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Everything posted by racechaser

  1. Vote

    This administration was as left as you can get except on pro life and pro war issues. America is conservative. look at the state ballot initiatives. It proves it. Republicans lost this election because conservatives want change.They want CONSERVATIVE LEADERS. Not morally bankrupt heathens. The Foley cover up was the SINGLE catalyst that turned the tide in the election in my opinion. Conservatives could have waited till the next presidential election had this not happened. But with Foley, enough was enough with the Independent conservative base. These brave free minded people finally stood up and voted their conscience. Had my congressman not been a 100% stand up guy I would have followed suit. Scott
  2. Vote

    I don't think conservatives voted for a socialist out of spite. I think "independent" conservatives either didn't pull a lever when in the box or voted libertaian. The state ballot ballot initiatives prove that people are growing to be basically a conservative nature. For years, I too have considered the "greater good" and voted republican even if I thought they weren't the best. In 2000(???) I voted for Perot because of NAFTA and other things. In hindsight I guess his "sucking sound" wasn't far off. And digitally enhanced pics that looked real?? That's absurd. Well maybe it wasn't huh. Maybe he was more sane than most thought. After Clinton got elected I felt like I wasted my vote. I felt badly. Now I don't care. I voted Bush for re election because of the War on Terrror. I hated doing it because of the massive spending initiatives he incurred under his administration. He is about as republican as a man on the moon.But I couldn't see Kerry commanding our troops.I wouldn't do that to our boys. Newt Gingrich and the "contract for America" that was the republican party I was in. Ronald Regan outspending the Russians to end the cold war was a proud moment for me. Regan rolling back taxes and jump starting the economy. That was a proud memory. Now I will gladly vote libertarian (if the situation arises) with the rest of my conservative friends.I want to send the message that I am conservative and not maried to any party. I am sad that now Bush's guest worker program will sail through the House. But I guess the silver lining is that the people who did vote Libertarian sent a message.Had they voted Dem it would have gone unnoticed.But when the Republican Party looks at the Libertarian count they will see that those are the people who cost them the election. Just my nickels worth Scott
  3. Powr Flite Vacs

    http://www.fantastictools.com/pages/drywall_vacuums.htm#loveless_vacuum This is where I bought mine. Good service all the time. I bought mine paired with the porter cable drywall sander.It really works on the fines. Scott
  4. Powr Flite Vacs

    Loveland Ash vacuums are the bomb!!! It is the best vacuum I've ever owned for drywall dust. It has a separate bag that keeps all the dust out of the filter.They were originally made for ash from fireplaces I think.I've had mine for 4 years and love it. Scott
  5. P-Diddy the new James Bond?

    Tommy Lee Jones as Malcolm X Scott
  6. Hmmm...

    If i got it wrong sorry, for the untrained eye (like myself) I figured all dusters were feather.LOL But if anybody missed this extremely informative article...here it is http://www.cleanpeers.com/articles/duster-cleaning.htm Enjoy Scott
  7. Hmmm...

    Trying to be tactful and give people the benefit of the doubt.I don't believe it either. But you never know, so rather than put my foot in my mouth I'll give them the opportunity to back up their statement. I mean that site is not much more than a PR Newswire of janitorial. Read the list of other topics, "how to keep feather dusters fluffy".Not much meat there for me. I think they were trying to let people of other trades know about roof cleaning so people might see the revenue stream and take their class. I speculate a silent response unless it is a response without a technical bulletein. Scott
  8. Hmmm...

    If you notice this an ad for the PWNA roof cleaning class. What you don't see here is that Henry owns a sunbrite franchise.He is also a PWNA board member. (If that is not an accurate description of the sunbrite store, Pete I apologize.But I will welcome your explanation on the matter.) Naturally Sunbrite sells NAOH based roof cleaner. So that is what I am Speculating will be the method taught at the convention. Henry lurks around here but hasn't posted as much as he used to. So If shingle manufacturing company has changed their postion in writing please share the technical bulletein with us please. All I can go by is the ARMA technical bulletein that says Sodium Hypochlorite.Sodium Hydroxide is not mentioned. So if Henry or any other PWNA training coordinator can share this change with us in writing it will both help me in being factual in my statements and lend the PWNA some much needed credibility. Look forward to eliminating the confusion. Scott
  9. Go Tigers!!!!!!!!

    Cardinals had a lot of what I call "luck". And What I tell my little league team I help coach is "Luck is where preparation and opportunity meet in life." The Cardinals capitalized on a Detroit mistakes. End of story. That is sets a winner apart from a loser. Two bad teams in the series would have been proven by neither team capitalizing on the other teams mistakes. What made me really happy is the Cards clinching it at home so the fans could enjoy it. I lived in the STL area (Illinois side) for a couple of years. My wife is from there,so we were pulling hard for STL the whole month. I was glad to see it. Scott
  10. Renting Equipment

    I don't know. I've never had to recclaim before. The California guys or the east coasters hopefully can answer that one. Do you rent equipment? If so isn't there calculation you use. I notice around here most places are about 7-8 % of price if you purchased it(if I remember correct).I know that doesn't include high price equipment or items that need heavy maintenance. But say you had a 5x 12 double axle trailer, a couple of tanks, vacuboom, and a reclaim vac on a trailer.Let's say the total of all of that was $5000.00. You tell me what it would rent for? Just curious. Scott
  11. Cemetery Head Stone Cleaning

    De-Ionized water. D I water prevents the need for drying by hand. It "sheets" the water instead of spotting. Scott
  12. Renting Equipment

    #1 on my list (if I were a rental company) would be water reclaiming set ups and components.Many people may not need it normally, but do need it for the occasional commercial work they may perform. Scott
  13. Happy Birthday Celeste!!

    Well Happy Birthday Celeste. I hope you enjoy it with the family.Maybe Roger and the kids will take it easy on you. Scott
  14. Why the CWA is important

    Cute reason!!!!! Scott
  15. I need to purchase a new bat for my 8 year old boy. Need sizing advice. Wondering if there was a formula relative to height or arm length to correctly size a bat. He's using a 27 inch 19 oz. I was leaning toward a 30 inch 16.5 oz. He's a small kid so the bat seems a little heavy over his head and he's got a slightly slow swing, which I think is likely the bat. He's playing in a fall league with boys 8 to 13 on the same team.This is the first year of him playing "kid pitch". The last two years has been "coach's pitch". So Now his 8 year old skill level is noticeable against these older kids. He needs a little help to get his hitting better. Any advice is appreciated. Scott
  16. Any little league baseball coaches here???

    Yeah the two I bought are new. One of them was 179.95 at baseball express. I got it for 41.00 on closeout. The other one was like 89.00 for thirtysomething. Scott
  17. urgent ! Need edvice ( prolly OT, sorry)

    I'm not from there. But R&L carriers has had good prices for me on shipping things by truck. They are online if you search. Scott
  18. Any little league baseball coaches here???

    That would be a 24 oz bat?????Seems heavy. Too heavy for him right now. Scott
  19. Any little league baseball coaches here???

    I'm looking forward to grandchildren. I'd rather that he have functioning equipment than trophies on the mantle. Scott
  20. Any little league baseball coaches here???

    Here is what I bought so far http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=150038564569&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=005 and this one http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=150040190952&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=005 I am tempted to buy a 29 inch 17 OZ just to see how he does with a slightly longer bat. The voodoo bat is at baseball express for $179.00. So I'm rather happy so far. Scott
  21. Any little league baseball coaches here???

    That is what is happening. I'm gonna try a lighter 28 inch bat then. Thanks Scott
  22. Any little league baseball coaches here???

    Yeah we've done that.And he's used other kids bats. I was just wondering if there was a tip on picking a length. Scott
  23. stupid things

    So How did the trip go??? Limit out??? details please. Scott
  24. Vacation ideas for a pregnant gal

    You could go to Gulf Shores. The condos are off rate right now. There is usually not many people during the week. You could enjoy the beach and walks together. They have kitchens and are furnished just like a house. You could cook in the condo and save money. Foley is like 5 miles away. They have a huge outlet mall there. There is also a town called Fairhope right outside of Mobile. It has antiques and old town stuff. From a father of a full house, take advantage of this time.I wouldn't trade my kids for a billion dollars, but there are many times I'd give $1000.00 just to have one weekend alone with my wife.No diapers to change or bickering between siblings is such a peaceful rest. Enjoy the next few months of your marriage because it will never be the same again.It will be better and you're life will be fuller but the alone time will be hard to find. Scott
  25. Vacation ideas for a pregnant gal

    Off season rates should be coming up at Disney. Have you ever checked out Mousesavers.com? Scott