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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. The squrrel speaks the TRUTH

    Where did you find that? Even with the language, the message was still there. Celeste
  2. Gas prices

    Scott, you are one of the unspoken heroes in times like these :) Celeste
  3. Gas prices

    Wow Philip, Thanks for the reality perspective (and I'm not being sarcastic either). Celeste
  4. Hi All... New Here...

    Welcome to the bbs :) Congratulations on taking the best first step (researching). Take advantage of the wealth of knowledge you'll find here - the search feature is a great tool but don't let it stop you from asking if you can't find a specific answer! That's why we're all here - to help each other so we're all more successful in this industry! Celeste
  5. Gas prices

    At present we're not forcing any increases - we're trying to plan better routes...folks who want estimates completely understand that we're not going to drive 30 miles for nothing to do them right away, however, if they will wait for a couple days when we're scheduled to be closer, we'll be happy to give them their free estimate. We are making phone calls before we pull out to confirm that there has been no delay on a site being ready on other type jobs so we don't waste gas. The biggest tragedy to this is that with the natural disaster that happened, when folks feel the heartfelt urge to give to those who were physically harmed, this other BS happens and prevents us from doing so - because we literally can't afford to spare anything.
  6. Hurricane Katrina

    Don, I think this is a very generous idea - are you asking your client to make the donation or are you going to send in a lump that you hold out of the fee? Celeste
  7. Who has Worker's Comp?

    .For premium and coverage purposes, officers/owners are exempt - your premium goes through the roof for you to be covered. It does not however, relieve anyone that you do work from for being responsible for your injuries should you have an accident.
  8. New House Cleaning?

    Cleaningman....do a quick search for North Carolina Pressure Washers on this bbs - you'll find a thread about a Round Table on September 24 :) Put your info on the thread and I'll add you to the list! It will be well worth your time to attend. Celeste
  9. We love our Coress Power wands. They run just under $500 at www.pitchwitch.com Steve Rowlett www.rowlettpressure.com has come out with a Magnum wand that is very similar to the Coress that may even be slightly improved (haven't touched one up close yet :)) I believe their prices are comparable. They may seem a little pricey, however, when compared to the fees you can potentially pay a chiropractor....sooooo worth the money :) Celeste
  10. The X-Jet debate

    Once we got the "mix" from the x-jet out of the way and got the downstreaming mix right (only one try:)), we fly through housewashing with no extra hose, no buckets to spill. For new brick however, we'd never try it without our x-jet :)
  11. New House Cleaning?

    Cujo echoes the procedure that we have in NC as well, although we get a little bit more. The quantity is what drives their prices down so you have to be very efficient when doing these types accounts. They can be very lucrative - we have an entire subdivision that is being built. For $145 they get the vinyl rinsed, the sidewalk, driveway, garage floor & back concrete pad washed. If there is brick, we get an additional piece of change for cleaning it. When you can knock out 3-5 in a day, it turns out okay. Celeste
  12. Hello all.

    Welcome to the bbs :) You'll have no problem finding a company to tag along with here - if it gets too cold in NJ for you, come on down to NC and visit us. Celeste
  13. Smoking Ban

    Go Phillip!
  14. Smoking Ban

    It all comes down to common courtesy, something that folks don't adhere to much anymore....you know that old "Golden Rule" thing. Like I said before, why not just get a decent filtration system, put the smokers in another section and keep everyone happy and the non-smokers healthy. You'd think the government would be more concerned about air quality as a whole OUTSIDE, where no one has a choice but to breathe. I just love driving toward a big city and seeing the yellow cloud hovering over it. Makes me want to carry my scuba tank everywhere.
  15. Smoking Ban

    Wasn't this a question of whether the gov't should be allowed to force business owners to ban smokers?
  16. hey celeste

    They are beautiful :) Ours are just monsters.. Jake, our male was pushing 120 before we put him on a diet. He was the litter runt also :) He hangs out around 100 now but thinks he's a lap dog. Jersey is only a year old....she may catch up to him yet - she's my donut baby....only dog I've ever seen that when she's excited and coming toward you, you have full view of her face and tale pointing at you at the same time. Celeste
  17. wood defender

    The silicone in Wood Defender is seriously and hugely negligible and is not in the product for anything more than performing as a wetting agent. We have used both Ready Seal and Wood Defender and they go on just alike - very comparable products with the exception of price and the option of a fence stain. We have been able to apply a second coat of WD in some places the day after the original staining with no problems. I know if you call Brent or Todd at Standard Paints, they can answer any questions or concerns that you may have. Celeste
  18. Iron Wood Boat Dock

    An Ipe boat dock - must be nice! Sodium percarbonate cleaners would be our choice over water but I don't know about the oil & gas stains you're dealing with - could be a nasty pain. The brightening step will be your biggest problem over water - better to go with citric acid than oxalic I would think. Applying the stain shouldn't be as much of an issue - timewise it won't be as good because I would think that spraying would be riskier than padding or brushing. (We'd love to come help out on this if you get it!) Celeste
  19. Any of you guys in the San Diego area do wood? Have had a lady contact me about her Ipe deck in that area - seems she can't find anyone over there with any Ipe experience. Email me :) Celeste
  20. Apparently very nice wood :) In my research about Ipe, I do recall that this wood has about the same fire retardancy as concrete! Celeste
  21. Smoking Ban

    As a smoker and a resident of NC where an awful lot of the stink sticks are made, it's annoys the crap out of me that I am judged by the way I choose to spend my money. We get taxed to hell on cigarettes but my buying them supports my state's economy. Who ever posted about the restaurant owner being the one to have the right to decide - GOOD FOR YOU! If I want to eat out, I want to have my cocktails with cigarette and an after dinner coffee with my cigarette. If a restaurant owner wants to cater to both smokers and non smokers both, it should be their choice. Someone should be spending more of their time developing ways to filter the air or something that's not going to further injure revenues for us taxpayers. And yes I smoked whilst composing this rant!!!!!! Celeste
  22. Here's what happens when the wrong things are done! Builder told HO that he needed to wash his new Ipe then spray ATO on (did not bother to tell him about back brushing). HO did one half of deck - next morning it was awful so he tried to strip himself. We'll be starting this one this week as an "emergency" :) No posts, spindles or handrails - should make things a little less complicated :) Celeste
  23. Anyone can get your info

    I certainly have aged badly compared to my photo over in the gallery, don't you think? celeste
  24. He's a happy man now :) Says his deck looks like the photos that he looked at before he tried it himself ! We put Honey Teak on the Ipe then for the PT boards, we mixed Honey Teak with a little Mahogany Flame to match it all up.
  25. Truck Lettering / Mag. Signs

    Hey, I've been known to hand cards through windows at stop lights - great way to corner construction companies :) Celeste