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Everything posted by racechaser

  1. easy recipes

    Look in Wal mart's frozen food section(if you have personally boycotted Wal mart I commend you and you can check your local grocer) for these bags of frozen biscuits.They come like 20 in pack and are frozen like a brick.You can cook as few as you like though and when they are done they can pass for most home made biscuits.I think it is Pilsbury and wal marts private label in our stores. Scott
  2. easy recipes

    Cook one package of Kraft shells and cheese add one can of drained tuna add one can of drained"early peas"(I use L'esure in a silver can--not sure if that's a national or regional brand--but worth the extra 30 cents) stir all these together on low heat till warm. Will feed two adults and my two kids easily. Really easy and surpringly good. Scott
  3. Want to play fantasy football?

    Way cool!!! What happened though? Did you miss the last exit,cross the Sabine and find a whole new country? Or was it a bride you found that brought you there? Scott
  4. Want to play fantasy football?

    What's up with that name if you're in Houston? Is that an insult to us and I'm just missing it? :rolleyes2 Scott
  5. Our local porta potty supplier(johnny on the spot) or whatever you call them in your area.The cleaners come in drums and they go through a lot of them. Scott
  6. $175 House Wash

    I've used that many times.I found the "quotes wrap" on the tool bar and was trying that one.When I previewed the post it looked liked it worked. I was trying to post several individual quotes and repond to each like Mike does often.He has several different quotes in one single post.That's what I THOUGHT I was doing. Maybe next year when I go see a downstreamer in action,I'll stop by and have him show me his downstreamer and his "quotes" trick. LOL Thanks Scott
  7. Chem Storage

    Which is likely why they pay $1.00 a gallon at a pool store and we pay$2.00-3.00 a gallon from industrial chemical suppliers in the rest of the country. I know it cleans just as good but ours is likely a little better grade (no suspended solids?)The guys in Florida use it so fast most suppliers never see degradation as an issue anyway. That was a very interesting link.Thanks!! Scott
  8. $175 House Wash

    One day I'll figure the quote thing out.Sorry the last post was cluttered. Scott
  9. $175 House Wash

    There are a couple of things you should always remember. Rule# 1----Profit is not a dirty word or something you should be ashamed in trying to make when in business for yourself!!! Rule #2----A good deal is a state of mind!!! Rule #3----Only you know the time,effort, and expense to be in business!! [i don't know if it was just beginners luck or what, but when I started a year ago (having that fired up feeling) I was landing 300.00 single story jobs. This was when you didn't know any better and were happy because you gave them a good job and they were happy with the job you gave them!!! Somehow a seed krept in my head that I was ripping these people off. Remember rules #1&3???? Even though they showed no remorse at the time and were very pleased with my work. Isn't it funny how rule # 2 works???? A few good high paying jobs outweigh a lot of low paying jobs with much more physical effort involved. See, here you remember rule #3.Why here????Why don't you remember #3 when you CONFIDENTLY give them your estimate????It is here talking about low balling when you remember your yellow page ads expense,the rising cost of fuel,the time it took to pass out 250 fliers in the neighborhood, the copy expense of 250 fliers,the trip to give the estimate,the trip back to do the job,the time to unroll the hose, time to do job,time to roll up hose,time to present bill and talk to client,time to drive home and oh yeah and the trip to bank to cash the $100.00 check so you can pick up groceries on your way home. REMEMBER THESE WHEN GIVING YOUR ESTIMATE!!!!!!!!!NEVER PASS THE CHANCE TO EXPLAIN RULE#3 TO CLIENT( when they complain about prices)!!!!!!!!!!! lolonce again, Thanks to the coolest forum in the universe. Yes it is one great forum!!!!!!! Thanks Beth and all the fellow members. Hope this helps Scott
  10. Looks like cure or age to me.When looking at original pictures it is splotchy before you cleaned it. Naturally when you clean these color variations they will pass through to the clean concrete. Scott
  11. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    Mike I think when he says this he's speaking of chemical plants and refineries.(Just an assumption because I know the area). Scott
  12. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    Yeah but if he got $550 for that house, even if he did have to use 40 gallons,the paydays are bigger too. :) Scott
  13. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    So are you saying you have 25- 40 empty jugs at the end of most jobs?? What brand is it and where do you get it? The gallon jugs have me perplexed about your supplier. Not understanding pre packaged gallon jugs unless it is a pool store. Have you tried looking anywhere else?? I'm about ready to pack up some 12.5% and come work for a day in Beaumont with you and see if there is a difference. Puzzled, scott
  14. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    Mel What surfactant do you use?Is it the same one you use when you spray chem on walls?Who sells it? Scott
  15. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    James, I read you're whole post again and see that you use 10.5% and mix 80/20.That's 8% to the roof (if assay is legit). Mike and Don say they use 50/50 and adjust as needed for special circumstances. That's 5% to the roof. OK Mel, I seem to remember reading on one of these boards that you use 9% solution to the roof.It seems like you said you had to touch up less. Am I remembering right or am I thinking of someone else? If so why the difference in solutions,in your opinion, between different areas?Climate,strain of mold or quality of SH? Why must some use 5% and some use 8-9% to get the same results. I'm not trying to insult anyone here just want to ask someone who IS using extra chems why??I'm assuming he has considered it before since it affects his bottom line. Scott
  16. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    James Have you checked out your supplier?Who is it if it's not secret?If they are not a fast mover of SH,maybe you have older stuff they're not turning over very fast.If not sure it may be worth the Price to have a lab run the concentration on a titrator for you.I don't think we do bleach analysis in our lab anymore or I'd do it for you. We've received it from suppliers and the drums looked like they've been to Thailand and back on the deck of a ship.The labels wet and dried out and just rough looking drums. Bleach degrades fast in heat and UV exposure.It's actually months not days as many think(if kept out of elements).Heat it up with sunlight, provide a vent to atmosphere, and it loses it's potency quick. That may be your problem.$3.00 a gallon is high unless you're only buying 25 gallons at a time.The money you save if only getting 6 or 8% instead of 12.5% will pay for the test in a couple of washes. Scott
  17. Chem Blending...Opinions Needed

    The only thing I would consider advising you on is the ingredients.I work in chemical manufacturing. I make the world's most popular post emergent herbicide.The one thing that we are constantly tweaking are the surfactants.Each mix uses different ones.Each one produces different results.Anybody can mix up a glyphosate solution.The whole reason we are still the leader in sales is not wholly because of brand recognition. Most farmers actually see a difference.The only ingredients that need to be listed on a MSDS sheet are the hazards.You really may have no clue as to the non hazardous "inert ingredients" that are proprietary and not listed.The surfactants and soaps may play a key role in the makeup. In short, citracleen may not be simply the ingredients on the MSDS.You may spend the money on tank full of housewash only to have something that is very ineffective and never figure out why. If you do try it, start small. Just my humble opinion, Scott
  18. Shurflo Burn out

    Phillip, What size hose do you run?? Does your pump have 1/2" threads? Scott
  19. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    Mike, Are you using a 3.0 GPM or 1.6 GPM pump?My 3.0 GPM I bought has 1/2" fittings and the 1.6 has 3/8".I was wondering if anybody used 1/2" hose on their 3.0 GPM or if everybody reduced down? Scott
  20. Mt. Rushmore

    If you read the article they only donated chems and (machines maybe).Labor is provided by 15 park rangers and not using chems on cracks and sensitive areas.Basically a hot water wash. Scott
  21. Taking Private Land for Private Businesses

    Nicholas Cage in National Treasure!!! Scott
  22. Water Tank location

    That's some pretty fancy calculations Ryan put up there. Myself, having no sheepskin and being slightly redneckish,I would have filled the tote up and drained it, continually moving it until I got the "look" of a balanced load. I told all my math teachers that numbers were meant to create words not solve math problems.I never thought I'd use stuff like that algebra they were teaching. BOY WAS I EVER WRONG!!!!! Thanks Ryan for all the scientific help you give to all of us.With that much calculation knowledge I'm really considering getting rapelling advice from you.If anyone can figure rope load and stress it would be you. Scott
  23. How is this so? I never heard that before. Scott
  24. Taking Private Land for Private Businesses

    No more will a savvy real estate purchase made by a citizen be a good investment. I buy 25 acres in the middle of nowhere. Nobody else even owns 25 acres acres. You can't even buy a plot of land 25 acres or larger.Ten years later the area develops. Maybe because Wal-Mart builds a distribution center in my town(Like Jon's family). Now I'm sitting pretty, my house and property value doubled (like Jon's family)when the distribution center opened. Now because land is high, and mine is the only prime intersection, Wal-Mart wants to buy my land to build a retail store!!!Sweet!!!!!!! Everyone knows I bought this land to raise my garden and give my grandkids a place to ride horses and go karts.I don't really want to sell. After all I can't buy 25 acres in the same school district to replace it. But if Wal-Mart will pay me premium I will consider moving. After all I'll be much wealthier having made my investment 10 years earlier. I tell Wal-Mart what it will take to buy me out. They actually LAUGH at me and call me silly. They offer me half. I flip out and tell them it's not worth it to uproot my family and I'm not interested if they won't meet my offer to sell. They decline. Three weeks later the sheriff shows up with orders to have me forcibly removed from MY LAND. It seems that the Vice-President of corporate development called the mayor and said that both the store they wanted to build and the scheduled expansion of the distribution center would be cancelled if they didn't seize my property under imminent domain law. I asked the mayor,(with whom I worked for on all seven campaigns),WHY??? He said he hated to do it but he was forced to because of the jobs and taxes that would have been lost. He didn't agree with it but told me to take consolation that I was getting my original purchase price back and I wasn't losing any money. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. What about the increased land values? The mayor then tells me Wal-mart had it appraised AND COULD JUSTIFY THE LOW PRICE. The mayor tells me I can fight the settlement amount in court after they seize my land and build on it. I may win and get more than they appraised it for. But he tells me I can't cash the check they give me now after seizing my property. If I do I forfeit my right to contest the amount. I ask my mayor what do I do to buy a new house if I can't use the check they gave me. He can't really give me an answer. I swear to him "I'll tell everybody what he did to me!!!!!!!!!". Everyone will know how you sold me out. He shakes his head and tells me he's sorry. He then tells me nobody will take action against him. He created several hundred new jobs and everybody's property value will double again. After all, his decisions caused everybody's property value to quadruple in a 5 year period. Everybody is happy with his decisions because they benefitted them.And besides nobody tried to take their land. A little long, but needed to get the point across. Everybody get it now???Local politicians can now be forced to bow to corporate interests. Just think about how people can be abused. You no longer have power to negotiate because they can seize your land and get it for whatever they want within reason. And our soldiers are giving their lives for freedom??Liberty???The right to own property?? This a slippery slope,and truly makes for a sobering Fourth of July. Just my thoughts, Scott
  25. cleaning copper awnings and gutters??

    Is there anything this stuff won't do?? Thanks Celeste!!! Scott