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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Hiring Illegals

    MY question is.....if all of our manufacturing jobs are now being "outsourced" to locations in Mexico....how come they're still coming here? You'd think corporate America would start asking themselves exactly HOW BAD they've screwed up now! Celeste
  2. Rick Warren & Obama

    Isn't that how most all of them get into office? Celeste
  3. Just Curious Death penalty or not?

    If someone is unequivocably convicted of cold blooded murder, yes, enforce the death penalty. It is in place for a reason and if people have no respect for our laws or morality, no one should feel bad about flipping that little electric switch (myself, I'd just zap him lightly for a few hours before he got the full ride) While everyone is worried about whether that is right or wrong, and on another topic *****ing because taxes are raised or employment is down or illegals are stealing our work.....look at the cost of imprisonment of some fool on death row. Sentence them and get on with it....don't make me pay for his upkeep & legal fees. Celeste
  4. Just Curious Death penalty or not?

    Teenage....means he was breaking the law by being underage Drives intoxicated...means he was breaking the law by drinking & driving Runs a stop sign...means he broke a simple traffic law Kills another human being.....also against the law. Was it murder...doubtful. Tragedies like this happen WAY to often in our society. Should he be convicted and pay by life in prison ...... hell yes. He chose to break 3 laws leading to the breakage of a 4th, not to mention a Commandment. I'd have to vote FAIR. At least he gets the option to punish himself.....the other kid is DEAD. Celeste
  5. Animal abuse??

    What about "cat peer pressure" LOL
  6. Leaving the house

    Charlie :) I knew you were a baby - saw some other avatar of yours....you probably know some of my kids friends! Celeste
  7. Leaving the house

    18!!!! You cradle robber! I have a daughter - well two, that fit into that range and I'd kill them if they were messing with a 30 year old!!! C :)
  8. Leaving the house

    Oh that is not funny!
  9. Leaving the house

    Don - call me! I never leave the house....if you call me on my cell phone from your cell phone, we can walk out the front doors and both be outside but not alone!!!!!! Thad - you do the same :) Celeste
  10. Bottom Line is....

    Don, That is Cujo's (yes he does go by that :)) new marketing business site. Once you login, there's a great little freebie with wonderful marketing information....I'm participating in the telephone seminar he's having in January. I have a lot of respect individually for Cujo and his business practices - I feel like any business "advise" he provides is going to be well worth listening to! Celeste
  11. Question about equipment

    We've pulled a 325 gallon full plus 2 25 gallon chem tanks....guess a dual axle helps? With that said, we run a 9.6 gallon machine with a 225 gallon tank on our 2nd trailer - rarely have to wait for water. Celeste
  12. cleaning brickwork on new construction

    Hi Rando, We have had outstanding results with NMD80 from Eacochem. We apply with our x-jet. You do need to know what type of brick you are dealing with, mortar type & what the desired joint is, how long has it been up. Feel free to give Roger a call 336-261-3051 Celeste
  13. GET IN LINE! I have dibs if ever decides he doesn't want to have his own thriving company! Celeste
  14. vinyl siding cleaning revisited

    Ditto to Steve's chems - Bob's Simple Cherry is also very good :) If you're having problems with your downstreamer reaching those heights, give Roger a call....he can gets soap up that high with ours :) 336-516-6139 Celeste
  15. How to handle a telemarket.

    Did you forget to put the link in??? http://howtoprankatelemarketer.ytmnd.com:80/
  16. how to handle non-paying customer

    Here Honey :cup: Take a deep breath - it will be there, I'm betting real soon now! Celeste
  17. 2 questions.......

    It ain't pretty Mike. Check your pm box. Celeste
  18. Gutter Solutions

    Oh :) Blonde moment. Wait....I'm not blonde, just short on coffee today LOL
  19. Gutter Solutions

    Scott, are you saying to use the filter with a second product over top? :confused: Celeste
  20. Gutter Solutions

    Last foamy-type gutter thing company we spoke with said we needed to charge a MINIMUM of $8-$11 to install......haven't done one job. The stuff costs too much for installation. Celeste
  21. Gothrop Puppy update.

    Thank you!!!!! Celeste
  22. Gothrop Puppy update.

    He looks wonderful!!!! Thanks for the pics! My kids are totally amazed at how great the babies are :) Celeste
  23. Gothrop Puppy update.

    She's so BIG! Head in a pipe.....no surprise there :) I'd love to see updates on the other babies (other than reading....hint hint!) I will say that this is probably the most dispersed litter of puppies ever! 1 in PA 1 in NY 1 in RI 2 in VA 4 in various cities/counties of NC (managed to keep one close enough to visit!) I'm really glad that Cocoa has fit right in with the Schell family :) Celeste
  24. Interest in a get together, or roundtable in Arizona?

    Hey....we can all have our "local" RT's on the same weekend and teleconference them in together :) Celeste
  25. Here's this week's project.....the cabanas and walkways have finally been completed (mostly!) The shakes on the cabana roofs are ACQ, the walkway/deck floors & handrails are Purple Heart, spindles - all gajillion of them - are PT. Agenda for these: Clean & stain with Wood Tux blend :) Celeste