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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Need help in Chicago

    Where's Michael Heane? You can search for "Tropical Wave". I know he's in your area and does wood :) As for SealMaxx - I'd travel to Chicago from NC before seeing you go that route! Celeste
  2. new hazmat sheet

    Hey Now - I resemble that description! LOL Celeste
  3. Cedar Siding and Linseed oil

    For us personally, it's not that it's not doable, some of us just cringe at the thought of covering up beautiful wood :) Celeste
  4. Help !

    Ken - call me - I'll be around the office all day. Celeste
  5. Help !

  6. New toys

    Look what we found in my daughters toy box last night!
  7. New toys

    No, she does look quite ill doesn't she :) It's a bad shot of her - she's actually been quite happy to have us hanging around. I'm just not altogether certain that she's done having them....she's still a little bit lumpy! Celeste
  8. Here is an awnong I washed last weekend

    Oh that is so one of those days that you'd be meeting a water hose from the front porch! LOL Celeste
  9. Here is an awnong I washed last weekend

    Awning looks great Jarrod :)
  10. Here is an awnong I washed last weekend

    Oh that's just gross - hope you had your respirator on! Celeste
  11. We've found that it takes on a richer appearance. Kind of hard to describe :) Make sure you left cards for them to have available! Celeste
  12. One thing we've found with the WTW is that photos while the stain is wet are not indicative of how it looks at final curing. You may want to check back on it after 10-14 days or so. It will be stunning! You really did nicely for your first WT deck with tint ! Celeste
  13. You did quite a fine job there Doug :) Congrats!!! Celeste
  14. Look what was watching me work!

    The noises were quite similar with a few very clear explitives in the middle LOL If Roger could have caught the bird I'm sure he'd have drop kicked it into the next county :)
  15. HD 80 or F18 max

    We have had good results with TimberStrip as well :) Did not mention it since he asked specifically about the HD80 & F18. Celeste
  16. Look what was watching me work!

    Wait until you run into one in a dark place! Roger met one at night one time - unbeknownst to us the bird was in our garage. Their meeting was quite loud if I recall :) Celeste
  17. HD 80 or F18 max

    We prefer HD80 for wood - Love Stuttering Bob to death but the F18 Max for us has rinsing issues - evidently has a great soap package but we just spend too much time rinsing on wood. For concrete though - F18 Max is the stuff! Celeste
  18. Clip Art

    http://groups.msn.com/Hotwaterwizard/powerwashclipart.msnw?Page=1&pgmarket=en-us Celeste
  19. 18 x 24 ft redwood deck in San Francisco - needs strip (might be ugly!) Email me for more information :) Celeste
  20. 20 something Kohl's storefronts

    Turned down here as well......these guys are subbing - guess they think we all work for fun ;) Celeste
  21. Big Thanks to Beth & Rod

    Hey Guys, As we all get into our peak season, sharing pics, etc... we need to remember that while we're all busy, Beth & Rod are equally as busy AND maintain this great site. Not only is there a wealth of experience on this bbs, the other features such as the Photo Gallery and Library are wonderful resources for us to use and contribute to as well. Just wanted to offer up a bit of gratitude for this great place :) Celeste
  22. We're closing strip/seal deck jobs regularly at between $1.85 and $2.00 per sq ft - and we measure like Ken.....every square inch of wood 'cause we're going to apply to and touch every square inch :) Celeste
  23. We just finished a job for Trex...mold/mildew clean then seal. Getting $1.65 in our area - didn't even take the pressure washer. It was a good day :) Celeste
  24. Just plain poed #2

    Brent, Go to your local (to the job) Clerk of Court and ask the procedure for a Mechanicsman/Materialsman lien. Do you have a contract - before & after pics? Not necessarily required, but very helpful as "evidence". Celeste
  25. Restoring Concrete Driveway finish

    I agree somewhat with Jim. Depending on what you put on it, sealing would be an option, however, sealing your concrete just to be sealing it does have some benefits on its own. Celeste