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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Do you Accept Credit Card?

    Dane, we have found in our area of NC, it's not worth the hassle or fees to be able to accept credit cards in any way other than PayPal. I can say that we have had ONE phone call in nearly 5 years who hung up on us because we couldn't swipe a card. Anyone else who wanted to use their card (again - very low percentage of customers) had no problem using PayPal. Although the interest rate that PP charges might be slightly higher than a credit card company, the no monthly charges/no minimums makes up for it and then some. Celeste
  2. Need NMD80 help...

    Hugh, NMD80 will take care of some "white stains" on bricks. If you call EaCoChem and explain the discoloration in detail, including if it is powdery versus crusty or even hardened, they will tell you exactly which product to use and explicit instructions of how to do it. Roger will be home tonight if you want to call him directly. 336-516-6139
  3. New Brick wash.

    Dane, there are acids that are safe.....we did a church area that housed an afterschool program with no problem Now, with that said, you can't wash with kids running around but you shouldn't be washing with anything if there are people around anyway. Give Roger a call if you want 336-516-6139 He can give you tips and information on bidding and doing the job. Celeste
  4. New Brick wash.

    If no acid, what specifically are you cleaning off? If you had exceptionally neat masons and there are no tags or smears, just cleaning mud, just wash it but in order to get tags, smears, or red Carolina clay stains......you're going to need acid. Who is saying no acid? Celeste
  5. Managing our industry

    I know you'd be here if you could - watch for us on TV! Take care of those babies :) We're heading out the door! Celeste
  6. Managing our industry

    Hey King......what are you doing up?
  7. Managing our industry

    Aw c'mon Jeff.......I kinda liked being the Queen for a moment - how am I supposed to be a Queen if the King abdicates? LOL
  8. I need to build something

    Reusable drop cloths for staining that won't catch fire no matter what is on them but don't let stain run down like plastic. Or a really good shield that is light like cardboard but won't saturate or burst into flames either :)
  9. I need to build something

    I've seen remote controls for switching machines on/off or chems on /off but if I recall correctly, pricing was ridiculous. Can you build a better mousetrap?
  10. penofin

    Not certain exactly what you're looking for in terms of "anyone's good results", but I used "penofin" in the search bar and got 68threads with it in there. Celeste
  11. Wow, restoration versus replacement. Bet your bid was a bit better :)
  12. PT State Down?

    NP here at all :)
  13. skid unit burner

    We pipe straight up - lost it's little lid a while back but never caused an issue. Celeste
  14. The best solution we have found at this point is to be knowledgeable enough about what affects the VOC changes have occurred and simply let our customers know what to expect. This is a WTW/WR blend on Ipe at 10 months. Definitely light but not graying or dingy and at this stage, a light clean/recoat was very simple. Our customer expects to see us between 8 - 10 months. Ipe owners who want the aesthetic beauty of that freshly oiled look should KNOW that more frequent maintenance is what has to happen at this time. Folks that say Ipe is "maintenance free" should get smacked like the Trex folks did when they used that phrase.
  15. dperrin - under the circumstances in Atlanta, is it even allowable to do the residential stuff that Service Magic leads are for? Also, and I know the majority have not had good results with SM, but we've figured out how to play their game. You CANNOT put yourself in a market for (oh this is going to sound offensive although certainly not intended!!) generic services like housewashing. Every Joe with a pressure washer will whip you on price. Service Magic works when you have a specialized area (decks included) that has a very strict service area. DO NOT try to have a large service area - you can't compete with a guy that is 5 minutes away from a job that takes you 45 minutes to get there...unless it's a high dollar (meaning 4 figures or more) project. Our experience overall with Service Magic has been very very good. We may be in the minority though! Celeste
  16. You know that saying....you get what you pay for? We have stripped some pretty fierce stuff with HD80. A cheaper imitation may cost less up front, but when you have to use twice as much, where's the savings? My .02 :) Celeste
  17. estimating Sheet

    Sorry - I can't even retrieve them now. There are other versions throughout the thread (might want to start at about #100). Also, there is a different one here: http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/documents-forms-proofs/2951-requested-estimating-sheet.html
  18. Thanks Dave....it has definitely evolved over the three shows we've done. Unfortunately having to skip this year - all of the shows are predicting slim participation due to drought conditions in the area. We're hoping to have a very impressive set up ready for next year though! Celeste
  19. Here's how we looked at the last show we did in '07
  20. Can anyone solve this?

    Well I have a dumber question.....what does this have to do with chemistry?
  21. The Cleaner Network

    Ditto. Spoke to Steve yesterday. This chapter of his life is closed. After what he contributed to this industry, respecting his wishes is the very least we can do.
  22. citra-kleen?

    Sorry Alan.....I didn't even check it, obviously either time! My bad. I should probably click before typing. :( C
  23. citra-kleen?

    For those looking for RPC Chemicals give Steve Flynn a call at 770-714-8656. Flynn's Detail Products - Automotive Waxes, Polishes and Detergents Steve will be stocking all of the RPC line. RPC Chemicals is no longer in business. Thanks to all for their support and business over the years. Not to worry the chemicals are still there, Steve is the one to call now.
  24. citra-kleen?

    Steve has gone out of business....do a search on here - there's a thread with the guy that is now selling his chemicals. Celeste
  25. Need some articles...

    I'm working on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!