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Posts posted by Celeste

  1. I put all the tools, above a lot of size, vacu boom tube, the washing machine repair parts, unless it is a major project such as engine or coil, extra wires, spring door stops door bins, plastic film stained glass windows, miscellaneous Chemicals, the air board and other miscellaneous things.

    gremesmith - please complete your signature.....house rules.

    Thank you.

  2. Very interested to know more, Beth. I have a background in accounting so I understand capital leases. I had no idea there were companies that would do this with our industry. Can someone point me in the right direction? This would be perfect!


    Okay now - if you have an accounting background, you should know better than most about investment and return!

  3. How long will it take to generate the ADDITIONAL income that your new investment produces? You would want to justify that this new equipment will cause you to make XX thousands of dollars that you would NOT have made without it. Once you can be assured that the new debt is going to pay, you won't worry so much about it :)
