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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Announcement

    Pete, as we in the industry have all appreciated your efforts over the years, I am certain that your family will appreciate your presence at home even more! Enjoy your time in the way that makes you happy - you only have one life :) Celeste
  2. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

    Everyone have a safe and Happy Holiday Season and the very best wishes to all for a prosperous 2006! Roger, Celeste & the Gothorp crew :)
  3. New Organization Formed

    Thank you Michael! I wish your and your organization all the best and truly look forward to great things! Will there be a downloadable application in the near future for membership or is it just simpler to call the office? Celeste
  4. Ept

    WAY TO GO MRS. JEFF!!!!!!! I know you guys are already excellent parents and Josh is going to be an awesome Big Brother! Congratulations :) Celeste
  5. Prayer Needed

    Shelby has improved - there are updates posted on the Cleaner Network. I'm sure that Morgan hasn't the time to visit and update each bbs. She is regaining motion in her right arm and leg, a large improvement since Thursday. Morgan says her speech will be the last to return as it was hit the hardest. Please continue the prayers! Celeste
  6. Prayer Needed

    Coming from North Carolina here too Morgan - please keep us as updated as your time will allow! Celeste
  7. Yep, you read it right - Roger's getting put behind bars and I need all of your help to get him out!!!!! Please click the link below for more details of his imprisonment and how you can help!!!!!! https://www.mdaevent.org/ONE/ParticipantInfo.aspx?j=8ff8a1db-742a-4307-a455-0e3dd8f969d7 Thank you all for being such great friends and colleagues! I know I can count on you! Celeste
  8. New Organization Formed

  9. Roger's Getting Locked Up!!!!!

    And away he goes! It's still not too late - and we still need help on the bail!
  10. Do you have Harry Potter fans in your house?

    We took the kids to see it while we were in the mountains - it was okay - I was personally a little disappointed. Without reading the book, I could tell that they had to leave a great deal out to squash it all into the movie time frame. Amazing how these kids have grown up though! Celeste
  11. Chemicals

    SunBrite is the distributor for EFC-38 :) www.sunbritesupply.com Celeste
  12. Roger's Getting Locked Up!!!!!

    They're coming to get him at 9:00 am on December 6th - We're getting there but all the bail isn't raised yet! Still need help!!! Celeste
  13. Chemical help

    We do new concrete ALOT in the development we work in. It's more delicate (what a funny word to use to describe concrete) than older concrete. More often than not, we won't use a chemical at all since it is so new, just hot water. The dirt should come off with a rinse. The tire marks may be a lost cause if they drove on the concrete before the cream coat cured enough. You may have to tell your builder that you will do more damage to the concrete trying to get those out than he has with the marks. If you need to go a chemical route, you'll need a butyl based product to "melt" the rubber. Again, you have to be careful not to compromise the cream coat. If the mud doesn't want to go with just hot water, you can go with oxalic, however, this is not a "spot treatment" product. If you put it down in one spot, you'll need to at least mist the entire surface so you don't get a splotchy end result. Also on new concrete, if your surface cleaner is adjustable, raise the deck all the way up to avoid the chance of any swirlies :) Best of luck :) Celeste
  14. This is an ipe floor on a screened in porch. The wood is approximately 2-3 years old with no sealer.
  15. I used a piece of cardboard next to the brick and simply ran a tape barrier on the white boards. Since it was entirely hand done (and I have the black & blue knees to show for it) it was more because I get wiggly-handed. Had we sprayed it may have been a bit differently covered. Celeste
  16. Hand rubbed with Wood Tux Wet, 2:1 with water - no tint added. (and now it's time to get a new camera!)
  17. After application of Citralic and thorough rinsing.
  18. Roger cleaned it with EFC-38 at a mix ratio of about 6:1.
  19. new to wood cleaning

    Us too for the "give a call" part. (You are going to get as many opinions as posters on here.) :) Celeste
  20. Roger's Getting Locked Up!!!!!

    Bail funds are coming in!!! Keep up with our progress as the convict goes up the steps! Thanks everyone!
  21. Tupperware

    oooh oooh I am I am! celeste@carolinaprowash.com Thanks Mike :) Celeste
  22. Pwi

    *** has been returned to it's normal channel programming :) Celeste PS - Don, hope you find everyone and everything okay!
  23. Nasty nasty grout

    Okay guys - the grout in our bathroom floor has gone beyond gross. I did a clean on it last year with something specialized (of course don't have the name or bottle anymore) I've tried the bleach route but it's just not getting as white as I'd like it too. What is your opinion on using oxalic acid on the bathroom floor......since it works so nicely on sidewalks, etc. I'm wondering if it will brighten the grout up so I can seal it and keep it that way? Celeste
  24. Nasty nasty grout

    I'm going to just overlay it - I need to practice and it's going to be a great sales tool....... As for the regrouting......I failed to mention that these are teeny little 1" tiles and the floor is about 6 - 10 ! Celeste