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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Anymore Restora

    Check with Tom Vogel :)
  2. Good weather

    We're on the third of the season today - nice warm snap here :) Like Rick, I don't think we've ever really tried to figure out how many sq ft per hour either.....depends on what one is doing.
  3. We are really looking forward to attending this event! Don't forget to register and mail your check!! This one will be one to remember :) Celeste
  4. New business adventure

    Look into Quick Books - they have trained personnel across the US to help dingbats like me muddle through the program. Often it will definitely lead into her taking over...or something. Just my .02 worth - let her go TO people instead of everyone coming to you. I'd give up major body parts for an accountant type person to come to my office instead of me having to pack stuff and take it out. Celeste
  5. name change

    I like "douse a house"......it's definitely different, covers both the house and roof which you do. You just need a great logo :) Celeste
  6. We have had good results with the two Spa n Deck projects HOWEVER, you need to charge accordingly. It is a two process system and it's not inexpensive. These factors have to be taken into consideration. Also, we put the product down almost 3 years ago - I think I may have addressed VOC changes with Flood but wouldn't swear to them assuring me that the formula was the same. Neither project has flaked, peeled, chipped and still look very nice after this time period. Celeste
  7. Flyer/Mailer

    FWIW, the Post office hates staples......in the past we have used the little round stickers to close - most office supply stores carry them. Mailing labels can be sliced. I may be prejudiced since tape & I don't get along :) Celeste
  8. Resignation

    Times change and things move forward. It is with these changes and forward motion that I now am resigning my position as Moderator here at TGS effective immediately. As much as I have enjoyed the company, the networking and the education found on this site, we are exploring other avenues that require our time and attention. You’ll not see much of us on any of the forums but stay tuned to some other interesting things we have coming out :) Should anyone need assistance in planning or promoting networking events, please contact me directly! Celeste
  9. Resignation

    We are most definitely not getting out of the business - I'm working on some other projects that do relate directly which is why I need to direct my attention there. We've had a real reality check as we passed our 3rd year in business - it's not playing business-owner anymore - and it's time to get down to some other vital things for us. As for the promotion thing, I have found something that I am good at and pursuing it as well....kids, college, mortgage, etc can use all the help it can get LOL. And see, I'm not even gone - this is going to be worse than quitting smoking! Celeste
  10. Educational Seminar

    Hmmmm.......you and Roger can ride in the truck. I'll take the MG and your wife can just ride with me - we'll be the hot chicks in the little red convertible! LOL Celeste
  11. Educational Seminar

    Hey Richard.....wanna carpool? Celeste
  12. Educational Seminar

    Fix your email address Paul - I clicked, I composed, I sent.....it bounced :) Celeste
  13. Who has the coolest avatar?

    Maybe we should have a "complete" avatar pageant with categories, cutest, most original, most applicable, most professional :) Celeste
  14. Cancer Fighters!

    Jeff, we will put out a donation bowl at our NC Contractor Networking Event tomorrow for you!! Celeste
  15. What are these guys up to?

    Adrian, Where did you see your stuff cut & pasted? We got an increase as well but we've done so well with them ROI wise I can't complain. I am so thankful of their web placement on ads! My service magic profile comes up far far higher than my own site - for now at least :) Celeste
  16. Contractor Event Nametags

    Okay, this may seem really silly to some of you but I need some input. Each attendee at the NC Event is going to have a preprinted nametag to save time on signing in. I've set up a poll to see which way makes more sense to you. You can laugh at me later, for now, please give me some direction!! Celeste
  17. t-shirts

    I've got mine! I now need two more :) Are there any left? Celeste
  18. Football Box--what numbers do u have??

    Well, an opening kick off resulting in a TD for the Bears might indicate a good night for them at least :)
  19. Contractor Event Nametags

    Couldn't possibly go there - you should see what I still have left to do! I can put your company name as Big Chaz if you like - then we can find YOU!! LOL Celeste
  20. War budget

    I get that but how about this spin on things: AMERICA DOES NOT NEED TO BE THE WORLD POLICE. Didn't we learn anything in Vietnam? We have our own wars right here within our borders. John T has pointed out countless times what he sees in the streets as a police officer. Would America not be better served to keep those same young brave souls AT HOME taking care of OUR citizens who are dying in drug wars (from outside of our boundaries) and gang wars (populated heavily with illegal aliens). The Ira and Stans have been around for centuries longer than Americans - exactly WHAT do we think we can accomplish by being in a war over there? They killed some of ours - we killed back. Rape & torture happens here EVERY DAY. Why can't we take the umpteen billion dollars and KEEP IT HERE?? Let these other way over there countries deal with themselves like they have been for centuries. I've never understood that or understood why we'd want to try to clean someone else's house when our own is such a damn mess. Need coffee. Celeste
  21. War budget

    So is there a list of all of the "Ira*"s and "*stans" and who's on which side. I just get confused. Seems that whole area would make a great sand box to throw our criminals and perverts into. Nearly broke my heart today to watch my daughter talking online via videocam to her boyfriend who's in the middle of Afgahnistan not knowing when the next suicide bomber is going to try to come through their gate. It's going to be doubly hard to watch her get on a plane in 2 1/2 weeks to go to Basic Training knowing that they could send her over there. I don't want to lose my child or any other lives over there - for what????? Celeste
  22. Copy of Walmarts RFP

    I can't get the whole thing read in time.....LOL Celeste
  23. Congrats Doolittle

    I'll toast to that! :cheers:
  24. Restora?

    LOL - No Ken, no Kool-Aid :) There is a strong desire though to continue supporting their contractors and helping them through issues. Celeste
  25. A Prayer for a Friend

    Our friend and colleague Jim Foley is going to surgery tomorrow. I'm putting this on the other boards as well: On Thursday am I would like to ask if everyone who reads this will stop whatever they're doing at 9:00 am and say a prayer for Jim Foley. I know prayers can do wonderful things and if we all do it at once, it has to be that much stronger. Thanks, Celeste I put this in the Wood Care thread because that's why we know Jim. To put something as serious as this in the Club House just didn't feel right.