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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Duane, this homeowner used Cabot's Bleaching Oil to accelerate the graying process ... our biggest concern is changing the entire look of the house for just a housewash price. Carlos, in your REEP program, what do you do if they decide not to sell? Celeste
  2. To the anti-bleach folk: We went to the California Redwood Association website.....guess what they say to use to clean redwood....bleach & TSP. This is not a site for a product either. They also have links to the Forestry folks there. Now what? (Nothing like starting up the old bleach debate!) Celeste
  3. Yeah yeah yeah.........we thought about doing the work and letting it get paid when the house closes but I am a HUGE chicken! What if it never sells - bad bad bad! So back to the question......if we wash with percarb, we will still have to apply the oxalic? Celeste
  4. Yes, things are a bit off on this one....like I said the house is on the market so they're just not going to go for the whole job (not at the price we will be quoting on it). Realtor has asked for a house and roof wash. So if we use a percarb cleaner, we're going to have to come back and use oxalic? These people are not going to pay what we're going to charge to have to do 2-3 applications of anything I'm sure. I'm certain that we're going to be laying plastic on the deck and I can always be on there with the small washer or their garden hose rinsing the thing to death. They used a Cabot's clear sealer on this redwood deck last summer. The verticals still look great, beading water, etc... Floor could stand some attention but again - house and roof wash. Why couldn't this be the NEW homeowner!!!!!! BTW, the asking price on this home (along with the 36 acres) is $509,000 if that give folks an idea of what pricing is like in our neck of the woods.
  5. P/W falls 11 stories

    Check out this story......just another reason to (1) wear the appropriate PPE and (2) to always check and re-check your PPE! http://www.wavy.com/Global/story.asp?S=2989405
  6. Did you have experience

    Roger had done a little bit with another guy a couple of years back.....we researched and studied, planned a bit and jumped right in. Our strongest asset was our work ethic and common sense. Set your goals and work your tail off to achieve them, the rest will fall into place shortly thereafter. (And it doesn't hurt to pray and say thank you ALOT) Celeste
  7. First rule of thumb......no jumping in with both feet until you've done ALL of your homework! How busy you are and how much money you will net in the early stages depends on too many factors to list, just a few being, location, demographics, weather, what you want to do versus what you're willing to do, what you know HOW to do. Stick around here, search old posts and ask questions.....we'll all try our best to give you a good leg up :) Welcome aboard! Celeste
  8. Hey guys & gals........ Seeing that we're now "deck professionals" and can determine that our own deck cannot possibly be restored, we're using it as a testing/training ground :) Any newbies out there that are close enough to come by our house to practice washing, staining, stripping, etc... just to get the "feel" of what works......give us a call. We'll be replacing in the fall so it's the ideal guinea pig for the meantime. There are still a few boards left that aren't totally blown out - get one while you can! Celeste
  9. Pssssst!! Guess what?

    Alright everybody.......I'm not saying what it is but I will say that check the bbs on Friday for an important announcement! Celeste
  10. Start Date

    With housewashes, we've not stopped yet, we had 14+ houses in January, February has ramped up already - deck season will be starting up in the next couple of weeks for us hopefully :) Rain never stops us from washing (unless it's just torrential or there's lightening within about 10 miles then NO) Heck, it was snow flurrying on Roger last week during a house wash :)
  11. This is a deck that we are bidding on for stripping & staining. We have a price in mind to charge but at this point have not factored in additional for the "no access" upper level. We'll be bidding the house wash as well (this one has a brick front that was never properly pressure washed so can drastically improve there), driveway & sidewalk will probably be bonus if we get job. Thanks for opinions - Celeste
  12. Pssssst!! Guess what?

    NO WAY!
  13. Pssssst!! Guess what?

    Matthew.....shhhh (you can't answer)
  14. Roof Cleaning Forum?

    Don, Ask and ye shall receive :) Beth will be setting that up this afternoon! Celeste
  15. Caustics Safety

    http://www.psfc.mit.edu/esh/caust.html Mr. Phelps posted this link on another board - there is some very good information - one might even want to include it in their MSDS book :)
  16. Concerning PWNA

    She's looking at going bootstrap? Wants to be a JAG and let the Navy pay for law school :) (Which works for me!) She'd start her career with two stripes on her arm for her years in NJROTC I think. I'm liking the plan - best part is when she gets in trouble here at home now, I can just make her do push ups....lol Celeste
  17. truck license plate

    I love that one!
  18. Concerning PWNA

    Okay Navy guys (Howard, Henry & Carlos) - getting waaayyyyyy off topic here.....my 16 year old is in the NJROTC at her high school (she got some little bars on her collar today by the way!) What's your view of the Navy today and would you go back again? I'm not sure whether to encourage her to continue after high school or not. Celeste
  19. Well heck - you left Dodge off completely, which is what Roger drives! And I drive a GMC Suburban (not a pick-up or van) Celeste :)
  20. Come on Richard, dont you need to ad one more to that, or do I need to post a little story on the board. Roger
  21. Concerning PWNA

    Give the "ruler of the universe" my best :) Celeste
  22. Concerning PWNA

    The best thing that I'm seeing in this thread is courtesy, respect and sharing of opinions in a non-confrontational or unprofessional manner. My hat is off to all posters here. Celeste
  23. truck license plate

    Our company name: Carolina ProWash Plates: ProWash1 is on Roger's truck ProWash2 is on my suburban We also had our lettering guy do licence plates for us (NC only requires DMV plates on rear) so we have our logoed plates on the front of our trucks and cars as well :) Celeste
  24. Concerning PWNA

    One of the beauties of living in this country are our freedoms. The choice to join or not to join the PWNA is a personal and personal business matter. I've used the analogy of the new tool before - if you want to get this tool for your box, it's your choice. If it will aid YOUR business, great, if not....don't buy it. It doesn't make it any less of a good too for someone else to use. The reference to the organization as an "exclusive club" is getting old - there's no discrimination to who joins or not. New members are bringing new ideas into the mix that are being heard and implemented. Until there is another organization out there that makes it a GOAL to be the "voice of the industry", the PWNA can lay claim to being if that what they're trying to do. You cannot please everyone, no matter who you are or what you do. Membership does come with benefits and since they have my money, I know I am going to try my best to make it work for me. That doesn't mean that I think any differently about those who CHOOSE not to join because it's not for them - nor the other members who CHOOSE not to use the tool for what it's worth to them. Things are what you make of them - period. If it's no big deal that one can't see or post on the bbs - what's the gripe? If one is as happy or happier with answers and contact that they make on other boards - what's the big deal if the bbs for the PWNA goes more private? There are changes coming that are not bbs related and it can be good for the industry. Freedom of speech is another freedom, yes, but I don't believe that I have ever personally put down anyone who did not join so I feel it's unfair to feel like I am being looked down upon because I made a choice to be a member as a potential benefit to my company. I apologize up front for any toes I may have stepped on with this post but I kind of doubt anyone is sorry for stepping on mine. Celeste "The knee-jerk reaction Queen"
  25. Bid Format

    Aaaaahhhhhhhh - he's putting all the competition in one room to duke it out????? Should be interesting :) Can't help you then but I'll be mentally sending you good vibes!!!! LOL Celeste