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Everything posted by racechaser

  1. Bleach use

    The dish soap Larry told you to add would be your surfactant. Most surfactants are basically non or low foaming soaps. Scott
  2. I have a typical internal bypass unloader bolted on my machine.I want to go to a flow actuated unloader with a bypass to my float tank. I see in ESPEC's technical library that he says most unloaders are quick connected on. I would like to be able to change mine back and forth as to be able to use a rotary nozzle to clean some things and downsize and upsize tips to control pressure to a particular surface. These are things that I heard are not reccomended or don't work if you use a flow actuated unloader. So first do any of you have yours quick connected? And second which unloader would anyone suggest to use on my machine. It is a 3500 PSI 4 gallon belt driven machine with a Hawk pump. Thanks Scott
  3. Where to buy liquid chlorine?

    I bet if you called it "hypo" as in sodium hypochlorite you might have a better chance. Liquid chlorine is the wrong name for it in the actual "chemical" industry. 10.5 to 12% sodium hypochlorite is out there I promise you, You may get it in Dover but more likely philly or DC/ Baltimore.Pm Beth she may give you their reps name but may not want it publicly said in the forums. Scott
  4. Me and my chocolate city!!!

    I guess you had to hear about our city coming back as chocolate. I'm going to try and find a couple of the humorous things posted around town. Here is one http://www.wwltv.com/local/stories/wwl011906jbshirts.1d7fc2a5.html Too Funny!!! Scott
  5. better pump??? AR / General

    Hey Russ what about Hawk pumps on a Hotsy?? Are they good pumps? Are the parts interchangeable with other brands? Thanks Scott
  6. Cap/Plug for two inch tubing

    2" square tubing or round?
  7. I Can't Believe I'm the First to Say This...

    I thought the same thing about the avatar but didn't want to embarass ya'll. Rod has a pretty serious look and a grin. Did the photographer make ya'll say something like "pizzzaaaa"? Or was Rod looking at the 2 million boardfeet of teak on the boat and trying to figure a pitch for the maintenance contract?:lgmoneyey Scott
  8. I need a gun

    Keep ammo on hand too. Find a dealer that only sells guns in your area too. During Katrina there were the rumors of thugs leaving the city and coming to your town on the way out. There was also the looting threat everywhere. At that point I decided to get a couple more boxes of fresh rounds for my .40 cal Taurus. Most everyplace that carried guns and ammo as "side items" (such as chain stores from Wal Mart to Academy Sports) sent all their inventory back to warehouse and suppliers. The time you needed it you weren't able to get it.Another example of where the thieves stole guns from New Orleans and Harry homeowner couldn't buy a gun to protect his family. There is plenty to learn from Katrina for everyone. Please do!!!
  9. Ebay Setup

    Did you notice the seller?? RyanJ24 in Atlanta??? Hmmmmm... Not our Ryan huh? Scott
  10. Trailer Security

    Wow a kart racer. How cool. Been on my wish list for a couple of years now. N.B. has a nice track I hear.I haven't been back to Schlitterbahn's recently.When I go again I want to eye it over. Nice alarms too.I like the GPS and the pricing schedule. Scott
  11. Welcome Home Beth & Rod!!!!!

    I'm glad you made it home OK. I had a good time, I just wish I could have shown you around more than I was able to. I fixed my brake line yesterday. It only cost about $6.00. I just bent the new tubing and put a compression fitting further down the line to join the two together. The old line was way too smashed to just cut out and put the fitting on. It will be a long time before I can enjoy bbq and not be scared when I see a pit. Thanks for the lunch and I'll try to get some more pics to you from the breach. I just need to find the disc. Hope your time here was nice for ya'll. Hope to see you soon!! Scott
  12. Welcome Home Beth & Rod!!!!!

    I've got more pics, I'm gonna send a few a day. Yeah I've said the same thing since I first laid eyes on the devastation.It will be a long time before extensive washing is needed.I really think the recovery will be so slow you'll never even notice it being done. It will never be the huge scale of work that everyone outside of the area thinks it will be. The pics will speak for themselves.Four months later and little work has been done in the city itself to rebuild. I really think everyone kinda thought I was wanting to keep outsiders away and hog it all to ourselves. I've shown Jesse Kirchoff around and even helped him find a hotel room.A major find around here.He pretty much couldn't believe the massive devastation.It is like crossing a border from suburbia to Thunderdome. Though they were only on vacation I showed Beth & Rod around also.I welcome anyone to work here.There is just not massive washing being done.You cannot imagine the devastation in the flooded parts of the city. You will see the pics and think to yourself that it has been for months. Long enough that some of the country is already forgetting us. Can't wait till you start the thread with the pics.If you don't maybe I will figure the resizing out. Scott
  13. Welcome Home Beth & Rod!!!!!

    I found some pics for you to post and share. They are too large to post and I couldn't figure out how to resize them.Pm me your real email addy and I'll send them to you. Scott
  14. Best TV series

    I saw 2 1/2 men a couple of times and it was funny,just not real funny.I may not have given it enough of a chance. I'll have to try again.Thanks for the tip.
  15. Best TV series

    I like "lost" too.We have season one on DVD.I love the plot and concept but it is not near the nail biting and being upset waiting for next weeks episode to come out. The worst words you can hear at the end of an episode of 24 is when they show previews of the next show and it starts off like "coming in three weeks an all new 24".Talk about wanting to kick something and cry. I've been an alias fan from the first show. I'm pretty bummed it's ending. I haven't watched but one episode this year.All network programming was pre-empted for Katrina coverage 24/7 so I decided I'd wait for DVD. OCC is pretty cool too. I love the Teutul family. Finally a more disfunctional family than mine. I've watched stargate from day one and have seen every episode ...I think.That's classic TV if you watched it from the beginning. Unless something is escaping me Everybody loves Raymond was the last of the GREAT sitcoms. I can't think of any others that are must see.
  16. Need Help- Domain Name

    Your site is looking good Ken!!! Keep it up. I like the hyphen better than inc added to the end.I'm with phillip though, I would have added the "s". I would still register it if I were you.You may change your mind or if people screw up it can be an alias to your site. Scott
  17. Best TV series

    24 ROCKS!!! Jack Bauer is the man!! I own all 5 seasons on DVD. This is real life in my opinion and not what congress thinks happens to terrorists.
  18. What if you used sodium percarbonate instead of bleach in your housewash mix on that side of house? Do you think someone would encounter same issues? Sodium Percarbonate is slower than bleach but it's safe for stained wood right? Just a thought?? Scott
  19. Chemical Burns

    I had something similar last year.At work in my boots or constantly wet shoes, my feet would get hard and scruffy. On my off shifts they would be better till they got wet again at work. AF creams did nothing so I thought it was just wet feet pruning on me. I finally went to a dermatologist and he scraped it and it was a fungal infection that would only respond to lamisil. $12.00 a pill for ten days.It cured it though.You may have something similar.I didn't think I had anything cause the OTC creams never helped. Scott
  20. Hurricane cleanup advice wanted!!!!!

    Hey Adrian I don't blame you a bit for wanting to come to New Orleans to try and cash in but I'm just telling you this so you know. I really think it will be after Christmas before the majority of any work gets started down her in New Orleans. I really don't think anyone really is getting a grasp on the state of affairs down here.Most people didn't have flood insurance in the city.There is a huge problem brewing down here that the the storm surge damage is not covered under most policies.Only wind damage is covered. Second is the mold situation. Anything with mold on it is not covered.So you have a water flooded home that is closed up for about a month in 100 degree heat at 90% humidity. The mold is everywhere and the insurance companies aren't covering it. Third is the city still has not let most people in yet. Though most companies aren't even inspecting damage they are maxing out claims to the highest $ amount allowed under policy. Fourth is an opinion only. 53% of all residents in New Orleans rented. 60 or 70% of all evacuees say they aren't coming back. So to me that leaves a very weak housing market inside the city.I can see a lot of people ripping out sheetrock and carpet and letting house sit till housing market improves. Landlords that is.I think that most will take money for home and run if they had flood insurance. I think movie studios should come film down here for about a week.Then if they ever need apocolyptic footage of the USA after a war they would have it.Cars flipped,houses destroyed and mud everywhere. I have friends that lost homes in Orleans parish.They have no drinking water,no sewerage,no electricity and no business is open to shop at when the city does open back.This recovery will take years I'm telling you. From a finance basis think about this.No business, no tax base. NO SALES = no sales tax. No sales tax no police salary,no firefighter salary,no school funding for expenses or teacher salaries.Pretty bleak outlook.No residents living here means no way a business can profit. No business open means no supplies or jobs for residents. kind of like the chicken or the egg story. Make no mistake we WILL come back. I just thought I might give you some insight of what you may find.I welcome you!!! If you come look me up I'd love to meet anyone that comes.I'm also game for helping participate in the co op if it gets off the ground.I'm gonna start myself in about another month. I rode through Jefferson parish the other day and the road was a 8 foot tall wall of debris that ran the entire lenght of the street just waiting to be picked up.The whole city smells of decaying rotten food.You will literally gag in some areas of the city.I assure you pressure washing is not even in their thought process "right now'. Sorry for the long post.I'm gonna go start my glossary of acronyms that I need to learn to participate in the clean up effort. Scott
  21. Hurricane Katrina

    That's why we needed Federal help fast. 500 officers wading in water with pistols cannot fight these people and rescue.We needed Army Rangers and blackhawks and apache helicopters shooting the insurrgents(yes just like Iraq).It's shameful that these punks caused thousands of deaths.Volunteers typically would have gone in our boats rescuing people but they wouldn't let us in for safety reasons. Scott
  22. Hurricane Katrina

    Thanks I just saw it over there myself.I came here first because he usually visits both.I'm glad for him.I knew it was bad there. Scott
  23. Hurricane Katrina

    Well I'm back online via AOL.Never would have ever imagined I'd be happy with dial up.A lot of catching up to do. Has anyone heard from Bill Hunter (Big Bill)? I don't know him personally but he lives about 20 minutes east of me.They got hit HARD.I mean HARD!!! Lots of wind damage. I looked and he hasn't posted in a couple of weeks.He may not have internet either. If anyone here are praying people.......He and his family most likely need it.There were only about 200 people in St. Tammany that were killed in the storm.So the odds are he is alive but very well could be in a shelter with family because house is gone or may be VERY damaged.Even if home No power, No Ice, No Phones(not even cell), No food or gas.Not a pleasant living with kids. I just hope he evacuated to somewhere and is not caught up in that mess over there. I just thought someone may have been emailed by him maybe. Scott
  24. Hurricane Katrina

    Beth Am I to understand your dad lives in Hammond? I live in Hammond too. If your dad needs any help please call me 225-294-4105.I had to come to my church in baton rouge to log onto internet.I'm actually calling around stores to find a stupid AOL disc so I can get dial up till the cable is repaired.Been without power for 5 days now.I have a generator going so we're comfortable,just always searching for gas. Please call if he needs help with yard or groceries,not working for a couple of days so I'm just kinda helping a few others out but I will gladly keep an eye out for him if he needs it too. Scott
  25. Want to play fantasy football?

    Did you get my email the other day?I never got an invite. Scott