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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Newbie

    It means you're a new member of the family here :) Celeste
  2. Wicked Spider!!!

    Uuuuucccckkkkgggghhhhh, Habu snake....yes I remember - also never saw one either thank goodness. The shells - I collected them, no problem :) The sea snakes were something else! We were in Oki from mid-89 to early 92. Celeste
  3. Hey Steve - when's the cookout! Celeste
  4. Thank you to our TGS Site Supporters!

    Sooooo, don't you guys get a little trophy and a site supporter banner for all that you do? That's kinda messed up. Celeste
  5. House wash mixture

    Adding to Mike's already wonderful explanation...the x-jet also prevents chemicals from running through your high pressure hose as well :)
  6. Its a NEW YEAR

    Happy New Year! Best wishes to all for a blessed year and HUGE PROFIT MARGINS! Roger, Celeste & the rest of our household :)
  7. Thank you to our TGS Site Supporters!

    Whew! Got in my last deduction for the year ! Thanks guys for a great site! Celeste
  8. I believe that Ken Fenner has this type of structure on his housewashing - I personally don't see how one would apply this in the wood field. Then again, we may be on the anal retentive end of how we want the end result to be and to what extent we will go to achieve it ? Celeste
  9. Sooo...Was Santa good to you?

    Decocrete FX...... the website is www.decocretefx.com You can see a demo there (but you can't play with it) Celeste
  10. Sooo...Was Santa good to you?

    A big rock? A little rock? A rock counter? A diamond type rock? What kinda rock? Celeste :lgsideway
  11. Sooo...Was Santa good to you?

    I got a killer software that allows me to place various concrete overlay and landscaping scenarios on photos of my customer's homes (not pre-loaded houses!) Got a bunch of cool tool bags as well ! Celeste
  12. Russell - do your stuff! Milkshake - we have EFC38 on hand if you need it sooner than it can be shipped. Celeste
  13. Look at the Extreme Solutions product line - EFC38 will clean (and if mixed strong enough has stripping capabilities :)) We're not far from you, if you want to see some samples of cedar cleaned and restained with Wood Tux, we've got them! Celeste
  14. F-18 MSDS Needed

    Craig - I gotcha covered :) Check your email. Celeste
  15. Supporting this board

    Carlos, your support of this bbs and WRAPI are unparalleled. Thank you :) Celeste
  16. Supporting this board

    I didn't know you could do both - I personally like the ads....thanks for pointing out that you can get the best of both worlds :) Celeste
  17. commercial contracts info needed

    Brent, We are only about 45 minutes from you - I have some contracts that have been provided to us by corps operating in our area. Give me a call sometime, especially if you are doing new construction interiors - I may have a really good contact for you :) Celeste
  18. Ryan, Another beautiful option for spindle types is to use copper.. Here's a pic of a home in the mountains - I photographed it just for the railings idea! Wish it was a better pic but I think you can get the gist :) Celeste
  19. What would you say the safest degree difference would be? You were saying from 40 (deck) - 125 (water) would cause cracking/splintering; an 85 degree difference is a lot, but what about around 35-45 degree difference? 80ish degree water isn't hot by a long shot but is warm enough to give the chems a little assistance. Celeste
  20. I'm thinking no if you're using a proper grain media - it would be as if it had been sanded to begin with? Celeste
  21. You like that, huh? LOL :) Jon, when you sandblast decks, are you literally using sand or some other media? I've seen the mess that cob leaves - how bad is sand? I can definitely see some pros to using a media blaster as opposed to chems. Celeste
  22. Need Help- Domain Name

    Ken, I think www.pressureprosinc. is quite appropriate since that is your company name. It's also really considerate of you not to just add the "s", although Scott does make a good point - folks that accidently find them rather than you will see what a "real" pressure washer looks like :) Celeste
  23. As far as decks go, yes you are correct, is most definitely better to let the chems do the work, use as little pressure as possible and traumatize the wood the least. The only reason that I interjected other uses and procedures is that there is always a circumstance somewhere that the basics may not apply and the thread started tilting slightly before the editfest :) Celeste
  24. A good bit of this thread has been edited/deleted, however, the methods that have been suggested here are all viable in certain circumstances. It is not unusual to see a turbo being used on logs - logs still being wood, but very unlike deck or fence boards. Also, I have read that western states, specifically California, are encouraging the use of Ipe for decks, etc... because of its burn properties (comparable to concrete). Ipe is so hard you could just about use a zero degree with full pressure and still not cause damage. And certainly if the weather calls for it, warming the water up enough to aid the chemicals is not incorrect procedure. A blanket comment about techniques is not always appropriate, especially when there are knowledgable pros in the conversation. Celeste
  25. What this is boiling down to is that different contractors have different methods that they are successful with. Just because it may not be the way someone else learned it doesn't mean it's wrong. The same applies to chemicals, which is not what this thread is about, but still, what works for one may not work for another for whatever reason. This forum is for contractors to be able to ask questions, post useful information and share ideas and methods. No one should be subjected to bashing of any sort for their way of working unless of course they're hurting something (environment) or someone. Let's all play nice. Celeste