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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. As a homeowner, you would not be "expected" to know the same thing as a professional. If I were the homeowner and a pro told me there was a problem with MY deck stain.....I would be thankful - maybe annoyed that I didn't research well enough when the crap was put down, but that would be on me, the uneducated homeowner. If you want to be a wood pro, you need to learn to educate your customer!
  2. If you don't bleach it to death, ie, roof cleaning strength, it won't hurt it. Are you going to try to spot clean a deck?
  3. At the risk of sounding like an infomercial.......there are great benefits to joining a local network like PWNC Unlike on the forums (disclaimer: TGS ROCKS with information) within the PWNC you have a different kind of support structure to help you - which would include working with an established company in or near your demographic who has the experience with local dirt and a solid finger on what you should use to compose your pricing. Celeste
  4. I got this through our family grapevine - one of my cousins at Davidson College / Connor House is sponsoring a huge breast cancer fundraiser. For every click this video receives, .10 will be donated to Connor for Bosom Buddies. Its pretty cute - and really heartwarming to see this many young adults doing this for such a good cause. Please click (many times), pass it to your friends, post it to your Facebook. Thanks!
  5. There's lots of opportunities coming up :) Russ's is in Louisville KY the last weekend in May.
  6. So, here's the deal. Russ is having a killer Round Table the end of May (giving a skid away and I'm betting your a RT Virgin so you're a shoe-in to win it). You just need to give him a call. The drive isn't awful - save freight and learn more than you ever imagined!
  7. Shawn - From one Carolinian to another.................CALL RUSS I am not speaking ill of the dealer you're likely talking to, but I can almost bet money on the better deal and TECHNICAL customer service you will receive from Southside.
  8. $500.00 Contest !!! VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO

    Sorry Ron....it's the mandatory opt-in text (although that is a serious conflict in terms!)
  9. Wood = NO HEAT, low pressure. Why the aversion to bleach? They're pallets, not fine wood.
  10. That's the whole thing with all of these stains...and the dummies that are making the rules. By the time things go into effect, something else will have changed and none of the conversation this week will even apply. As long as the Carolinas are ass-backward and slow to make decisions - we'll continue using the best product for our purposes.
  11. VOC rules? HERE? As in North Carolina.....LOL. They aren't here yet! As long as we can get the good stuff off the shelves, the noose tightening hasn't happened.
  12. What's in your Tool Box(s)

    gremesmith - please complete your signature.....house rules. Thank you.
  13. Anyone in Texas know this website thief?

    Have you done a WhoIs on the site and sent him a WTF letter?
  14. Spray cart

    According to Bob - he doesn't have anything that fits anymore. Check with ACR or SunBrite for a Deckster or Decker5
  15. Debt Vs. Debt Free

    And there is your answer :)
  16. I would NOT do the front boards in the solid.....you will get noticeable wear on the top edge of that board because of the way it was constructed. Deck, risers stained, rails can contrast. You could two tone the rails as well.... Sorry for the watermarked pic.......if you need one without the embellishment for an example for your customer, let me know :)
  17. Debt Vs. Debt Free

    Okay now - if you have an accounting background, you should know better than most about investment and return!
  18. 21,000 month............Worst Ever

    Aw Adrian - you're the BEST signature Nazi around :)
  19. 21,000 month............Worst Ever

    Signature still isn't right after all these year either......just sayin'.
  20. Debt Vs. Debt Free

    How long will it take to generate the ADDITIONAL income that your new investment produces? You would want to justify that this new equipment will cause you to make XX thousands of dollars that you would NOT have made without it. Once you can be assured that the new debt is going to pay, you won't worry so much about it :)
  21. 21,000 month............Worst Ever

    LOL @ Guy......glad you said it - I was definitely thinking it!
  22. 21,000 month............Worst Ever

    Ditto to what Charlie said.