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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. African watering hole

    Let's try this again. Here's some neat information about the watering hole we're all glued to: Nkorho Pan is brought to you by Africam.com, ranked as one of the top African wildlife sites on the web. We pioneered the live web cam industry in Africa back in 1998 when we broadcast live images from some of the wildest places on the continent. This was a world first and fast gained popularity world wide. Technology has moved on and we are proud to bring you the first of our live streaming cameras on the Africam Wildlife Channel. Nkorho Pan is a natural water hole in the prestigious Sabi Sands Private Game Reserve, in South Africa. Nkorho pan is named after Nkorho bush Lodge which gets it name from the Shangaan derivative for the call of the yellow-billed hornbill, a common and unusual looking bird from this area.
  2. African watering hole

    Did anybody see the elephants today?? There were three of them....very cool! It's kind of like having your own personal zoo on your desk :) Celeste
  3. African watering hole

    We watched baby wildebeasts this morning!! The birds get boring and annoyingly loud but the babies were cute :) Celeste
  4. Average age at start up

    Welcome over Patriot.....please fill out your signature line :) Celeste
  5. Mortgage pay down

    Jeff, consider what kind of deduction your mortgage interest is on your personal income taxes. With the way your income is growing, you may find you need every personal deduction you can get and a mortgage still is one! Celeste
  6. Mortgage pay down

    Jeff, I still have my loan program on my computer....I used to do the amortization for my customers all the time. I can plug is extra annual payments, additional $$ each month, etc... to let you know how many years you'll shave off doing extra :) Celeste Actually, some of the versions of Quicken have those amortization calculators built into them. Microsoft Money may have as well.
  7. Restora

    Hey Steve :) 'Bout time you showed up around here! I can say first hand that Steve is a great rep to have around. Steve was onsite on the big Ipe project the first day we were there - I even have pics of him helping Roger out with some of the "spot cleaning" that had to be done :) Welcome to TGS! Celeste
  8. Both actually....Roger leaned over rails, I went in between cables and Christian (aka PressureWorks here on TGS) played Huck Finn on this job...... we figured since he was a surfer, he could handle the watery side of the job :) The dock contractor provided a pretty sturdily constructed "man barge" for us to use. We had all kinds of challenges on this job - always too windy to spray, cables were very close together, birds pooping at will all over, working with the tide, getting rocked by rude boaters or just large boats in general....and the no-see-ums were the worst. We did get daily visits by dolphins, fished & crabbed during lunch breaks (nothing like cooking fresh crab on the job site and chowing down!) The scenery was beautiful and outside of a few questionable days, we had fabulous weather for the most part. Celeste
  9. FINALLY!! Job is complete :) Here are some of the after pics!
  10. Clean Across America Thank You!

    John, The PWNA can only claim credit for the concept of Clean Across America (and that may even be debateable as to whose original idea it was). The work done was done by CONTRACTOR MEMBERS who wanted to give of themselves. It would be a great way to promote the org if the org would use it properly. Love the fact that Cleaner Times promotes it, but if the org is supposed to reach homeowners, the press releases need to get out, not just sent to the rest of the BOD. Even before we knew about CAA, we were doing charitable cleaning....others on this bbs have even recently posted about charity cleans... it is a great thing period. PWNA just chooses to promote what they want. Celeste
  11. Hardwood Floor Restorations

    Great chance of that in our zoo :) At least we're down to one last puppy! LOL Celeste
  12. Complete list of chemicals in PW

    I think there is a fairly good size list in the library on this bbs :) Celeste
  13. Hardwood Floor Restorations

    Hey - that looks like my floors!!! We'd love to give redoing our floors a whirl but what is the best manner to do so when the ENTIRE house is hardwoods - you would have to be able to function without a room for approximately how long? Celeste
  14. another sealerguy after me

    That was the Protocal guy, right? I like the type of contractor they're looking for :) Celeste
  15. Holiday lighting info

    There's a post on another bbs about installing Christmas lights in trees - using guttering & duct tape (can't wait to try that out) They charge $1.00 a foot to install, .75 to remove. Celeste
  16. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    After listening to opinion after opinion today on the talk radio station (only station we could pick up well on the jobsite) I came home to this photo in my email box. I think Kerry is a pompous ass...He hasn't even bothered to try to retract, back up & punt...nothing.........and this picture is HILARIOUS!
  17. Bartering services

    Can you send pics of the existing concrete? (1) It may be able to be repaired - considerably less than removal/repouring (2) We have a network of concrete guys same as pressure washing - I may be able to find you someone in your area that could give you a hand :) (3) Do you build decks? We could just trade houses for a week or so - I'll fix your drive, you rebuild my deck ;) Celeste
  18. P-Diddy the new James Bond?

    Here goes my naive self again..... One - I do not consider myself racist, although frankly I was definitely brought up to be so (thanking my military lifestyle for changing my upbringing!) With that said, black or white, there are some "icons" in our lives that need not be interchangeable. James Bond's character was created and has always been portrayed by a white man. Shaft, on the other hand, was written and portrayed by a black man. Neither was done from a racial standpoint....which was the basis of my comment about Kate Winslet playing an Oprah part. Actors ACT so ANY actor should be able to play any part. But let's face it......there are some parts that should just not be "rearranged". I can't speak to some of the other comments that were made - just wanted to make certain MY point was clear. Celeste
  19. Lab Puppies!!!!!

    Okay folks - our newest family members are 5 weeks old and need homes! These cuties are full blooded labs (NO papers). I can deliver to the ACR Roundtable on the 19th I still have the following chocolate females available!
  20. Roof Cleaning, Radnor PA - HELP!

    Euwwwww! When's the last time that house saw soap? Celeste
  21. got chems now the mix?

    I got the impression for the initial posts that they were doings houses and roofs as well. The point I was trying to make is that there are different application methods for the different type washes. Celeste
  22. got chems now the mix?

    For housewashing, you can adjust your chem mix appropriately for downstreaming - the time savings alone are worth still investigating. For throwing acid, we wouldn't use anything BUT and x-jet/m-5....there's just nothing better. Roof cleaners have their own set-ups that I would never begin to try to explain. We just look at the most effective delivery method for the job and what the time factors involved are. Bottom line is each application has its pros & cons for the surface it's going to hit. The invitation is always open to come up and look/test drive our setups. Celeste
  23. http://www.upright.com/products.asp?p=dl&rgn=us The one on ebay does look quite handy :) Celeste
  24. property management

    Cheap and offering volume translates into "bend over baby". You do NOT want to get started out in a situation where one contractor owns you and you potentially LOSE money. If you want some more details, call me. We did it first year and it was brutal....busy is good but it wasn't worth it when we crunched the numbers. Celeste
  25. First Deck

    You should look up Matt Bartholf (Wonder Wash) and see if he'll let you do a ride-along. He's in the Charlotte area and does some nice wood work. Doing a wood job is always easier if you've been "hand held" along the way! Celeste