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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. I spy

    I Hate Those Things!!!!!!!
  2. Saddam will hang

    Well, not one more penny of our tax dollars need to be spent supporting his rotten ass in our prison and/or justice system. I say take him back over there, drop him in the middle of the desert amongst those that would get the most satisfaction/revenge, whatever you want to call it, and let them execute him. Celeste
  3. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Shrido - you and your fellow servicemen & women are wholly supported from here! Thank you for what you are doing and why you do it. You stay right on your platform. Celeste
  4. P-Diddy the new James Bond?

    Well, if P Diddy can be James Bond, then I guess Kate Winslet could play Oprah's part if they ever remake "The Color Purple". Celeste
  5. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    I didn't wear one but I was married to an active duty Air Force member; my step-father and two uncles were in Vietnam, my father in law is retired Air Force, my daughter is leaving for basic training next month and my now better half served in the USMC during Desert Storm. I'm not certain I can agree with a forced draft, however, when my rogue teenage daughter was in ROTC in high school, I witnessed a DRAMATIC change in behavior. Maybe schools should employ more of a military type atmosphere - get them BEFORE they're 18! Celeste
  6. Lab Puppies!!!!!

    Wow - what a day!! We have no more puppies available unless John T. tells me he is going to pass on the yellow female. They're going to a variety of states - RI, PA, NY, and a few here in NC! Thanks guys :) Celeste
  7. Lab Puppies!!!!!

    He seems just as wild and wooly as the rest, just smaller. He has the prettiest color of the yellow IMO - He's literally a golden color - very friendly, doesn't hesitate to jump on one of his larger siblings or fight to get through to the food. Does tend to try to sleep on the top of the pile lately :) Celeste
  8. Hmmm...

    I believe this post originated to support ARMA position on the use of bleach & TSP. It subsequently escalated to questionable advertising/teaching methods. It definitely needs to swing back away from the recent personal digs - NOW. Thank you all, Celeste PS - Beth is out of town today - you guys better behave or she'll whack you when she gets back!
  9. Lab Puppies!!!!!

    Mike, I'm only about 25 minutes from PTI in Greensboro, NC and 30-40 from RDU in Raleigh. If you want to get all of the details, etc... and let me know :) We're going to Tom's Round table on the 19th - puppy could get brought that far north - don't know how much farther you are from there. Celeste
  10. I can find out what brand on Sunday - we're going back over to help the customer with a slightly crooked playset :) Used a 40 degree tip at about 400 psi. That 9.6 GPM rinse doesn't hurt either :) Celeste
  11. Lab Puppies!!!!!

    http://forums.thegrimescene.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5785&d=1159619434 Here they are :)
  12. Lab Puppies!!!!!

    It's on the 19th - we'll be coming to Germantown midday on the 18th :) Celeste
  13. Hmmm...

    Chris - please clean up your post and let's get past this stuff NOW. Doublejager2000 - please see the signature regulations and fix yourself up :) Celeste
  14. And just a couple more shots - The piece of wood on the bench in the 2nd photo was really beautiful!
  15. Here's a shot of the full project from last week :) Details again - Failed Messmers on Ipe, light strip with HD80, followed with Citralic and beautified with Wood Tux Wet blend :)
  16. Lab Puppies!!!!!

    How far is Salisbury from Germantown? Or are you planning to go to the ACR Round Table. I'm already scheduled to deliver one there - I'm real tempted to just bring about 4 with me (wait til Beth reads this! LOL) I'm betting I can find a couple of puppy suckers :) Celeste
  17. Lab Puppies!!!!!

    All of the babies above are still available - breakdown: 1 yellow male (our runt who is a darling!) 2 yellow females 3 chocolate females - not solid brown (since Dad was not a solid and then Mom was a yellow) I call them Banana Fudgesicle puppies :) I will try to continue posting pics - like I said above, they're very wiggly when they are awake on their own and hard to snap pics of but you can't see much of the color variation in the above photos. Celeste
  18. Lab Puppies!!!!!

    John, I just want them to have good homes....I don't feel like I can sell them since I don't have papers and I don't know much about their lineage (other than they are purebred) If I start incurring vet bills, I will only ask for that as any compensation. They are sweet sweet babies :) Celeste
  19. Lab Puppies!!!!!

    And the following yellows! The little fellow alone in the pic is the runt (you may remember Tater from the earlier posts on these pups). Tater is the only boy still available. (If these babies look droopy, it's because I woke them up to take pics - they're entirely too lively and wiggly to photograph during regular people hours!)
  20. Stripping IPE wood

    WHO was the total idiot that put that on IPE?!?!?!?!? That beautiful wood in that condition is criminal and if he doesn't pay to have it completely & properly restored.....well, he'll probably be calling you back to finish fixing the mess later.
  21. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    At least he hasn't completely insulted the entire military community in one fail swoop and NOT APOLOGIZED....pompous ass. Celeste
  22. Bartering services

    What kind of concrete work????? I like Missouri :) Celeste
  23. Housewash mix on stained wood siding - instant no-no for us :) That job should have been evaluated as a clean/stain, not just a general housewash. Percarbonate cleaner would have been much more appropriate if you could not determine the state of the finish prior to the actual clean. (Ahh, the test area!) Celeste
  24. This ipe deck had failed Messmers. Mild strip with HD-80 - temps were great so minimum chem with minimum dwell :) Brightened with Citralic. Stained with Wood Tux Wet blend - no additional tinting! Customers are so pleased they've signed an annual and are on the books for next year :) More pics to come of this one!
  25. Hmmm...

    Since I have no particular interest in reading Henry's article, I haven't, however, from the posts I'm reading, if he is promoting sodium hydroxide for cleaning roofs.....isn't that kind of the opposite of what was just recently published on roof cleaning in the Cleaner Times Magazine? Maybe Beth can actually post exerpts of what the PWNA endorses as well as her well-researched (I'm quite certain of good research with her) facts that were published. If I remember correctly, ARMA recommends sodium hypochlorite, the PWNA felt they should follow the AHJ on this one, which means that Henry/SunBrite is confused????? I am :) Celeste