning basic accounting & another computer program to your already long day - my hell people - some people WANT some instruction from a professional. Frankly, both of you could stand some grammar & typing courses! Argh!
  14. Quickbooks?

    Hmmm.....maybe the PWNC needs to arrange a QuickBooks Pro "course" :) Celeste
  15. Trade job for learning??

    Dane, call Roger :) 336-516-6139
  16. Matt, if you land this one, it would probably be worth the $$ to hire a professional photographer for the pictures. That is going to be one spectacular portfolio addition!
  17. With that much glass = lots of masking - got a figuring question for you :) Considering the lots of additional time & materials needed to do the mask prep & clean up, would you include all of the square footage of the property (including glass) in your calculations? In other words, Diamond Jim is saying $4 sq for the PITA factor. Personally I'd be saying about the same for the WOOD alone, but even at that, the additional time & materials on all of that glass definitely deserves a charge of its own, don't you think?
  18. Cedar Deck Cleaner Advice

    Ditto to what Beth said :) We just put Woodrich Stain & Seal on a new Cedar deck after prepping with EFC-38/Citralic. We have also applied Wood Tux to cedar pickets on a second project which was prepped with HD-80/Citralic.
  19. Vote for PWNC site

    Vote again today folks!!
  20. Not certain how this would work for you - we had really nice flat terrain but we stain through our Coress Wand:
  21. Vote for PWNC site

    Did you keep the same phone number?
  22. Coress dealer?

    Roof Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Glenn Sheppard @ Ace Cleaning is great!
  23. This ipe & cedar deck was a referral from Beth.....the customer also spoke to a couple R-A-D contractors - we got it and had such a blast working with this customer! This is what we found.....neglected ipe flooring & rail caps with cedar railings badly stained with penofin. Her current contractor was in the process of making a mess.
  24. The "and more" was when we got to play with the furniture! The Mexican slate tables that we found were an unbelievable asset to this deck!
  25. We removed the old and "new" stain from the cedar and did a light strip on the ipe. All was stained with Wood Tux WHG. Our customer was beyond happy with just this result: