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Posts posted by Celeste

  1. I think this may call for some "emergency" conference calls, or mass Skype, or a meeting of some sort. If Guy is correct, we have less than TWO weeks to submit changes to our "representatives" (not sure how this works with non-members who will also be badly affected by them)

    I learned a while back during the drought that a lovely way to stop wheels from turning out of control is by papering them to death. They will have to take notice.

    As one of the two "young ladies"......I still want to compile this same information and DO something with it that will help contractors.....not egos and bean-counters.

  2. As a homeowner, you would not be "expected" to know the same thing as a professional. If I were the homeowner and a pro told me there was a problem with MY deck stain.....I would be thankful - maybe annoyed that I didn't research well enough when the crap was put down, but that would be on me, the uneducated homeowner. If you want to be a wood pro, you need to learn to educate your customer!

  3. At the risk of sounding like an infomercial.......there are great benefits to joining a local network like PWNC

    Unlike on the forums (disclaimer: TGS ROCKS with information) within the PWNC you have a different kind of support structure to help you - which would include working with an established company in or near your demographic who has the experience with local dirt and a solid finger on what you should use to compose your pricing.


  4. I got this through our family grapevine - one of my cousins at Davidson College / Connor House is sponsoring a huge breast cancer fundraiser. For every click this video receives, .10 will be donated to Connor for Bosom Buddies. Its pretty cute - and really heartwarming to see this many young adults doing this for such a good cause.

    Please click (many times), pass it to your friends, post it to your Facebook.

