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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Looks like the new pressure treated wood is going to have some new problems:
  2. Having a Roundtable

    Just make sure the bar is unfrozen! :)
  3. Having a Roundtable

    Oh you know we'll be there for hot tubbing mischief later ;)
  4. OSHA Question

    I've been searching the OSHA site, specifically as it pertains to residential construction for the following purpose - pressure washing when temps will cause icing - and so far I've found nothing to help us in our quandry, or at least to back us up on our decision. We're being pushed by our builders to wash properties when we know we'll be creating ice skating rinks. If someone was to slip, it would fall wholly on our company because of the way the contract is written. We are "refusing" to wash at this point for liability reasons but our contract also continously stresses compliance with OSHA and I was so hoping to find something to give a bigger bite (besides me:)) Does anyone know of anything in OSHA safety guidelines that might assist us? I'm about to determine that it's just plain damn common sense not to do it and that's why they haven't made a rule but I'm telling you, these builders are from another planet. Thanks, Celeste
  5. Business entity

    The bad credit thing was one reason we went with the LLC. An LLC is separate to a good degree from the members.....the LLC can own things that cannot be listed as an asset for a member if the member has poop credit. Bottom line, if someone wanted to get a judgment on me and tried to execute it thinking that I owned two vehicles...guess what.....my company owns those vehicles and my personal creditor can't touch. Incorporating serves the same purpose but the taxation is different for a corp than an LLC. Re-establishing credit as an LLC is very difficult when you have had personal credit problems because it always falls back to the managing principals info. Our best solutions to that is - if you can't pay for it now do one of two things: Do without it or get your tail to work so you can. Haven't charged or borrowed in over 5 years and ain't gonna restart again. Celeste
  6. Reed, I don't know if Roger used the spread sheet or just scribbled down how you measured and figured it that way. If we ever bump into each other again this week I'll ask him. Cujo, I didn't get an email from you :( Will you try again? Thanks, Celeste
  7. OSHA Question

    As a subcontractor on this construction site we are not only subject to OSHA regulations but also the company's safety policies. Plus we have two regular and a couple of temp folks so we qualify as employers.
  8. OSHA Question

    Found this in my search....for all who are out working in this cooooolllddd weather: http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3156.pdf It's not a solution to our mess but it could be very helpful to have - stay safe :) Celeste
  9. OSHA Question

    Oh I have dissected the crap out of this contract tonight....we'll be having a "Come to Our World" meeting real soon .......especially when we tell them they won't have their houses washed OR they won't be coming on the property at all until WE say so.
  10. Having a Roundtable

    Hey folks, this one won't be a "Round Table"...it will be otherwise dubbed an "octagonal plunge" ! Beth & Rod have the most FABULOUS hot tub on their deck and I do believe that Rod can grill the best steaks on the planet. :) :) :) Celeste :) :) :)
  11. What is your motivation?

    :lgbounces Anyone I know Matthew? Cujo, great to see you back in the saddle......look forward to seeing you guys in a couple of weeks! Celeste
  12. Having a Roundtable

    Careful Beth......I just might let the best part of coming to your neck of the woods slip! Count us in....don't even care the date, just put us down as a YES!!!! Celeste Paul, I lived near some train tracks, an appliance store and some baseball fields in huge old historical house (former school?) Beyond that.....I told you it was very brief :) Celeste
  13. Having a Roundtable

    Hi Paul, I actually used to live in Winchester...very brief time.....I remember going to a parade with Mary Tyler Moore in it but anyway....... we'd always be glad to help with any hands on that you'd like to try out down here in NC as well. Feel free to give us a call anytime. Celeste
  14. Having a Roundtable

    Or to read a post for what it says and NOT read between the lines. I believe the less popular term for this little side conversation is censorship seems to be more indiscriminately practiced on other BBS recently.
  15. Having a Roundtable

    Don't get me wrong - I wasn't suggesting any lack of support on your part toward any PWNA discussion - If anyone has been a staunch supporter anywhere, it's you guys. My main reason for suggesting the move/copy, whatever, was that since is a PWNA subject, it would make sense that it be on the PWNA bbs - I absolutely meant no offense by suggesting that it be discussed on the PWNA bbs. Just wanted to clarify.. Celeste
  16. Robert, what per sq. ft. did you have in mind? Total upper & lower sq ftg, including underside is 2500 sq ft. The upper deck is 9 x 17, plus railings, handrails, joists & poles. Celeste
  17. Having a Roundtable

    Hey, we paid our $195 and are now getting ready to contribute our time & energy - we'll either find more members that want to do the same or we'll find folks that don't. Either way, I still want as much input as I can get on holding a successful Roundtable! Celeste
  18. Having a Roundtable

    Has anyone ever explored a "trial membership" type idea. A reduced fee for limited privileges (no logo useage, limited member bbs areas, introductory copy of magazine & newsletter, 30 days of discount from vendors) - kind of a taste of membership without the full price & commitment....the trial price could be deducted from the full membership if they chose to join at the end of the say 90 day trial period. What this has to do with Round tables I don't know....but it might be something to offer up at these get togethers. Celeste
  19. P.O. Box or Not?

    We work from home and use our home address......never really seen the need to spend the extra money to have to drive to the Post Office daily. Only problem with using your home address is if you fall into the old adage of "the pressure washer's house is always the last one washed". :0 Celeste
  20. Having a Roundtable

    Matthew, your wife's idea, although some may think it is funny, does have some merit. Local chapters should have some way or another of fund-raising if only just to keep local chapter expenses to a minimum so that we can effectively make ourselves known without having to go to the BoD for money. The big question on this is how to raise money - clearly one cannot compete with other type non-profits that are in place to benefit homeless or the enviroment - something that touches the human nature side. However, what if a local chapter sponsors an event that one could purchase a raffle ticket for. If the "Clean Across America" was more widely recognized, folks may be inclined to hire for services if they thought that some of their money was going back in to the beautification of their community. Now before anyone gets their panties in a wad about costs involved again......the one thing I learned about non-profits is that if the members don't sacrifice & volunteer their time and talent, the organization will never reach it's full potential. It is going to take 100 Everett's and 100 John T's and the same 100 of every other person that have been the groundbreakers for the past several years. The organization is only as strong as it's members. Some people will never join if they aren't getting something financial in return..fine, they don't join. If your only reason to join an organization is to get something in return for your money, you should probably keep it to spend on something that you can physically touch. The key is to find members who all share the same vision and that will work together as part of the team to make the vision happen. Now, if I could have just put out there what specifically the vision is, my speech would have been complete. Celeste
  21. Wood Furring

    Degraff - we're about 5 hours north.....feel free to come on up - I can keep you posted on jobs (if we ever dry out from the waterfall that came through here last night) Are you going to either of the Round tables on the 29th or the 5th? Would be a great place to learn and ask questions. Call us anytime :) Celeste
  22. Business entity

    Barry, We are an LLC. We felt it would offer the best of both worlds as liabilities and assets are separate and that was based on some bad personal financial decisions (crappy credit) ...where ours got complicated (which was an error early on on my part) was when the IRS decided we were a partnership. We have more forms to file (wow 2), however, the reason we did not change it was because it would have taken 5 years of paperwork to make the one change so that we only would file one. We were advised to check with our attorney and accountant on which way to go......not a big help since one said sole prop and one said LLC....so I would suggest asking one or the other, whomever you are more comfortable with. If you don't want the LLC to pay the higher tax rate, at the end of the year, give yourself a big bonus. Your personal tax liability will be lower. In an LLC, you are not an employee either, you are a member. With that in mind, any personal money that you put into your company becomes a liability owed back to you as a member...you can sort of shift money, as you say, with it being advances on what you gave the company. As far as the formality, ours was incredibly simple - did not require an attorney - just visited the Secretary of State website for our state and it was all there. Fill in, attach a check and tada! Good luck in your decision :) Celeste
  23. Wood Furring

    I guess the biggest question in my mind at this point is not what might cause fuzzies, but actually what is a fuzzy by definition? Are they dead fibers, damaged fibers, a loose top layer that doesn't stand up until water is shot on it at a different angle than rain? It would seem that if fuzzies were initally started by natural wood weathering but only made extremely visible & obvious by washing, then some furring would not be created by chemicals or pressure, just made more obvious by standing them up. Am I making any sense? Celeste
  24. Wood Furring

    LOL - you'd be surprised how many decks here have deck boards as hand rails....spindles on the other hand, yes seem to be different - sometimes have a hard time explaining to folks why one piece of wood seems to stain differently than another. My favorite analogy on that one was one Steve R. told me.....if you take 10 people and lay them out in the sun, are they all going to turn the same color? Maybe sometimes furring is caused by a lesser grade of wood being used in some places as opposed to others.....ie, deck boards are harder than spindle wood? Celeste
  25. Wood Furring

    When we have had furring it has always been on the vertical wood. We believe that our technique and chemicals are correct and furring is minimal, however.......could it be that since horizontal boards are subject to more foot traffic and natural weathering, there is actually less fiber that is "loose" to cause furring? Celeste