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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Business plan, or not?

    Ours was always in our heads and never hit paper, however with the expansion plans we have for other services, I can't wait to come up for air after Thanksgiving so I can get some stuff on paper. It sure will make it easier to determine if we've met the succcess that we think we have :) Celeste
  2. We've had better results with Steve's rinse aid. I believe he's supposed to benefit - that would be the purpose of his business. The support that one gets from their supplier is more often than not, what is worth the extra penny or two in difference in a product. Celeste
  3. weep holes troubles

    The issues of ladders, extension poles, agitation, etc... are great! We do not employ our downstreamer or x-jets for anything more than chemical application, however, to avoid using ladders, we will use extension wands and their attachments such as brushes for rinsing or scrubbing. This method is not for everyone either - that pole can get heavy! We actually use our not leaving the ground as a sell point but we also are fully aware that it cannot always be done this way! Celeste
  4. Need chemical help

    It's probably F-18 you were referring to...www.pressuretek.com :) Celeste
  5. total deck restoration

    It's easy to be quick on the trigger when there is no thought involved - your work is very nice there :) Celeste
  6. total deck restoration

    Portfolio shots for certain!
  7. total deck restoration

    That is stunning work Michael - what a dramatic difference! I'm sure your customer was pleased :) Celeste
  8. Advice for first time Dad?

    Well Steve, congrats on the new little one :) You have your hands full with three in those stages! Celeste
  9. Finally finished deck

    That's just beautimous Michael :) If that's "the one", you did an amazing job...if it's not, what's on it? I have customers that would love that tone :) Celeste
  10. Starting New Company

    Wow - you're gonna fit into this family just fine :) You've just displayed that you have what it takes to make it, ie, the nerve to ask the questions, the stomach to take the hard answers and the intestinal fortitude to forge ahead! Someone that wasn't cut out for this would have just gone away - Welcome to the Grime Scene Family! Hope to see a lot more of you around here!:lgangel: Celeste
  11. waterbase

    We used Deckscapes and had a mildew nightmare within 3 months! Celeste
  12. Advice for first time Dad?

    I get amused when they change how a baby is supposed to sleep every couple of years - I've had 4 and all 4 slept in different ways according to the experts - 1 on back, 1 on stomach, 1 on side tilted toward back with support and then the one who insisted on sleeping "sitting" in his rocker seat more than anything. All were pacifier lovers! We have been blessed with no serious health problems but I can see where a new parent might question which way to go. I do know that keeping the infant in the bed WITH you for sleeping/napping is not advised (although it is very easy to do, particularly when breast feeding). Seems to be the time of year for Mike's to become Daddies! Celeste
  13. What a beautiful job! Excellent work guys :) Celeste
  14. Labor for Learnin' House Wash

    We're working in the Myrtle Beach area beginning 11/7 - could make it a combo trip with us and Jeff! Celeste
  15. Advice for first time Dad?

    Oh here's one - gross, but better prepared than not. Projectile vomiting. It is monumentally frightening to have your tiny little beauty introduce you to what seems to be gallons of milk spewing 5 feet across the room. When my first daughter did this to me, I thought she was possessed and that the next trick would be her head spinning around (which by the way happens at age 15)! This can be caused by changing formula types or when switching from breast milk to formula. Scary stuff ! Celeste
  16. Starting New Company

    There are several companies on this bbs that will disagree with me and say "I started with a machine that cost less than $800" but I'm going to be the "baddie" here and tell you up front - if you want to be in the business seriously and last until next year, you're not going to do it with $800 of equipment. Something will die of exhaustion - either your machine or you. There are accessories that are almost mandatory to allow you to compete as a successful pressure washer and if those are falling into your budget, there's not enough money there. Your insurance is absolutely a necessity....why risk everything you own or wish to own by not being insured? In this sue-happy society we live in, you can't be too prepared. Also, given the state you're doing business in, you need to be well informed on the EPA and know how to handle your waste water issues. Use the search feature up top and start researching chemicals, equipment, etc... This is not an inexpensive business to get into and although it's not rocket science, there is chemistry, physics, mechanics, accounting, marketing and then good basic common sense. I'm sorry if I've come off as the voice of doom or sort of bitchy but hopefully I've pointed out somethings that you really need to think about and address. This is a real profession, just like electricians or mechanics and requires commitment of more than just one day's pay to get going. Celeste
  17. PITA days

    Hey Jon - he's just in S.Carolina, but still with rich folk :) Jeff, hope you feel better soon - you're going to be busy if ole Wilma heads up the coast! (If you guys need to come visit us to get out of harm's way, we'll make room!) Celeste
  18. Advice for first time Dad?

    Okay - I have 3 girls and a boy - I will tell you that a girl can and will pee just as far or farther than a boy...just because there's no hose there doesn't mean there's no force, only less aiming capabilities :) Play classical music! Very soothing to infants and you'll be amazed at how much it can calm your own nerves. Learn CPR specifically for child/infant needs - pray you'll never need it but it is better to be prepared than to not know how. Watch your language - you can say "mama" and "dada" 40 million times a day waiting to hear it. Say "sh*t" once and they get it immediately! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! It flies by - mine are now 20, 17, 10, and 7. I miss babies, even though they still act like them at times. If you have a girl, buy stock in femine products and toilet paper! Trust me, there's your college fund :) Most importantly, even though your close family is your primary support circle for you, you've got extended family here! Your new family will always be in our prayers for health and happiness! Congratulations and let us know when the little one arrives - we will expect photos! Celeste
  19. Thought this might be fun for all...

    What a blast! We're there now:) Celeste
  20. Labor for Learnin' House Wash

    Wow - that's a pretty big net there! We're in NC - I'll check our schedule if you want to travel here :) Celeste
  21. Stain Brands

    Wow, that's some good information. Can that occur in hardwoods as well as PT lumber? Celeste
  22. Gum Busters

    Thanks Scott - you beat me to it :) Cool looking gadget, but you are correct about pricing - makes you think it's probably pricey. Celeste
  23. Gum Busters

    Tony Szabo has a vapor cleaner thingie he uses. I'll try to find the link that he posted on another bbs. Celeste
  24. what a day.......

    In reality, I see no legal ramifications about contractors reporting nightmare clients to a system. It would seem to me that, just as with the Fair Credit Reporting Act or BBB, one has the opportunity to rebuke a complaint or bad report with the Credit Bureau or BBB. If a client refuses to pay and all reasonable means have been taken to collect, they can be reported to the Credit Bureau - that's not considered libel or slander. If handled discreetly, ie: "Client's expectations were beyond the agreed upon scope of work" could be translated into "the jackass wanted me to fix his gutters although it wasn't in my original contract and withheld payment because I'm not a gutter fixer". I don't believe that one could report to an agency anonymously so false allegations or over exagerated situations would probably not be common. It sure would weed out the icky customers and let those who don't think they're icky get educated on their attitudes. Celeste