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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Question for NC and SC PWer's

    Close to Winston is CST - we get 15% as well as our EaCoChem products from them. You can click their banner on the Vendor page to get to their site. Keep watching the PWNC site for the yellow dots on the maps - they will indicate suppliers of equipment, chems & service :)
  2. done in a day

    I just want to know WHICH Olympic product you used?
  3. Roger uses a 10 gpm for wood - goes twice as fast as cleaning with the 5.6 :)
  4. done in a day

    Yup - definitely interested in which Olympic can be applied on the same day
  5. Actually, that was my first thought - if that sealer had been intact, it (the RS) would have simply sat up on top and been easily wiped off. Most concrete sealers should have been perfectly fine with a SH cleaning, but using a solvent was probably too much. IF the spot, when wet, goes BACK to the color of the rest of the patio, spot seal it lightly - if not, the sealer needs to be redone anyway. Even concrete sealers need maintenance and you may be providing one for less than you should be getting on this one!
  6. One stance we're taking - moreso now than before the drought - is that performing proper cleaning as well as regular maintenance IS being greener since cleaning impervious surfaces regularly helps keep storm run-off cleaner. You can't be green if you're not clean!
  7. Estimates - how do you handle them?

    Jim that is an excellent idea :) Gives me an excuse to go to Starbucks now!
  8. We would absolutely NOT sacrifice anything that would compromise our quality, so I guess cutting corners on products is out. Lots of little "cuts" could make a difference so maybe re-evaluating phone plans, being more careful how to route jobs & estimates, making sure that whatever we have printed this year will be something we can use in a different arena next year, slightly smaller ads if we choose yellow pages. I guess none of those are as much cuts as just better money management. Well - I did ditch the lawn guy - we'll be cutting our own grass this year :)
  9. Florin.....you should just plan to come this direction for about two weeks and travel the east coast :)
  10. New construction

    You probably need to watch those wood handrails - NMD80 is buffered well but it's still an acid and could discolor that wood.
  11. New construction

    Wouldn't use muriatic on that house period. You should check with EaCoChem or Prosoco for a proper new construction detergent that you can safely apply on either surface with no chance of burning or damaging the substrate. We'd use NMD80 (EaCoChem) for the entire project.
  12. Quickbooks?

    Dane.... We LOVE our QuickBooks! One of these days, we should get together and you can see several of the things we use that have helped us immensely....sort of a mini-test drive before you buy stuff :) Celeste
  13. Are you all reading this??? LOL - Jeff, I'm going to look you up when your daughter turns 10! Teens doesn't start at 13 anymore :) Celeste
  14. If we consider everything from 5 years ago and now - we're definitely MUCH better! There's something to be said about knowing that YOU are controlling how your life is :) Now, if we had employees that were counting on us (our company) to sustain their families - I think I might have to be nervous with everything going up because you're having to work harder AND smarter. We are definitely on the same page as Jeff : "My kids give me drive, motivation and the love for life that I have never had before, no matter what, bad economy, bad curcumstances whatever, I will truck on through what ever comes my way and I will be a success."
  15. Are you a DBA, LLC, or Inc.

    Unfortunately, any corporate veil can be pierced.
  16. Are you a DBA, LLC, or Inc.

    That seems odd - LLC or S-Corp or Sole Prop are TAX statuses and shouldn't have anything to do with customer protection - isn't that what insurance is for? We're an LLC - it's always been something our customers have gravitated more to (the LLC or Inc) - they seem to think that you're more invested in your company if you've passed the sole prop level?
  17. Ipe advice

    Ditto to Beth. We have found that our ipe customers are VERY appreciative of our advise, even if it is waiting.
  18. Pat, it could be the copper leaching from the wood....fairly common in the new ACQ treated stuff. Pictures would definitely be helpful :) Celeste
  19. LOL - I asked for that one :) Technically I would say "no", I did not. In a perfect world, wadding up a sweatshirt/rag to use to wipe stain should not fall into the "discard oil soaked" category! On the flip side, being aware of how warm your hand is getting would be a good indicator that it's time to change applicators? Celeste
  20. Hence my question mark :) It made no sense that it was heating internally with no air, but that is what was happening. The outermost layer was at air temp but unroll the entire rag and the center was like a firecracker....very weird. Celeste
  21. I had an experience with a WTW blend heating up on me due to too many layers of my preferred applicator (old sweatshirt)....out of direct sunlight, low to mid 60's for temps. It just doesn't like to be folded or wadded up where no circulation is allowed?
  22. At the risk of sounding like a smart a$$, what do you want to compare? RS won't light up in your hand - WTW can....however, if the appropriate precautions are taken - as they should be always with certain stains - you shouldn't worry about a wet rag lighting up in your hand.
  23. So, with all these conversations about reclamation & recycling water and what's acceptable or what's hazardous......take a look at this link and see what is okay for you to DRINK per the EPA standards. :lgbugeyes University of Cincinnati - Drinking Water Quality Doesn't look like their version of clean is too healthy in some areas!
  24. Vote for PWNC site

    Yes please......:)