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Everything posted by racechaser

  1. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Simply put, yes. If they do not recognize Jesus as the son of God that puts them at odds with any Christian beliefs. But the jews are almost there. I love the jewish people. They are God's chosen people. But they are not going to heaven according to the Bible unless they recognize Christ as the messiah. Scott
  2. If you are asking why sodium hydroxide is a bad process then all I should ask you is this: What do you use to break up oil stains on concrete?? A degreaser made up of sodium hydroxide? What holds the granules on a shingle? Tar or some similar organic carbon substance. So if it attacks oil on concrete, then what is it doing(when applied to the roof) to the coat of tar holding the granule on? Plus it takes about 500 PSI to wash the roof as opposed to garden hose with hypochlorite. Scott
  3. Not sure I understand the question. My response was total sarcasm as to what is going to be taught. Sodium Hydroxide is the worst thing to use in my opinion.That is what they are teaching if Henry owns sunbrite and that's the product he sells. Sodium Hypochlorite is the only way to properly clean a roof.If they cleaned with caustic like in his cleaner, they would either go out of business or quit cleaning roofs. Them going to a PWNA roof cleaning class more of less meant less competition to us that use sodim hypochlorite. Scott
  4. Stuck on Stucco

    I'll get it next weekend honey?? Scott
  5. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    I think I would do that. I just haven't run across that situation yet. I'm keeping my eyes peeled though.LOL Scott
  6. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    It rained for for 40 days. But Noah was in the ark for over a year.Which means the earth had water covering it for that long. I guess that really blows your mind as unbelievable.LOL!! Scott
  7. We should hope all our competion attends the PWNA roof cleaning class. Best thing for business yet. Scott
  8. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    We are compelled to try and share the truth of God with everyone.You see it looks like we are pushing things on you, and you feel like we are bothering you. But this a real thing for us. It is eternal life in heaven or hell.Many people may have good hearts but were not taught the truth as in the Bible.The path is clear.But many do not want to turn and repent from the sin in their life.Hence we are interrupting their life and making them uncomfortable.. I would try to make the analogy of driving. I see you driving down the highway in your convertible. Now I know that about a mile ahead the bridge is completely washed out. Everyday people die on that washed out bridge. That is about the time you stop and talk to me. You tell me all about how good things are going and how you love driving with the top down. I tell you to have fun and I hope you enjoy yourself. You drive off. Now my wife asks why I didn't tell someone who I would claim as my friend about the washed out bridge. And I tell her I really didn't want to bother him. I mean he was having a good day and I didn't want to bother him. You hit the bridge and die in the river. Would you have found that information I had useful. More than likely so, it was after all a life and death situation. Well this is life and death for us. We have been given knowledge we are commanded to share. There will be no tears in heaven after all. WRONG!!!! When you go before the judgement seat of Christ, we will be there watching each lost person being judged and cast into hell. We will be crying for not sharing the gospel with those people. Scott
  9. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Thanks Mike. All I can say is I have some great teachers and listen to many powerful and incredibly smart preachers. I produce a radio program for my church. I listen and edit over 12 hours of sermons every week on top of what I hear in other places. Being constantly exposed to this, I find myself "being given" many interesting things that are divined on me to share. I once again credit it all to God though. I am merely a messenger he has chosen to use. Scott
  10. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    I think it was the sermon on the mount of olives when Jesus spoke of the rapture of the church when he said some would be in the fields working and others will be in bed sleeping. Everyone thought that it was daylight everywhere at the same time. This shows (to me anyway) that Jesus knew of a round earth rotating around a sun. Scott
  11. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    I haven't forgot about you. I'm just waiting for things to cool down here. Scott
  12. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Thanks Phillip!! You see Phillip, I don't know if I can ever change your mind about what you believe. The problem I face is you never have said what you believe when it comes to God and Jesus. The only thing you have said was "We would be surprised." I don't want to make this about you Phillip. But if you would be willing to share what you think about the existence of God and Jesus, I would like to expound some more on the gaps you see between science and Christianity. There are plausible explanations in the descrepancies your scientific mind "knows and sees" vs. what you may have learned in Sunday School as a child. If that is too personal, maybe just listing the descrepancies you are struggling to line up between science and Christianity. I may be able to give alternate theories about creation that would reconcile your scientific mind. I don't even have to mention evolutionism to do it. You see the main thing is , do you believe God could have done it? If you think there is a God, but the science stops you from being sure, that can be overcome I believe. Scott
  13. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    The people that talked of healings never said Benny Hinn. My church goes all over the world on missions trips. And the people that wrote earlier are right, the greatest miracles happen where people have the least in life. And Jesus specifically said (paraphrased) "if you don't let them praise and worship me the rocks will cry out praises for me.(end) Now if Jesus can make a rock, why can't he make one sing? Phillip I can understand not having faith. Even as an a child I would think occasionally, What if there really is no God? Am I just trying to feel good about death? Well, as an adult I've lived my life with God as a "not so important" priority in the first 10 years of my adult life. And then the last 10, God is all I want and need. In that relationship I've been healed, He has healed my children through my prayers instantly (HIS POWER NOT MINE). He has continually taken away my shortcomings that I never could shed on my own. My temper and hate were removed in the blink of an eye because I asked him to. Now I'm talking about pure evil HATE i had toward my wife. I'm not talking about " well she really makes me angry sometimes", I'm talking the Most hateful, unforgiving heart you can imagine. I could literally watch Christ raise someone from the dead and I would still tell everyone my "instant" transformation was the greater miracle. There was no ill feelings toward my wife after that instant. We were literally 2 days away from our divorce being final. My wife was literally dumbfounded by my change and me begging to not get divorced. It was my idea after all. From that point on, Undescribable blessings and workings have gone on in my life. Now let me explain why I understand your lack of faith Phillip.......... Let's pretend I sit at home this weekend and build a kite. When I'm done I go to a field and launch my kite. Now I brought a super long string to go way high because I'm really comitted to flying this high. So I launch my kite and the wind is just right, the kite goes way into the clouds. It is so high it can't even be seen anymore. Now here you come walking by and say, "Hey Scott. What in the world are you doing?" And I say, "flying a kite". And you say, "Where is it?" I say "Up there, you just can't see it anymore" You say, "How do you know there was ever a kite at the end of the string?" I say, "Because I saw it built, and I saw it launch, I even watched it before it got too high." You say, "O.K. but how do know it is still up there?" And I say, " Because I can feel the string!!!" You see Phillip, you haven't seen what some of us have seen. All you can see is somebody blindly holding a string swearing there is a kite up there. I've experienced it, that's why I'll blindly have faith in it all. If Jesus said, I believe it. Scott
  14. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Never entered my mind that you may be a godless heathen. My response was not meant toward anyone in particular. What part of Genesis throws you a loop in your belief system? fossils? age of earth? dinosaurs? Just curious. Phillip do you believe in God and the divinity of Jesus? Not bashing, just curious since you mentioned it. You know I don't think the age of the earth is something that should keep you away from the table. There are other theories about the timeline of Genesis. I do believe the KJV the truly inspired and infallible word of God. But there are translational variances as mentioned earlier in the Hebrew language and English. One of those is the Pre Adamite theory of the Earth, which is a pretty compelling argument. I don't believe in evolution but I don't personally think the earth is only 7000 years old. Can it be? Yes. I believe God could have made everything in the blink of an eye and not had to take 7 days. My belief is based on the translation and what I believe makes sense. Not the inability of God's power. I believe the Bible is literal.I believe that Old Testament people lived to be 700. I believe that Elijah never died and Enoch was taken up by God. I believe Mary was a virgin. I believe Noah was the only good man on earth and the WHOLE earth was flooded. I have FAITH in it ALL!!!! I believe Jonah was swallowed by a whale, lived and was spit out three days later. If the Bible said Jonah swallowed a whale, I'd believe it based solely on what God has done in my life. God is a good God, Jesus loves you, and faith can move a mountain!!! Scott
  15. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    I'm much like you. And I'm really glad I didn't have wade through Quantam physics to come to know what I know. Fortunately Jesus appreciates a child like faith. His imprint on my life was so simple to see I even saw it as a child. I did however come to see it expressed through my adult life. I also like the fact that everything I see in life is a testimony of his creation. I don't know the difference between a rf an rh molecule or any of that other boring jibberish(boring to me anyway). I do know God gives me all I need. He sometimes even gives me what I want.When i ask for healing he sometimes chooses to heal me, sometimes not. When he doesn't, I don't begin to doubt, his ability I question what he is trying to teach me. But he is still a healer. I could keep my children in a padded room with nothing to hurt themselves on. But I don't. we live life, and when they fall or hurt themselves I'm there to love and comfort them. Life is about choices we make. When we make mistakes or bad things happen he's there to comfort us. Just like a loving parent. When we disobey, he may allow bad things to happen, or even cause them. This may allow ourselves to learn a lesson or bring us back to him. Just an opinion from a humble believer. Scott
  16. question on moving a skid

    You may want to ratchet strap two 4x4's on the bottom underneath the shelf the tanks usually sit on. This way the posts are 6 inches off the ground and you can get a hand under them.Then lift one side up and twist or drag onto trailer,then you can push or come-along the rest of the weight up onto trailer. With the posts you won't be fighting all that weight in a confined area, it will spread out over the post length.It will also let two lift at the same time. I cringed when I saw you question cuz I nearly popped my eye hook off and, had no load on it just checking to see if it was rated for lifting. Two inches up it started giving so I let off real quick. Just an idea Scott
  17. roof cleaning

    Don't worry dude the TJ 3000 upgrades are safe with me. I'll never tell. It's locked up stronger than Al Gore's "lockbox". Scott
  18. Holiday lighting info

    BTW somebody here does it already. Landscaping biz in off season. Scott
  19. Holiday lighting info

    15 years ago everybody (but the rich) cut their own grass too. Like Beth said it's all about service industries now. Scott
  20. roof cleaning

    This kind of stuff needs to stay in the roofing section so when we say "search" they only have to go one place. Just my opinion Scott
  21. Another thief,

    Time to play dirty Ron. Tell him you will swap!!! BTW, I do think it's awful that people steal logos and pics. Scott rpw logo.bmp
  22. Another thief,

    Hey Ron, Since the first logo for farrish pressure washing was a frame square with a line drawn in with microsoft paint, is that why you don't think he may have come up with this on his own??? Scott
  23. The Bible Verse Game

    John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
  24. Interior work. Let's say maybe a burned kitchen but rest of house is OK. Use dry ice as abrasive and after it does it's job cleaning it simply evaporates to CO2very fast, unlike water. Scott
  25. Sales Tax

    In our state, if you sell a product you collect sales tax. If you provide a service you don't. Example would be: You sell a gallon of truck wash soap, you would collect tax vs. washing a truck no tax. Scott