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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Land of Nuts & Fruits

    Parents are failing all over this world....again, look at Columbine. And looking at the welfare system, one can see how education is working on *** education......Have babies, collect check. Irregardless of what religion one chooses, choosing to live that way inevitably would keep you out of trouble more so than in it. I'm done. Celeste
  2. Land of Nuts & Fruits

    The Bible can be taught interdenominationally (is that a word?) The Bible - what it says, not interpretations. Just the 10 Commandments for pete's sake...not full blown A-Z. I'm afraid I've sent this thread a little left of center. My only point earlier is that there are laws set out that are not followed, not by society, not by schools, parents, etc... If His laws were just mentioned, things may be different. Celeste P.S. No one has ever stopped me from saying Grace over my meal either, but I remember in the private school I attended, we did it as a class before eating.
  3. Land of Nuts & Fruits

    I believe that Bible studies should be taught by appropriately educated teachers - not math teachers and that they should be an ELECTIVE, not a requirement. I know as the parent of four children, I'd damn sure be happier if my children were learning things from the Bible instead of *** education. I believe that there is no reason not to allow prayer in school at specified times (gee what's the harm of saying grace?) or at the beginning of a sports event. Bottom line is that we are failing as the village raising the children - think of what tragedies could have been avoided had "Thou shalt not kill" been followed at Columbine. Celeste
  4. Land of Nuts & Fruits

    Well, while everyone is pounding our legal system and our country's questionable morality, let me thump the Bible for a minute. If people practiced living the way God had intended, none of us would be having this conversation.....but we can't teach this in school? Go figure. Back off the pulpit :) Celeste
  5. Defurring Pad

    It's more like a scotch brite scrubby pad. They work great until they start leaving little black thready things in places. :) Celeste
  6. Land of Nuts & Fruits

    He wouldn't last 5 seconds in my state! Send him on - I ain't skeered! I'll whoop him with my Nobel Prize :) Celeste
  7. Purple Power

    We've used it on oil spots on driveways to help - worked pretty well actually. It's what we'll tell DIY'ers they can use. Celeste
  8. Two years is the max for Ready Seal.....it's time for a recoat anyway. Percarb wash, let dry, apply new coat.
  9. Todays project

    You guys did a great thing - although I am not personally surprised at this act of kindness. I know it will mean so much to her when she gets back :) Celeste
  10. Credit Cards

    We've been accepting credit cards this way with absolutely no problem. Money goes in and I can transfer it to our regular business account with a mouse click or I can leave it and use our PayPal debit card. I noticed that both of the links posted above while concentrating on slamming PayPal, also are soliciting for their own credit card processing services. Celeste
  11. Land of Nuts & Fruits

    No, it will be some money hungry parent allowing the child to be used as a means to retire early. Why don't they prosecute the parents for pimping their minor boys? They should be allowed to after this whole fiasco...child endangerment is what it is... The whole mess makes me want to puke - Celeste
  12. Mahagoney deck

    Take a look at the Cabot line of stains - the Australian Timber oil was formulated for hardwoods. www.cabotstain.com
  13. Hey Ken, Give me a call about that Stripex if you would - we may want to grab some up for back up. Thanks Celeste
  14. New To the Forum

    Hi Tim Welcome to the family :) Celeste
  15. SC123 is similar to mineral spirits or zylene (xylene) but it is hotter - takes higher temp to make it evaporate so the product that you're thinning stays thinner longer. Should be able to pick it up at a paint store (not home improvement).
  16. Bill, We did a Wood Tux deck with Beth & Rod last week - padded pretty much the whole deck. We will be putting Wood Tux on a deck on Monday here - if our airless doesn't do the trick without adding the SC123, we'll be padding this one as well. If you want to give a call to get our findings - feel free :) Celeste
  17. You should read this entire post.....particularly about the liability issues. http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3791&page=2&pp=15
  18. Window Haze?? Any Help

    The mess is probably more in the screens than anything else. Saferestore is safe on glass. It is possible that it was not rinsed well - you might want to call Lynn or Mark at Eacochem and just ask what their opinion is :)
  19. Words Women Use

    " Loud sigh"............ Celeste
  20. Favorite thing to cook on the grill?

    Drunk chickens have to rate at the top of the chicken scale :)
  21. x-jet help

    We started with an X-jet, got the M-5 and are now in the downstreaming mode. Not hauling buckets and tangling hoses is just too convenient. Chems go just as high as with x-jet/M-5. We'll post some pictures of the setup this weekend if anyone is interested. Celeste
  22. Well, re=-reading this thread....it seems that the stain people are trying to make a "longer lasting product" which means scary removal for our profession. We need to hop up and down on our chemists to develop the "anti-acrylic" stripper :)
  23. Spoke with my sister yesterday - she's in the midst of having her deck replaced. My offer: "Please let us come down and seal it for you". Her reply - I'm just putting down something clear myself (as I'm saying no...you need some better UV protection) - "I don't care if it turns grey, I just don't ever want to do anything to it again!" AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH Don't get me wrong - I love my sister and she's not usually STUPID - but at what point do people finally get it!
  24. Hello All

    Hi Mark! Check out the forums for your region - there's going to be some great stuff happening close to you pretty soon :) We're just up the road a bit, give us a call sometime ! Celeste
  25. Well, his stuff is quite gorgeous, that's for certain.