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Everything posted by racechaser

  1. Trailer floor protector

    They sell a couple of spray on linings on Ebay. Look close a couple are good and a couple look unproven to me. I was thinking about it but am undecided as of yet. Scott
  2. This a sandblaster I ordered from Russ Johnson a few days before Beth created this new area. I hope picture comes out I resized it so we'll see if it works. Scott
  3. new sandblaster

    Here are couple of discs replacements from my disc on my tractor that got tore up. This after about five minutes including "fiddle time" trying to learn how to operate it.
  4. My new brochure and flyer - take a look!

    Congratulations Keith on the marriage. Where did ya'll go? I'll be sending pics of trailer soon for the signs we talked about. Scott
  5. Oh yeah hot work. You are in an in an evironmental PPE suit and wearing a respirator. With the PPE no health riskd as far as I know. I have no idea on pay especially in CA.
  6. I don't do it but looked into it briefly. It is removed with a DRY soda blaster.The soda knocks it off and leaves the wood looking new. I could have attended a class two days long and been certified but had to work at FT job and since I wasn't going to do it in my business wasn't burning two V days for it. Don't know the cost for you, I was eligible as disadvantaged business from Katrina. It was going to be like $125.00 my portion.So I was getting a discount but would bet I wasn't getting an astronomical discount. The dry blaster runs about $5,000 and then you have to have a compressor large enough (one of those on a trailer is what I see people around the city using) to power it. Hope this little bit helps.Hopefully someone who knows more than me will chime in. Scott
  7. Leaf stain in slabs - how to shift?

    It is in liquid form.Just like household bleach only stronger and a different formulation.It's called sodium hypochlorite. Scott
  8. would blasting work for this?

    Not to me anyway. Sounds like you need a pump in the breezeways. Scott
  9. NASA channel

    Anybody besides me watch it? My family is enthralled by it every time the shuttles in space. We were all in almost in tears watching the Columbia landing because we knew something was wrong instantly. But other than that horrible event there is TONS of cool stuff to watch if you've never tuned in. Cool aerial views of earth and stuff. It's channel 376 on DirecTV for those with it. Check it out, most everyone here would like it. Scott
  10. NASA channel

    My bad, it does. I just didn't notice it during the day today. Scott
  11. NASA channel

    That's cool. The one on NASA channel doesn't show where it is dark in the world. Scott
  12. Seen any good movies lately?

    I almost joked with you on another topic (about internet speed) that they didn't have broadband in Selma. But I chose not to due to Alabamians (is that a word?) always getting pummeled with bad rep like us in La. But see Now I'm pretty sure you WOULD have found a chuckle in it cuz you do live in the boonies.LOL Scott
  13. No more Grime Scene right before bedtime.

    Try rodnreel.com or read La sportsman. You'll be in your "happy Place" while you sleep. Works for me!!! Scott
  14. Gas prices

    That's the whole reason I have to avoid cameras now, I do have the right stuff, but would affect my family time too much. It's a lifestyle change I'm not ready to make yet.:lgbounces Keep the faith Jeff and just concentrate on that mansion you're buiding for you and your family.Some may look at your lifestyle and call you rich.If you change you're mind there is always room at our table on the "right" side. Scott
  15. Gas prices

    Hey Jeff While you are on the phone with your reps about the gas prices I was wondering if you could help me express my concerns to. You see, I was in office depot buying a 22ml container of liquid paper.It was $1.59. I was totally apalled!!!! How dare they charge that much. You see there are 3,785 ml in a US gallon. So @ 22ml each in volume that is a little more than 172 containers of liquid paper in a gallon. 172 containers at $1.59 each means that liquid paper is $273.00 a gallon. Truly a greater National tragedy must not exist. OK, so you may say it may take a lifetime to consume a WHOLE gallon of liquid paper. So how about Soda Pop??? 60 cents for a 12 ounce can?? 144 ounces in a gallon. That's 12 cans to a gallon. That comes to $7.20 a gallon. Now let me see if I have this right....Soda Pop.......Municipal tap water sugar,chems and carbonation.......Packaged locally.......transported locally......then retailed again locally. Gasoline..... 72.00 a barrel for the crude...72.00/42 gallons=$1.71 a gallon just for the primary raw material..crude oil....Then let's have the cost of running a refinery and the large amounts of power and manpower needed.The advanced catalysts needed to turn black sludge into a highly combustible efficient relatively clean burning fuel... Then transportation costs to the final retailer many so VERY "NOT" LOCAL. Now the let's factor in the government's role.We have to shut refineries down to make california gas...run a week, shut down, clean out and make Vermont gas...and so on. Plus the pressure on the companies to run all out production is damaging their yields and equipment in the long run. Plus they have to extract the petroleum products like asphalt,tar and gases out of it and process it. Wait a minute.......they take waste products like tar and asphalt and develop them into usable products instead of putting them in a landfill.They sell these products........HOLY COW BATMAN!!!!!!! Does Congress know oil companies generate profits from products OTHER than gasoline!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS JEFF!!!!This is a whole lot of good info for Congress maybe I will call so they know all the FACTS and not make decisions on what Wolf Blitzer thinks!!! Long post but totally bored at work working 4 PM to 4 AM. Love the difference of opinions and never got nearly as ugly as a simple bleach debate. Scott
  16. Stucco

    Do you have "care,custody and control" rider? Scott
  17. Which do you prefer?

    Your question is not clear (to me anyway). I hate when nobody answers my posts, so I thought I might let you know why people may be passing it by. Scott
  18. Granwood floor?

    Anyone ever clean these floors? It was granwood or grand wood? It is not wood. They are individual concrete tile pieces from the 50's or 60's that were laid like tile. I have a floor that needs washing and would like more info on it from someone. Thanks Scott
  19. Granwood floor?

    The color is cast all the way through. It won't hurt the colors??? If so, are certain colors more likely to be damaged than others. Thanks Scott
  20. Hotsy?

    Belt driven 3500 psi with 4 gpm's is what I have and I love it.I just had the plungers and seals redone on mine and it was like 171.00 and was done in an hour and half. They have all the parts online and you can see that by the #'s many are interchangeable so my dealer has always had what I needed in stock.To me the fact that they use their own pumps is a plus.It means a secondary supplier isn't always changing them just to create a bigger parts business.Just my opinion. Scott
  21. Better for me, still sucks for about 200,00 people though.Won't be OK till they fund category 5 levees and close the MRGO.The rest we will deal with if need be. Watch for the next thing to really **** people off.Our coast and wetlands were ruined from oil companies and we get zero royalties from the oil unlike I think 48 other states.Our governor is denying new offshore leases and not renewing old ones as they come up.When people in California and northerners with heating oil dependance get jacked for higher prices we'll get our royalties and fix our coast and levees then. Enough ranting, thanks for asking Scott. Scott
  22. The cost of the Bio Technician Course is $880.00 per person Did you read that line Scott? Scott
  23. Bleach and Sodium hydroxide

    "Rinse any over-spray off of plants etc." "Use 400-600 psi water pressure to thoroughly rinse shingles (Note: standard garden hose pressure is 50-75 psi). This will give you the instant results you are looking for!" Mr chemist....If this is not a sodium hydroxide product I'd be surprised. If you're not associated with this product as assumed then my apologies. If you have a better method let me know.By better I mean no harm to plants or me and can rinse off with garden hose. Other than that I will continue to wear PPE which includes a Scott full face respirator or 3M half face when the situation arises. Rest assured when applied with a low pressure pump there is little chance it is traveling 50 feet much less "hundreds of yards". That would be 300 feet or more correct? I know you may be good at math in the lab but in real life that's a football field. No way dude!! If you're so good at this, invent something that is safe for me, plants, and can be washed off with garden hose giving instant results. Oh yeah and affordable enough for me to still be able to make a living for my family without having to charge $700.00 per roof. I will be patiently waiting:lgwave: Scott
  24. Bleach and Sodium hydroxide

    http://www.roofreviver.com/page/16i0e/Roof_Reviver_TM__Information.html Read the instructions Scott
  25. I remember reading through a web page that had brick restoration(maybe???) products and one of the products they also made was this neat "spray on" clear "rubber" type gel that you could spray on and then peel off to prevent overspray where you may not want it. I thought it was klenz tone but didn't see it on their site. Any help would be great. Thanks Scott