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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Ladder Safety

    We have made it a company policy NEVER to send a single person somewhere where even a 4 ft ladder may be used unless there are others on the work site. Our goofy helper was out in the boonies taping plastic - seemed harmless enough to send him alone and - you guessed it - he toppled over, two rungs from the ground. He wasn't really hurt but the point is, there was no one around so it could have been much worse if he was higher on the ladder, etc...
  2. Credit Cards

    Lawrence, I've been deluged with emails from Paypal recently about someone trying to use my account so they need me to resend my credit card info. I'm fairly sure it's not paypal sending them since I've deactivated the account. It may be a viable option to offer, however, I'd check very closely into their policies on what information they get from you, ie, bank account numbers! Just a thought, albeit not a really good one. Celeste
  3. The Parrot

    Thank you for that Thanksgiving giggle!!!!
  4. Mobile Homes

    Well, I guess I missed the post that made reference to "trailer trash"......let me make an observation on that one.......IT'S A SOUTHERN THING......I'm pretty sure that "manufactured housing" up north is vastly different than "trailers" down here. We have trailers here that folks have lived in for the past 40 years....since they pulled them into N.C. with their bondo encrusted picky up trucks. It's sad, but true and still a southern thing. No offense intended. Celeste
  5. the cold is coming!!!!

    Oh that's disgusting......it's been below freezing at night here for a week although it tried to warm up for a few hours today. Everybody has the sniffles already and we haven't even gotten started with the true winter weather yet. (Plus it's dark all the time now). Grrrrrrr or should I say, Brrrrrrr? Celeste
  6. A Note from Jon.

    Jon and family are in our prayers for a complete and speedy recovery! Roger & Celeste
  7. Day light savings?!?!?!?

    Oh how I know this world!!!!!! Celeste
  8. Stripping Ashpalt oil from Vinyl tile??

    How big of an area are you talking about?
  9. Mobile Homes

    Lack of water pressure primarily, but we have some pretty pathetic parks here that have limited water supplies as well.
  10. Day light savings?!?!?!?

    I hate it!!!! It's dark when you get up to start your work day at daylight and then it's dark before you get home good. It's bad for moods, causes depression and it's colder more. We can't get nearly as much done.....it's kind of rude to be cranking up the machine at 7:00 am in a neighborhood but it's the only way to get everything done in a day anymore. I hate it!!!! Done ranting :) Celeste
  11. Mobile Homes

    Something else to consider in mobile home parks (at least we have to watch out here) - some don't have squat for water & you might have to haul your own. I'm with Ryan though about the parks liking the HO's to keep their spots nice - You could offer a "special" for booking within one particular day or week (or however long you want to be in the area) - will cut down enough on travel time to save you whatever you might cut off the price to get bulk houses. Celeste
  12. Happy Birthday Scott aka Squirtgun

    Happy Birthday Scott
  13. Acid etching & pre-paint prep

    When cleaning concrete...yes the idea is to clean and not etch, thus the avoidance of muriatic. Muriatic is supposed to etch concrete which is what you're trying to accomplish, right? Oxalic is not going to etch concrete without applying it at a horrific strength and that's going to cost you plenty. Using a certain degree tip to etch the concrete...I'm thinking that if you're asking what to use chemically, eyeballing the surface to see how much of the top coat you're taking off with a nozzle is not going to be your best method. Prepping concrete using the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid - not saying that you personally are stupid by any means) system is the most efficient and cost effective way to do it. Roger doesn't like to use muriatic acid either, but for purposely etching concrete .....it's the way we do it. Celeste
  14. Acid etching & pre-paint prep

    What kind of painting are you doing? When we applied the acrylic stain to the driveway we did (which rolled on like paint) we etched with muriatic (4:1) : water - Rinse well - let dry completely then rolled on the product. We have pics of the driveway if you want to see - give us a call :) Application method was rolling, however, you can pick up a cheapo Wagner sprayer (build the $70ish into your bid) use it once and ditch it. Spraying will give you a more even application but if you must roll - get an 18" roller....it goes much faster. Celeste
  15. What's up with the chat login?

    I believe I managed to get registered however, it won't let me login......tells me I'm wrong, which I've been told is quite often the way I am anyway. Do I need to log all the way out of the bbs, clear cookies and all that stuff? Celeste
  16. I'm betting that the type of wood would have some bearing on the market as well. Over here in the east, and heading south I believe we all mostly live in PT land. Discount builder suppliers around here sell brand new deck kits for less than the $$ quoted above - people don't want to pay extraordinary prices to have their stuff maintained when they can get new for the same price. We just go with the flow and until this freezing dang weather, we were flowing just fine.
  17. Sounds like about what we get here in NC as well. Celeste
  18. Smilies and such

    Oh gee....I could have checked that date. If you email her back, give him our best :) Celeste
  19. How do I get this off?

    It looks like the brick faced has been damaged - however - there is hope! www.eacochem.com They have two restoration acids (have you ever used acid on brick before?) that work very well. Mike in their customer service area is extremely helpful and will advise you on what to do. Celeste
  20. What do you think about my logo?

    Very original name and cool looking logo - I like it :) Celeste
  21. Smilies and such

    JON!!!! Good to see you back - how is everything? Celeste
  22. Good freinds

    Boy do we agree on that one - here's our Little Roger stuck up on the wall :)
  23. Good freinds

    Reed, we definitely have you on the list of folks we'd love to meet up with - you've helped Roger out many, many times over the phone and it is greatly appreciated! Celeste
  24. Good freinds

    We really feel blessed to have made friends such as Scott, Angela, Beth, Rod, Pam & Cujo....If business ever goes south for us, we will have made friends for life anyway. We thoroughly enjoyed the time we have spent with all of you guys. Celeste
  25. 7lbs 11oz new baby girl

    Congrats Craig! She is beautiful :) Celeste P.S. Enjoy her now.....little girls grow into evil, vicious teenagers!!!!!!!