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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Good post on another bb/Plug for GRE.org

    That's MS. to you Buster :) Thanks for the plug! Celeste
  2. Combatting low-ballers

    I have no qualms about giving what our minimum rates are on the phone. That pretty much gets rid of the first level of price shoppers. If they want to proceed further and can provide details about the job, I'll roll that around in my head and see if it's a job we want to pursue. I'd much rather spend 10 minutes on the phone than make a trip with the associated expenses. Celeste
  3. Combatting low-ballers

    In a word, prequalification. Lowballers in our area serve a nice purpose - they get the cheap customers who are price shopping rather than quality shopping. I don't want that type of customer anyway. We prequalify all of our potential customers over the phone before scheduling anything. Celeste
  4. Restora?

    I do know the Flood reps will be discussing the decision at the Round Table. As I understand it, A N is one of the world's largest coatings manufacturer and their primary focus is on wood. These folks are out of Amsterdam - land of no vinyl. On the upside, they are introducing a composite deck cleaner since that product is making its way into the European market to compete with real wood. Who knows....maybe they won't stop with the Restora :) Europe may eventually see a benefit to that product as well ? Celeste
  5. Chris, we've never crossed paths but I have heard about you :) Please consider this a personal invitation to attend the NC Contractors Networking Event on Sat, Feb 10th in Greensboro, NC. There will be a number of discussions on wood there and two stain manufacturers will be displaying. If you'd like to see the whole 9 yards of what's going on, I'll be glad to send you the previous newsletters that have gone out. PM me your email address if you're interested :) Welcome back to the business & TGS! Celeste
  6. Political thread jump start :)

    Hillary Clinton 'in to win' White House - Yahoo! News Have at it guys - just keep it "nice" LOL
  7. Political thread jump start :)

    I'm fairly certain that it's illegal here as well. And, during other marital activities, evidently we're only allowed certain positions and the shades have to be drawn as well!! Celeste
  8. Political thread jump start :)

    Short Version of what's below in NC Law :) We tax people on their illegal substances! LOL 105-113.107. Excise tax on unauthorized substances.(a)Controlled Substances. - An excise tax is levied on controlled substances possessed, either actually or constructively, by dealers at the following rates: (1) At the rate of forty cents (40�) for each gram, or fraction thereof, of harvested marijuana stems and stalks that have been separated from and are not mixed with any other parts of the marijuana plant. (1a) At the rate of three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) for each gram, or fraction thereof, of marijuana, other than separated stems and stalks taxed under subdivision (1) of this section. (1b) At the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each gram, or fraction thereof, of cocaine. (2) At the rate of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each gram, or fraction thereof, of any other controlled substance that is sold by weight. (2a) At the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each 10 dosage units, or fraction thereof, of any low- street-value drug that is not sold by weight. (3) At the rate of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each 10 dosage units, or fraction thereof, of any other controlled substance that is not sold by weight. (a1) Weight. - A quantity of marijuana or other controlled substance is measured by the weight of the substance whether pure or impure or dilute, or by dosage units when the substance is not sold by weight, in the dealer's possession. A quantity of a controlled substance is dilute if it consists of a detectable quantity of pure controlled substance and any excipients or fillers. (b) Illicit Spirituous Liquor. - An excise tax is levied on illicit spirituous liquor possessed by a dealer at the following rates: (1) At the rate of thirty-one dollars and seventy cents ($31.70) for each gallon, or fraction thereof, of illicit spirituous liquor sold by the drink. (2) At the rate of twelve dollars and eighty cents ($12.80) for each gallon, or fraction thereof, of illicit spirituous liquor not sold by the drink. © Mash. - An excise tax is levied on mash possessed by a dealer at the rate of one dollar and twenty-eight cents ($1.28) for each gallon or fraction thereof. (d) Illicit Mixed Beverages. - A tax is levied on illicit mixed beverages sold by a dealer at the rate of twenty dollars ($20.00) on each four liters and a proportional sum on lesser quantities. (1989, c. 772, s. 1; 1995, c. 340, s. 1; 1997-292, s. 1; 1998-218, s. 1.)
  9. Do you believe in Powerwashing Organizations

    PWM for Life, Baby! Oops......did I say that out loud :)
  10. What else do i need ?

    Welcome to the board :) Please complete your signature information. Also, there are a number of great threads on equipment - use the Search feature on the task bar. You may also want to look in the vendor sections to see who you may want to contact. Celeste
  11. Political thread jump start :)

    Cigarettes are a prime example. My kids RAG on me about smoking cigarettes. That whole commercial on MTV...truth.com....where they show wild ads indicating how many people die from smoking as compared to other things. Seems like this would be the prime place to start with drugs. And it is the illicitness of things that make them more desirable....drugs, prostitution, underage drinking & smoking, other people's property....the list goes on. Celeste
  12. Hey....yeah, here's the ticket. Let's just overlay it! Celeste
  13. Do you believe in Powerwashing Organizations

    The only comment I will make on this at this time is the value should be delivered EQUALLY to ALL members - little ones, big ones & board members alike. Celeste
  14. Do you believe in Powerwashing Organizations

    Poll is up - I only made it a Yes or No. Answering all of the "opinion" stuff needs to be handled within a post. Celeste
  15. Political thread jump start :)

    What a beautiful son you have Ryan - Congratulations to you and your wife! Might as well get used to taking that back seat because your wife just delivered her new obsession :) Who knew the love of her life would be short and bald! LOL Celeste PS - Vote for Ryan!!
  16. Well, I asked in a thread somewhere if folks wanted on this newsletter mailing list about the NC Contractors Networking Event.....I briefly saw where two folks wanted to join but didn't jot down the names at the time and now I can't find it to add them. Anyone who is interested in receiving these updates (for at least the next week!), please either pm me or email me directly (prowash2@carolinaprowash.com) your email address and I promise I will get you added right away! Thanks! I hate to leave anyone out that is interested - this event is getting better by the week so don't miss out! Thanks, Celeste
  17. Hey, is that house on Beech Mountain? Celeste
  18. David, As long as you manage her expectations (20 yr old painted wood could turn out reeealllly bad), you might be okay on your pricing for winter work Temps are something to keep in mind with your chemicals though and with that much paint, you're going to use a lot of some product or have to go with some really expensive stuff. It is one helluva starter project! Paint removal is at the very top of our OH NO list :) What's on the other side of those benches - I've been to the houses up there...usually the other side of deck railings is a lot of AIR! Celeste
  19. What Is Your Next Level

    '07 for us means getting REALLY serious about properly running the business - better accounting practices. We tripled our income from the first year, tripled our equipment.....but still don't have any money??? I guess the real goal is to properly allocate funds and not have so much fun with profits! Celeste
  20. Roundtable--how far will you travel

    Last November we left Charleston SC on a Friday night, drove 6 hours to NC, unloaded the car from 10 days away working, slept a few hours, caught up on some deskwork & laundry, reloaded car to drive about 7 hours to MD on Saturday (with puppies!) Got to MD Sat night - up Sun am at 5:00 to ride 3 hours to PA for Tom's RT until late afternoon, rode 3.5 hours BACK to MD Sunday evening then rolled out 9:00 am on Monday 7 hours back to NC. Round Table was worth it....hot tubbing is always worth it :) Celeste
  21. Political thread jump start :)

    That's too funny :) Celeste
  22. Hmmm......seems the page has gone missing ? Celeste
  23. We also consider what is being done, clean, mild strip, severe strip.... Celeste
  24. Here's a fun place to visit to see who might be copying your text :) Copyscape - Website Plagiarism Search - Web Site Content Copyright Protection
  25. Depending on which H&C you're using, the surface does require a muriatic etching. The one we have applied is like paint, two coats and a third optional clear coat on top. Finish looks like painted concrete, nothing special. Celeste