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Everything posted by racechaser

  1. Deck Over Water

    That had to draw more attention the job than a 4x8 yard sign. I'm still trying to figure out if you were serious bout the zero degree tip and applying the stain with your x jet. LOL It does look great though. Where is that near? Scott
  2. A bit of History that started here in NM.

    Now that's some good reading!!! Who has time to look this stuff up?? Scott
  3. Inside 911

    You don't believe in war for ANY reason?? It's your right and I'm not knocking you, I'm just surprised to hear that from you. Scott
  4. Inside 911

    We are in those places also. In my opinion we should be anywhere there is terrorism being practiced.Anyone wearing Hamas cloaks should be shot on sight.Anyone holding a firearm in palestine(where it is illegal) should be shot on sight for violating the law. How can you say that when they shot at our planes every day while flying in the "no fly zone" protecting the Iraqi citizens from Sadaam. Yet you want to NUKE EM ALL!!! Now maybe we should gladly take on that job since President A's sole mission is to wipe Israel off the map because they don't have a right to live. Bush didn't go all the way to Baghdad because the UN didn't give him permission in the resolution. His ONLY mandate was to drive Iraq from kuwait. 99.99% of the people do feel that way. Only the Sunni muslims, who lost their dictator and privelege of running the contry even though they were the minority, really are upset over the events. A couple of thousand insurgents, most from other countries, are comitted to killing themselves and others to get their way. If not now then when?? Did he need to violate 30 UN resolutions?? Did he need to actually kill one of our pilots he was shooting at? Lies or bad intelligence? There is a difference. Clinton stripped the CIA of their power of intelligence gathering. I'm sorry for being ignorant about current events sometimes. Would you please give me the date we left Afghanistan so I can be sure to give my children correct information when we get to that in school. One thing we can agree on The barracks in Saudi Arabia that housed our soldiers and their families, the simultaneous bombings of the African emabassies, the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, the attack on USS Cole and others I am probably forgetting all occured under Clinton's watch. All these basically went without any substantal retalliation. We have not had another attack on US soil since then. Madrida and Brittain have not been so fortunate. I'll bet they are more vigillant about their safety since then. They were here before in greater numbers as previously posted Yeah I guess when he said that he thought the economy and domestic issues was going to be his biggest concern. I guess the soothsayer failed to tell him America was going to be attacked on our own soil in the greatest way ever. I guess you think he should have been prepared for everything before he made genral statements in a debate. Oh yeah by the way...What do you think Al Gore would have done on 911 besides blasting the terrorists for the bad greenhouse gas emissions released from the burning jet fuel and the plumes sent into the ozone. I wonder..... Scott
  5. Inside 911

    I have always said that same thing. If I was the biggest drug dealer in the world and the cops told me today that on September 27, 2007 they were going to raid my house if I didn't let them in. I think I would be able to sell drugs through the summer and then still have enough time to get rid of the evidence before they finally raided me. After all in the first Gulf War, the first action Iraq took was to fly all their fighters to Iran. A country that they were in an 11 year(??) war against. Why not send their WMD's to Hezzbolah to use against Israel if they were going to lose them anyway? Scott
  6. Downstreaming or x-jetting ?

    Who makes that one? It looks a little fancy to come from Xterior( not knocking them--simply an observation). Scott
  7. Pita Msds

    Yeah the last thing you want, is them buying your chems and doing it themselves. Scott
  8. PWNA Convention

    Here is the link to explain the signature rule. http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/forum-general-announcements/4143-signature-requirements-users-please-read.html Hope this helps you. Scott
  9. PWNA Convention

    Forget about the signature rule(just kidding) and concentrate on punctuation, sentence breaks, and cohesive thoughts as you express yourself. Scott
  10. Pita Msds

    Technically the MSDS is for employees and Emergency workers to deal with YOUR chems in case of an acident. I don't think a disgruntled resident has a "right" to see them. But, giving them to HOA President is a MUST if they were requested. If you won't cooperate in resolving something that is minor, how will they know you will step up and do the right thing if something serious happens. The last thing the HOA or PM company wants is to be left hanging with no answers or help after they were the ones that may have vouched for you. Now for the distribution of them to the President, I would cut the "trade name" (example-simple cherry) of the chemical off the top of the sheet. Leave the chemical contents, shipping, health, first aid and everything else. You should tell him that your chems are proprietary and you can't give out brand names because you have spent thousands of dollars researching what works best. Also make sure he is aware that the Bleach is only 2-3 % concentration. Your MSDS will give health effects for 12.5% only. Cool off, Breathe, and remember customer comes first when possible. Scott
  11. Pressure Washer Question

    Here is an excerpt from ESPEC. You need to post a pic of your pump and unloader. You could also paste a link to your pressure washer if someone sells it online. Scott EnviroSpec's Technical Library Section: By-pass Configurations. Unloader Valves Pressure washers generally are manufactured with a closed loop by-pass that cycles the by-pass water in a small amount from the unloader by-pass port to the inlet port of the pump, and then back to the inlet port of the unloader. This configuration is an accident waiting to happen. Friction generated by the plungers moving against the packings generates heat that is transferred to the water. Because there is only a small amount of water the water temperature increases rapidly. When the temperature exceeds about 155 degrees, damage begins to occur to the packings. If allowed to continue, the hot water can damage the plungers in the pump, damage seals in the unloader, and destroy the hoses between the pump and the unloader. Ideally, machines would either have their by-pass plumbed differently, or have a thermal relief valve or switch installed as a safeguard against by-pass heat build-up. Because most machines are manufactured in a way that allows this damage to occur, it is wise to change the set up aftermarket. For mobile wash set-ups that are truck or trailer mounted and are supplied by a water tank, the best way to configure the by-pass is to plumb it directly back to the water tank. The benefit of plumbing the by-pass this way is that it includes the water in the supply tank in the by-pass loop. With a large amount of water in the loop, there isn’t enough heat generated to increase the water temperature enough to damage anything, no matter how long the equipment runs in by-pass. Connect a long by-pass hose from the by-pass port of the unloader, plumbed with a hose barb, and have it terminate at a barb fitting on the water tank. The water tank can be fitted with a small bulkhead fitting on the top, then plumbed with a properly sized hose barb. The by-pass hose can be reinforced chemical tubing, hi spike bypass hose, or garden hose. The diameter of the by-pass hose is determined by the flow of the pump and the type of unloader being used. For pumps that are rated below 6 GPM, a ½” ID by-pass hose is recommended when using a pressure type unloader, and a ¼ “ ID by-pass hose is recommended when using a flow actuated unloader. For a pump with a flow rating of over 6 GPM, a ¾ “ by-pass hose is recommended when using a pressure type unloader, and a ½ “ by-pass hose is recommended when using a flow actuated unloader.
  12. I was hoping for something less than $1.00 per sft in material cost. But I appreciate those links, they were helpful and I saved them for the future. Does that 3108 stuff work well? Scott
  13. So I have two porches I'd like to strip of the "porch and deck paint". I didn't paint it originally, but it is peeling like crazy. I'd like to strip and stain it. Does anyone have a reply to Dan or myself on this topic? Scott
  14. PWNA Convention

    Thanks for your input, but I think I will continue to hold out for ethical reform and positive actions toward the limited membership they currently have.At he point they prove to represent the PW industry positively I will be the first one to join. Not bashing the PWNA, just responding to what I expect from the PWNA if they wish to recruit me as a new member as Wayne is suggesting I do. Scott
  15. Propane or electric

    Do you know they make propane fired burners? Scott
  16. interpreting nozzle chart

    I tried posting Steve's too and couldn't get it to format when I posted. Thanks John, I too find that chart so easy to use too. Scott
  17. interpreting nozzle chart

    Chart didn't format right
  18. interpreting nozzle chart

    That's not an easy chart to read. But if you know your desired PSI and what GPM's your machine puts out, then go to the pressure column and continue down till you see your GPM.The slide left to see what nozzle size you need. If you post desired psi and your gpm's we'll give you an exact size. Scott
  19. insurance just went up

    Not being a smartass even if it comes across that way BUT you use Sodium Hypochlorite(NaOCl). Which is a whole different chemical than Chlorine(Cl). I have been on the soapbox before about calling our chems by the proper name and here is a prime example why. I would tell your carrier you use Sodium Hypochlorite and not Chlorine and see what they say. Scott
  20. insurance just went up

    When would you ever use chlorine? Scott
  21. insurance just went up

    Did you specifically ask if you had "care,custody and control" ? Scott
  22. Aluminum Roof Help

    Sodium Hydroxide will eat through aluminum quicker than Acid in my opinion. I would not try that unless you test it on an aluminum can first. Scott
  23. Aluminum Roof Help

    I don't think you'll find much because anything that removes mortar or iron oxide pigments is an acid and will be corrosive to metal. Just an opinion. Scott
  24. Top this!!

    1) Go to thread you want to link to and highlight url in address bar up top. 2) right click mouse and hit "copy" 3) Go to the field of thread you want to paste link into and right click "paste" that is all there is to it. Scott
  25. Top this!!

    http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/residential-pressure-washing/9666-how-would-you.html Here it is for you. Scott