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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. IRS Scam???

    We got an email from service@irs.gov today with the following information: After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of $63.80. Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 6-9 days in order to process it. A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline. To access the form for your tax refund, please click here Regards, Internal Revenue Service So I click on the link and the beginning of the url is this: http://mail.holy-tw.com/.../IRS/refund/caseid886432/pas.php?certegy_vm=trueportlet_change_1_actionOverrideFchaseonlineFchangeFsigninDetails_windowLabel_portlet_signin_pageLabel_page_signin This is not looking right to me, particularly when it's asking for my ssn. BUT, the home link on the page does take you to the IRS site? $63.80 is not enough money for me to get my identity swiped but wonder if the IRS has a department that handles this kind of crap?
  2. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If you share a driveway with your anal neighbor and can clean your side of the concrete, right up to the property line and leave all their dirt on their side, you might be :)
  3. Need help mixing raw chem

    I have to agree with Neil and Larry - mixing your own chems at this stage of the game is time wasted when you could be making money :) You also have liability issues when you mix your own that are alleviated by buying distinctly formulated products from manufacturers :) Celeste
  4. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    Oh that is so not funny - we had that happen last year during the time of year that $300 for a new w/h was not available for a couple weeks! Water hoses wrapped around the house and through windows. Lemme tell you how funky the water smells coming out of the tank - definitely NOT like regular shower water. My kids got out of the bath and smelled like wet dogs! Celeste
  5. Sealmaxx

    If I recall, SealMaxx can't be stripped as it is a product that virtually petrifies the wood from inside. It's supposedly stainable but as far as eradicating the SealMaxx product itself - NO ONE, contractor rumor or SealMaxx person, has ever answered my question of "what if the next homeowner doesn't like it - how do you get if off". Kennedy, if you pull this one off, I want to be one of the first to know what you did! :) ! Celeste
  6. Ipe! At present our best results are happening with WTW. We're very comfortable with its use and the colors are incredible! Celeste
  7. Flippin' Birds...

    See Scott! You're not a baby killer on purpose - this other guy seemed to relish what he was doing! A$$holes 'R Us might hire him. Celeste
  8. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If you water your plants and lawn by emptying your tank, you might be a pwer :)
  9. Big City vs. Small Town

    I grew up in a small town and as soon as I was legal - I bailed! I've lived in multiple countries and states with more opportunities to live other places BUT, when it came down to where I wanted to raise my children, coming back home to my own small town was a decision I'll never regret. We're only 3-4 hours from the beach, 3-4 hours from the mountains, 30 minutes to an airport if we don't want to drive. Stay where you're happy and teach your kids about the small town stuff -it may not be there when they're older anyway :) Celeste
  10. Do you wash in the rain?

    Torrential downpours keep us inside, lightening within a 20 mile range will have us running for cover but regular rain...we'll wash, especially brick! Celeste
  11. Concrete cleaning and staining

    Good catch Anthony! I skimmed the original post - saw size, walls, no drains and 4 trips! You have to be real realy easy on new stuff - better to push past the 30 day mark if at all possible! That H&C Acrylic will highlight any ripples or bumpies you put in the cream coat! Celeste
  12. Concrete cleaning and staining

    I'm with John.....we'd consider starting at $4/sq. We did an exterior drive with H&C, no sealer, no taping or other PITA factors and charged $2 two years ago. Celeste
  13. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If you clean your dirty tennies with a turbo nozzle, you might be...
  14. Need help in Chicago

    Michael H. Tropical Wave Mobile Power Wash "Exterior House Washing" "Professional Wood Restoration" "Beati Pacifici" Nextel 847-396-0695 TropicalWavePW@aol.com
  15. Mahogany doors??

    Yes, I know - which means I get no MINUTES off, much less any days :( Celeste
  16. I'm thinking we had a total of about an hour total dwell...may not have been as long if we weren't still learning about the patience thing last year and had done it right the first time around :) We still ended up sanding some places to get off remnants as well. Definitely a higher dollar strip job! Celeste
  17. Sikkens Cetol DEK is a fairly tough finish to remove. We had one last year that we definitely earned our money on. HD-80 did do the job though. The bids we've lost this year have been on DEK removal because we price them substanially higher. Celeste
  18. IRS Scam???

    LOL - you're right on that one!
  19. IRS Scam???

    I have corresponded with the IRS via email before, which is why this one made me look. All I know is that I seem to get every friggin' imaginable scam crap in my mail box these days - I spend as much time sorting through what Norton tosses around as I do reading legit mail! Celeste
  20. More money?

    Limeade, could you please put your signature in? Thanks! Celeste
  21. Mahogany doors??

    "Bueller" is off today :) Neil, those doors do look quite familiar don't they? Celeste
  22. frustrated

    Hmmm, seems like he could have pointed that out when you turned in your notice? Celeste
  23. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Kevin, thank you for sharing that. Reading an experience like that will jerk you back to the reality of faith and prayer - sometimes I find prayer falling to the bottom of my "to do" list. Thank you again for the reality check. Celeste
  24. The X-Jet debate

    Mike, give Roger a call....we have the same 5.6 3500 and our downstreamer kicks butt - he can tell you exactly what we've got on the machine :) Celeste
  25. What I Did Today

    Wow - I'll bet he didn't even care about that bill when he saw the difference! Nice job! Celeste