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Posts posted by metcalfec

  1. Thanks everyone, I researched a ton and looked at at least a million rigs on here and just plain old internet searches, took a little from each one and came up with this.

    Nigel you say add another 13hp and pump to get 8 gpm, I will look into that and how to exactly set it up properly.

    Doug you are right on the reels, I thought I would like them on the rear and do but I agree side mount would be much more convenient.




  2. I am just in the process of building a trailer, have everything I need just waiting to put it all together. What should I do as I was planning on tank feeding the unit. My PW is a 13hp honda, 3700PSI, 4GPM (as per manufacturers specs, I know that is not 100% true). What do I need to do to prevent premature failure of the pump? I planned on upgrading to a Pressure Pro next season but was depending on this one to get me through until then. Actually planned on keeping it as a second unit/back-up/small jobber.

    Any input in this regard would be muchly appreciated!


  3. Thanks Rick, those are definatley words of encouragement. Reading posts and doing much research hot water seems to be the way to go. But for now its just not an option until I start making enough coin to justify owning one. I will keep researching the chemicals and try and ciome up with a good brew that works for me, experience is the answer I understand.

    Maybe someday the fam and I will book a vacation and go somewhere that I can hook up with someone down in the states who has the experience I could learn from and I could ride along for a couple of days.

  4. It is a very big building, to me anyways, it stretches approx 90ft x 40ft, two and three stories in spots. Like I said with all the dorm windows, the rear of the three storie etc. etc, I thought I was being safe giving myself a good full day to complete the job. Once I figured that out I multiplied it by the hourly rate I need to make to cover costs and have some left over for profit. Ofcourse if I took half the time I would have changed the price to reflect that, if it took me longer then my loss. I want the business just not for $40.00 an hour!

  5. Wow not what I was thinking, no wonder the guy hasn't called me back. Well its a learning process. As a newbie I guess for now I should price it out to cover the time I think it will take me then cut in half to be competitive. As a newbie I have yet to learn the in's and out's to get in and out quickly! Not to mention having only cold water slows things down also.

    What should I do now, call him back or just take it as a loss?



  6. Hello everyone,

    I was called to price out a job (pics attached) I gave the gentlemen the quote and I almost think he was shocked at the price. I am not asking how much anyone would charge for the job but how long it would take you with your set-up. And how long I should figure it would take me with a 4GPM 4000PSI cold water unit using an x-jet, one man on a gun and a helper for odds and ends. I have everything set up on a trailer with a buffer tank and the works. I figured it was going to take me 10 hours with my set-up.

    The building has a foot print of 3840sqft, the front is 2.5 stories and the rear is 2.



  7. I am currntly in the process of building my trailer, after much research I feel I am ready to tackle this project. But I still have a couple of questions and hopefully some of the pro's can help!

    I am using a 4GPM, 3700PSI BE pressure washer(cold), it has a 13HP Honda with a Comet pump(direct drive). Up to this point I have been using either a direct GH from the customers water to my PW or I use a 250gal tank which I fill at home through the top and gravity feed to my PW. After much reading on this site I will be setting it up as most do, I will use the Tank as a buffer, I will be connecting my inlet hose to the top of the tank with a bulk head at the 250gal mark, on the inside I will install a float valve so I don't overflow the tank (anymore lol), in the inlet line I will install a water filter. On the outlet side which I already have in place I will not change much of anything unless you guys/gals advise me to do so.

    My questions are:

    1. I use hose that has a 3/4" inside diameter for the line from the tank to the PW, is this enough or should I go to a 1" line? My fear is as some have pointed out, I don't want to starve my pump.

    2. Same question for the inlet line, what should the inside diameter be on the hose? Again I don't want to run short on water but am also afraid I can go to big also. I know if I start with 100gal or so in the tank I most likely will not run out on any job, I just am looking for some clarification.

    Thanks again


  8. I like the idea of using less bleach. I will use this formula and build from there thanks! Can you clarify a few things for me,

    1. You say 1 scoop of detergent, I plan on using 8-12 ounces of Simple Cherry would that be enough?

    2. I was going to use Dawn dish soap, would this act as both a liquid degreaser and foaming agent. If not could you give me a couple of examples of what I would need?

    3. What exactly do you mean when you say 115* and 130*? Don't quite have all the lingo down but I am getting there.



  9. Thanks for the advice, I looked into downstreaming but have not been able to find the attachments, or any of the equipment you have mention, I like the idea of both and did alot of research, reason I decided to go with the x-jet was simply because it was easy to find and seems very easy to use. Downstreaming on the other hand like I said I can't find anything that I would need to set it up! I looked at Sun Brite and Pressure Tek. If anyone can give me a list of attachments and tools etc. for downstreaming I would like to have both at my disposal.


  10. Hello everyone,

    I have been doing much reading about house wash mixes and feel that my starting point will be 2gal. 6%SH + 8oz. Simple Cherry + 3gal. water and some dawn dish soap. I will also be running SO Soft in my rinse water. My question is, are there any surfaces I need to be aware of and should I worry about colours fading because of the SH. I have a 4gpm cold pw and will be using a M-5 xjet with the red proportioner.

    I know I need to keep plants watered well, I am specifically asking if there are any building materials that this mix will cause damage or bleach the color of ie. stucco, dryvit, aluminum/vinyl siding,wood etc.

    Also if I can add to your postings regarding the gutters, for those who mix there gutter zap in a 5er and apply with a brush I thought to prevent dripping and damage to underliying materials I would use a sponge mop and with one pail of gutter zap and another pail of water to rinse my sponge inbetween each use. I cleaned a rubber roof on an rv last season and this was the method used to prevent the cleaner from running down the sides of the rv which in turn causes black streaks. The sponge holds in the chemical with no dripping if used properly. Just a thought and hopefully good advice!


  11. Wow, thats an eye opener!

    Ok so I will go back and re-calculate my pricing. Please be the "wet rag" I have needed someone to tell it to me straight.

    Hate to ask to many questions but obviously I am way out in left feild with pricing. So to give me an idea, should I have a minimun hourly rate to make sure I am covering the basics and still pocketing some.

    I know every company is the same so I will tell you a bit about mine, I just started last season, have a 4000psi 4 gpm pw, couple wands, extension wand, ladders, 200' pw hose, 100' lp hose etc. Insurance and thats about it.

    As for a vehicle I weighed my options and decided o rent a cargo van, I was out on average once a week last season and thought it was more economical to do so. It cost me $1440.00 for the year for the vehicle (includes insurance). Had I purchased one it would have put me at $7000.00 - $8000.00 easily. Not to mention all the other costs associated with owning a vehicle.

    Again thanks for the info, I feel way more confident about the coming season with only two days of feed back from this site. I have three - four months till Spring.

    Oh ya, No this is not my only source of income, I have a very good job, I work shifts and have all kinds of time during regular business hours. That is one of the reasons I decided to start a business, I found in my spare time I was spending lots of cash, thought instead, why not try and make some. Not to mention I would much rather work for myself.


  12. Thank you all! I am already feeling better about the season ahead. I will start with a tough question, I have created a price list for various jobs, luckily for me there is no competition in my area, problem with that is I have no idea if I am charging to much or too less. I will give you a couple of examples of jobs I completed last season with the quotes and you tell me if I am in the ball park please? Don't forget I am in southern Canada on the American border!

    1. Deck approx. size 576sq. ft. = I charged $235.00

    2. 16' Boat (heavy moss) = $40.00

    3. Car lot (300 vehicles) = $5.00/car



  13. Hello everyone, thanks for the very informative web-site. As the title states I am very new to the business, I have one successful year in mostly just winged it last year. I am looking to buy some training manuals or DVD's relating to the residential and some commercial cleaning. ie. decks and fences, driveways, patios and house washing. I would also like to do some small business such as store fronts, garbage bins etc. And last but not least get into some fleet work. If you have any training manuals or DVD's or know where I could get some I would gladly purchase them.



  14. My name is Chris, I am the Owner/Operator of CCM Power Washing. We are located in a small town in southern Ontario Canada. As you can imagine I don't have much work on the go right now because of the weather. I am new to the pressure washing scene and will have alot of questions for eveyone, the main one is "how to price out jobs?" I have done a few jobs to date and some went well and I walked away feeling I had charged the right amount. Others on the other hand I know for a fact I didn't charge nearly enough and don't want to get caught undercharging often.


