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Chris S

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Everything posted by Chris S

  1. Irfanview is free and works great. IrfanView - Official Homepage - one of the most popular viewers worldwide
  2. Estimates/Proposals/Contracts

    Check out the business forms forum http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/documents-forms-proofs/
  3. I did and estimate today for a housewash with lots of glass ( pic included.)The customer specifically asked about the windows spotting. I told her that I never had a complaint about spotty windows, but depending on how hard her water was, she may see some spots. I would really like to get these windows to sparkle. The house has a spectacular view of the river and the golf course. This is a very high end job, and it would definitely lead to more work. I used the search function and I've read about using dawn or Cascade. What about dishwasher rinse aids? Has anyone experimented with mixing a rinse aid with plain water and downstreaming or x-jetting after a housewash? Also, I am not a window washer, but I guess I could wrap my hand around a squeegee on a pole if I had to.
  4. Brightening wood

    Every now and again I get a deck that has black stains that don't come off with stripping. Usually a little house wash mix will do the trick.
  5. What the heck is up with 12.5% prices?!

    No pool supply places near me carry it either. Have you looked for a chemical distributor? That is where I get mine. 55gal. for $1.22 a gallon.
  6. Yeah, your probably right. Most will just be happy that they get free food.
  7. Thanks Ken, I might give that a try. I think I'm over analyzing this whole thing. I always have good results with my own housewash, but I just want to make sure everything is perfect. These people are having a retirement party for a well-known Doctor next month, and I would love for everyone to say, "Wow, that guy that washed your house did a great job!" "What's his number?"
  8. Gutter Mixture

  9. Gutter Mixture

    So you mix up this separate from your housewash mix and downstream? The reason I ask is that you stated "1 gallon of 12%". If this is your housewash, you use 80 oz. of simple green per 5'er?
  10. Asphalt driveways

    If you have a turbo, give that a try. I used both the M5 and the turbo, and I got faster results with the turbo.
  11. I looked into this a few years back, but I think I decided it would be a PITA with questionable results, but I don't remember. How would I figure the distance from the pump shaft to the engine shaft? Would any distance work as long as the belt had proper tension? I am assuming that the alignment/height of the 2 pulleys would have to be extremely precise? I think this was the road block that discouraged me from attempting this. Someone please talk me into trying this. I've got a 15 HP Kohler that is just screaming 8GPM, 8GPM! I figure should be able to get about 1800 PSI out of this set up.
  12. Asphalt driveways

    I did one just the other day. I used a turbo from far away, and just kinda swept all of the debris away. Luckily, the drive was sloped, and everything drained away. I was cleaning clay, topsoil, grass seed, and fertalizer.
  13. Russ, Do you carry the ready made belt drive bases? I had thought about going gear drive, but the 15HP has a 1" shaft, and if I upgraded the engine at some point to a 18HP, wouldn't I have t get a new 1 1/8" gear box also?
  14. Shelf Life for 12.5% SH?

    I get my 12.5% in 15 gallons drums. The drums are black plastic. Back in 2005, I loaned a few gallons to a friend to wash his house. I just got the drum back a few weeks ago. I used it straight through my downstreamer, and it still worked. I think the combination of it being a black drum and it sitting in a shaded barn made a difference. The pack date on the label was 8/05. As far as the cyanuric acid, it is used in pools to reduce the UV damage to the chlorine. I have some in the shed, but I had never thought to try to extend the life of 12.5%.
  15. House Cleaning Help Please

    Do you have a normal house wash you would use on painted wood? If so, use that. When you rinse, either put a small ball valve in your downstreamer line, or pull the hose and and rinse with a soap tip. You could even use a garden hose connected to the house.
  16. Dryvit help, please

    After pics...
  17. Dryvit help, please

    Here are some pics of a dryvit house I did a couple of years ago. The really nasty areas required 12% straight through the x-jet. My normal house wash wouldn't touch it. Notice the deterioration from neglect/no maintenance.
  18. Ken, You may have seen this before, but I thought I would post it for all to see. I was researching Baker's Gray Away,and found this. Running out of time which deck stain do I use? - Porches & Decks Forum - GardenWeb I'm sure you have a lot of customers like this one. Good job.
  19. I know on k-7 unloaders, you need to replace something inside of it when you plumb it back to a tank.
  20. I've got a TS2021 and a Udor gear box hooked to a 15 hp Kohler. This set up runs great. The main drawback is the muffler on the Kohler is mounted over the gear/box pump, which does put some heat to the gearbox/pump.
  21. This "el cheapo" coupler exploded on me the other day. Good thing I was around the corner of the house. I didn't see any BB's around, so they probably became projectiles.
  22. TS2021, I think it's 3500. It happened when the unloader was bypassing back to the tank. No more "el cheapo" for me. I'm just glad I wasn't standing beside it.
  23. Downstreamer Poll - Vote now!

    I have the QC's tack welded together that hold my soap tips. I use the M-5 for rinsing.
  24. Job tomorrow. WASPS!

    I hit a nest today that was hidden behind a rake board. They all came out p!ssed, and before I knocked them all down, I got hit twice. I really feel for the people that have to carry and epi pen and go into shock when stung.
  25. I have never tried it, so I picked some up at Sams Club 2day. I've hear that it helps with window spotting. How much do you add to a 5 gallon bucket? I usually downstream. If you x-jet, please feel free to respond also.