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First Impressions

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Posts posted by First Impressions

  1. The time has come to get a surface cleaner. I have a 3000 / 4.5 hot machine and have been looking to get a 24 inch surface cleaner. The questions I have relate to which one.

    I have heard that Steel Eagle is the way to go, and I have heard that these are bad that the arms bend. What are your opinions on these subjects?

    Also could anyone give me your thoughts on floaters V casters?

    If you could when you answer this post could you tell me what make you have and your feelings about that brand or size.

    There are many different types, makes and distributors; I don’t mean any disrespect to of those folks I am just looking to make an informed decision. It’s hard to decide without being able put your hands on them.

    Thanks so much in advance.


  2. Thanks for the info on renting the tanks, I found a company that will rent them still pricy $180 to change out the tanks but get 5,000 gal before having to change them out. If I exchange tanks with 1 to 2 months.

    Still working on it but I appreciate the info.


    $75 for 300 gal. seems kind of high to, I realy wish I could rent a whole system to try it first.

  3. I have had the problem with air in the inlet as well. You can try taking off the supply line before the pump and let the air pocket escape and then replace the line, this worked to allow the water to start flowing for me. Mine never purged the air pocket by itself. Now I just never let the tank get less than two inches above the outlet or I have to do it again. I am new and am only sharing what I have learned so far.

    I really like Scotts idea of a bigger supply line I’m only using a ¾ inch line, and will probably re-plum mine soon to see if that helps reduce the heat, although I haven’t scene the hose collapse which I think it would do if it was starving for water. I think I went overboard with my tank at 100 gal. Not big enough to solve a no water problem at a job and to big for a float tank.

    Hope I helped not sure if I did.


  4. We all see to be at the same thought process. I was thinking of using the system on town houses with 3rd and 4th floor windows. After a fall im not looking to stay on the ground as much as possible.

    Hope someone will respond with a satisfaction responce. ( Tucker does sound the best).

    thanks for your help and responces.


  5. I also have a window cleaning business and have been wondering about using DI.

    Is anyone using the pole and DI system?

    If so how much did it cost and are you satisfied with the results?

    Does this increase your ability to get jobs, that you might not have bid otherwise?

    I can’t afford to buy more stuff and not use it, running out of investment capitol this year.

    Thanks for your advice.

  6. Hey Jason it can be very profitable. I have one account like that and all i do is clean the carts a a squirt of oil on the wheels and thats it. I do it once a month.

    Would you mind sharing what you charge for that. I know no one is doing that around here. I actualy thought of it a while ago but couldn't think of how to price it.

    Thanks. Mac.:lgmoneyey

  7. Hi folks, mind if i way in on this thought. Not sure of how well it's going to work, I felt I covered the angles of multiple jobs under my name. First Impressions Exterior Cleaning and then listing the applications that I handle.

    Just wondering what your thoughts were on the Exterior Cleaning aspect?


  8. Thanks everyone, I am going to followup on some of these things. Great advice on the empty tank, its a wonder how you can think about something so hard and miss something like that. I never thought of it that way. (Daaa)

    Matt, let me know some of the details on the set up and if you realy are selling, I need to get working like yesterday. A pic would be nice if you can.

    Full Blast I will be calling your guy today thanks.

    So a Briggs Vanguard / General or commet would be ok?

    Also have just started hearing about the Tuff machines, sound a little too cheap what does anyone think?

    Thanks and ill get back to you with what I find out.


  9. Gortex lined boots are the way to go. As long as it's not running down your leg or sweat they are guaranteed for up to a year. I have returned them before because I had wet feet and they filled them up with water to check for leaks. Nothing came out it was sweat even in the winter.

    I had a pair on the other day and outside leather was soaked but inside was dry.

    Hope that helps.


  10. Ok here goes. I need some advice from all of you that have made it. I am looking to purchase my equipment to get started.

    What I have decided on is this, a 3000 psi. 4gpm, hot water, belt drive unit. I’m looking to start out in the residential market and expand from there.

    Looking at a Alkota, wondering about Hydro tech.

    Now what I need help with is the answers to these questions.

    I am wondering if I this is a good size for starting out, if I go any higher on the gpm I would need to carry water right? (4 gpm is what you should be able to get from a standard water supply correct.)

    Should I be thinking of getting tanks anyway? If I go that rout I will need to replace my truck and trailer, expenses that I’m not ready to deal with.

    The next subject is this. I’m looking to go with a Honda motor, is that what everyone would recommend? I have seen the units with Briggs and Vanguard motors but am being influenced by what I read, is there anything to this go with Honda mantra.

    I know that there is many other items that I need to get started and wouldn’t mind used equipment if anyone is selling. I appreciate any advice anyone is willing to give me, along with the help I have already received.

    Thanks, Dan
