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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. PWNA convetion

    Brent, We are planning to go however, flights are running in the neighborhood of $475/person....we have a suburban - I'm thinking that if we get another couple from NC to ride along, we'll all save some money! Celeste
  2. Unanswered Questions

    That was a good laugh! Definitely one for the wall :) Thanks Alan! Celeste
  3. Prep 30yo aluminum siding for paint?

    Matt, the gentleman that we got our equipment from actually stained his aluminum siding....It looks great! If you're interested in other options, I'll be glad to ring him up to see exactly what he did :) Celeste
  4. New Year, New Goals

    Barry, WRAPI has a program in place to assist contractors in doing just that - building an image, projecting your knowledge to your customers, providing printed brochures. You can check out the Image Builder benefit at: http://www.wrapi.org/ProjectImage1.htm Celeste
  5. Let's get the action going for today's games :) Panthers over the Seahawks Broncos over the Steelers Anyone else on my bandwagon ? Celeste
  6. Are You Ready for Some Football!?!?!

    :crying: No, it's just Celeste whimpering from under the chair :crying:
  7. What type of license is required?

    Brent, In North Carolina, there is no licensing requirement other than each township/city privilege license. Contractors licensing for us is really really expensive overkill :) Celeste
  8. Are You Ready for Some Football!?!?!

    Oh well, I seem to be on a losing streak already - GO PANTHERS! Celeste
  9. Concrete Acid/Staining

    Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! I want to come help you! Okay, if you get in at the right time, you can acid stain the actual slab to use as the visible floor treatment. Depending on what you want the final result to look like will depend on whether you add another microlayer of cement to the slab. Acid staining has a lot of variables - type of concrete, who pours it, grade of cement, etc... and with all of that comes the unpredictability of the results. The upside to doing this to the original slab is that you're not changing the original height of the floor only the slab itself and keeping that in mind, you can cover it very very easily if you don't like your result. The "resurfacing" that we do does consist of applying another coat of cement and either using an integrated color system or hand coloring with more than one color. I'm not sure if what Jim does is the same - most acid staining is more alike than different but his overlays may have different methods and maybe he'll pipe in here as well :) Celeste
  10. I quit

    Yep, deck scheduled for staining today - supposed to be 68 and 10% chance of rain......wake up to torrential downpours. I'm back to just going out the front door - WEATHERMEN SUCK!
  11. Show off your business card!

    Here are our latest and greatest from Keith at KBK Graphx :) Roger's information will be on one side and mine is on the other side of the card.
  12. Grandma's Birthday

    Scott, I am fortunate to also still have grandmothers (2 + a step actually)......write her stuff down! Everything she remembers, marriages, kids, etc... get a notepad, take a tape recorder. So much changes in a lifetime and unfortunately, memories fade. It is enormously special to be able to see across the generations and believe me, when age starts getting the better of the memory, it's a sad sad thing. Cherish this woman and preserve her history :) Celeste
  13. Tape

    We've used the painters tape then put duct tape over it with good results. The painters tape alone is not water resistant at all and will fall off whatever you've stuck it to but adding the duct tape over it has worked well - extra step in set-up, but less mess later :) Celeste
  14. Yes or No

    I'm with Larry on this......we've often told clients that what they are requesting is over cleaning and that with our chems & processes, we will save them money and save wear on the substrate as well. Many clients only know what the guy before you told them, which is likely that more is better (since it is/was for them) Jeff, with the reputation that you already have established there, these people aren't going to be surprised that you are offering to do less work, but they'll still be pleased that you're looking out for them :) Celeste
  15. What Do My Mentors Think?

    Back away from the "project temptation".....you'll start developing pack rat tendencies :) and before you know it, your yard will be overflowing with "out there" idea piecy parts! Celeste FYI - Wive's hate that!
  16. Wood restoration, brick work and resurfacing.....roofs, yuck. We much prefer to stay close to terra firma. Celeste
  17. Couldn't you build a Phelps style wand, just longer....give you flow control with a ball valve up high and let gravity assist the chem flow down? I also recall Matthew Johnson has told me he's applied chems through his extension wand.
  18. Superbowl bound

    PANTHERS ARE SEATTLE BOUND!!!!!!!! Loving it :) Celeste
  19. Pick for NFL playoff weekend of 14-15

    We're going to Seattle, we're going to Seattle - all wearing our BEARSKIN pelts! HELL YEAH PANTHERS!
  20. Pick for NFL playoff weekend of 14-15

    Carolina over the Bears 17-13....Go Panthers!
  21. Pick for NFL playoff weekend of 14-15

    Hey Shane....are you picking the Panthers?
  22. Happy Birthday Mike!

    That's too funny :)
  23. Happy Birthday Mike!

    Ahem.....mi, mi, mi, mi, miiiiiii. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to Mikey! Happy Birthday to YOU! Celeste
  24. Happy B Day

    Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to Scott! Happy Birthday to you! Be very glad you only have to read this and not hear me singin' :) Celeste