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Everything posted by racechaser

  1. State specific business start up requirements.

    If they are "in process of starting up" they won't be paying for insurance because they are still planning and not working. Poll can't differentiate on it's own. Some still may not carry it while working presently but I think it's the people " still planning" that's skewing the results. That's what I believe anyway Scott
  2. Gutter Solutions

    Wayne (WEW) installs "gutter filter" which is the same stuff in appearance at least. I think he said it was working out good. Maybe he will see this and chime in or you can call him. Scott
  3. Replacement For Honda 13hp-gx390

    "Interchangeable" and exact "OEM replacement parts" are two different things. They are not a Honda, they are a clone and you should remember that.I have friends that have them on "cloned quads". They run good. I wanted to race Karts a while back and those guys that build motors didn't have kind words about them in general. For your kids go kart yes. For your livelyhood, NO!! JMHO Scott My opinion Scott
  4. Daily Motivation

    profit is not a dirty word Scott
  5. Surface Cleaner

    I started with a 16" hover for my machine with the same specs. I knew I would have had problems if I went much bigger. I love it. It's fast enough for me and lots of power to clean. Scott
  6. Everytime I use Sodium Hypochlorite

    Please expound....I'm confused??? Have you ever used the respirator for the whole job? It sounds like you have and you still get sick later in the day??? Am I understanding you correctly?? Scott
  7. How do you like your Turkey?

    Actually Beth it may be that brand just different. I THINK this is the one I have. http://www.turkey-fryers-online.com/masterbuilt/setftv_turkey_fryer_kits.htm I'm at work or I'd look. I wanted to use mine this year but my wife bought a turkey the size of a raptor and it wouldn't fit. Maybe Christmas at home or we may fry one at work in a couple of weeks using it. Scott
  8. How do you like your Turkey?

    Not that brand. My mom got one last year and liked it so much she got me one for Christmas last year. Sadly I cannot say I've used it personally but my mom uses hers and likes it. She fried one inside and one in the crawfish pot for Thanksgiving. Scott
  9. How do you like your Turkey?

    Beth Buy this for Rod and get him out of the rain. http://cgi.ebay.com/Masterbuilt-Electric-Turkey-Fryer-Seafood-Kettle-NIB_W0QQitemZ250054215639QQihZ015QQcategoryZ20674QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Scott
  10. How much liability insurance do you carry?

    Yeah, but do you have "care, custody,& control" provision ? Scott
  11. Wouldn't mind going Thursday but friday seems like a waste to me. It's not likely many from your area will go if the ACR Spring Roundtable is 4 days earlier in the week. That's the one I want to make if choosing one is the only option. Though I can drive or fly into Dallas from here with no problem. Scott
  12. Everytime I use Sodium Hypochlorite

    And the answer to this is??? Scott
  13. Have I Been Duped

    I'm Still confused??? I want to understand what you're getting at, but I just don't. Scott
  14. Everytime I use Sodium Hypochlorite

    Here is a link to the MSDS in case you needed it to read. http://www.washingsystems.com/pdfs/laundry/english/SODIUM%20HYPOCHLORITE%2010-16%-UNIVAR-MSDS.pdf Hope it helps Scott
  15. Everytime I use Sodium Hypochlorite

    What brand of respirator and cartidges?? Also, how are you using the sodium hypochlorite straight, in a mix with something, and also what percent. There are chemical illness cases but not common, and different for everybody. It could be the SH but could be something else. It could be another ingredient or a combination of ingredients that are not compatible. Not necessarily you incorectly combining chems but just producing a new compound and THAT is what you are allergic to. Just thinking outside the box. Scott
  16. How do you like your Turkey?

    You mean it isn't for everybody?????????LOL What are they missing!!! Scott
  17. Have I Been Duped

    So I'm a little confused about why you're taking shots at the machine? It was advertised by the manufacturer to have an 8gpm pump putting out 3500 psi (which means the discharge of the pump by all manufacturers). The pump is doing just that. I know that Pressure Pro is not a Hotsy or Alkota. But What did they do that's even remotely shady or not up to par with this machine? Scott
  18. Ipod?

    Ipod is the way to go. www.Macmall.com is the site I would suggest to shop.I buy most all my mac stuff there and they have great service.More accesories than most stores too I bet. Go with the 80 GB though. Scott
  19. Anybody here ever rebuild air tools? Like impact wrenches and ratchets? I'm pretty mechanically savvy...but have never done anything like that before. I have a craftsman and an Ingersoll Rand impact that won't spin when you turn on the air. I Want to tear them apart and rebuild them but want some advice like website forums or any books that someone with experience might reccomend. Thanks Scott
  20. Restora

    ACR is a vendor for them I think. You know the people hosting that roundtable tomorrow.If your screen is like mine there is a FLOOD banner ad under the chatbox on the forums page.It has their name and number for info. I hear they are super people.Please share what they say, as I was interested in that also. Scott
  21. round table

    Not going but here is the thread to help you out. http://forums.thegrimescene.com/showthread.php?t=8487 It is at the bottom of forums in the regional section. Scott
  22. Vote

    Ryan I wouldn't expect someone as smart as you to compare a a storm that killed 1,836 and has another 700 plus missing, most likely never to be found again, to a snow storm up north. Why don't you tell me the last snowstorm in the North that they were still finding dead bodies in homes a year later. Did the melting snow destroy 80% of homes in a major metropolitan city? I actually had a friend die that beat the road blocks and tried rescuing people. I'm not saying this for sympathy to me, I'm telling you many of us tried to take our boats and help but the Army wouldn't let us into the city.He did and he lost his life. So maybe since the government wouldn't let us handle our own business they ARE responsible for getting these people out. I tried to attach a simple picture it may come out,maybe not, but does that look like what Floridians typically stand up and handle themselves? Just my rant Scott
  23. Vote

    I know the dangers, but shame on the 60% that don't show up. We only had 30% turnout state wide in a normal election. So what is the difference?? Voting is a right. But in some ways it is a privelege, if you don't take advantage of it then shame on you. Voters rights acts have weakened the rights of others. I think our forefathers had it right when they only allowed landowners to vote. I mean why should someone who doesn't own property have a "right" to vote on a property tax. Yes, every citizen should have a right to vote on some things, but what happens if an unemployed or non tax paying majority decides to legislate higher taxes on the workers to fund entitlements for the poor?With the earned income tax credit some people get ALL their income taxes returned to them.So why should they get to support a higher tax rate on the rich? Not smacking the rights of Americans(especially the vote), just posing questions to think about. Scott
  24. Vote

    With today's technology, I'm about ready to fight for the opportunity to vote on the major issues ourselves. 80% of the people want some type of immigration reform and they can't get it done?? Please....if they won't listen to the people and represent us....let's represent ourselves.I know it's a little far fetched but it can't be too far off. Scott
  25. Vote

    I heard an intersting theory about why the minimum wage is so important to them. The union scale in some contracts is based on the minimum wage. so raising the minimum wage in effect raises the union scale. Something to think about Scott