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Everything posted by racechaser

  1. stupid things

    Surely there's an evolution joke somewhere in that story, just give me time.LOL
  2. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Seven days and seven nights are just as they are today. 24 hours. I am hesitant to dive to far into alternate theories about science and the Bible. So far I have gotten no "intelluctually honest" (do those words have your skin crawling Phillip?)answers as to what part of the Bible vs. science has them hungup into doubting the Bible. Items such as fossils of dinosaurs, age of the earth being billions of years old but the bible saying 7000 are examples. Let's just say I had same doubts till I studied and am now at peace with science and the Bible.In fact science to me is one the greatest proofs of my God. If carbon dating shows a rock is a billion years old, I'll praise God because that shows how long my Lord has been around. Scott
  3. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    I think there is a misidentification between what I would call mutations and what is typically called evolution.I don't really think that fish in caves after 1000 breedings is really evolution as it is taught.It is simply a species gaining or losing traits that they could either benefit from or no longer need. Scott
  4. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Just some food for thought Celeste, God is God of judgement and War. David was perhaps God's favorite king simply because he was a man after his heart.David couldn't build a temple for God because he had so much blood on his hands. But he loved David and helped him win every battle that God wanted fought. Also when it was time to assemble the jews once again he helped them supernaturally defeat several countries all at one time.They actually could have taken all the land that formed the original plot of land. But they defeated those countries with tanks, guns, bombs and other weapons of war. Now I know they could have defeated them with sticks and stones but they didn't have to. The same things that may be bad can also used to deliver God's will. Scott
  5. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    You are very correct. The only thing is the jews believe in the Old Testament.They believe every word like us.They were just too blind to see their own messiah come. You see it was all there in prophecy.The date of his death was predicted hundreds if not a thousand years beforehand. Nonetheless they still believe in God as jehovah. The same as the God of the New testament. Scott
  6. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    So what is the biggest hangup that prevents you from believing the biblical account of history? Examples might be fossils of dinosaurs, age of the earth that type of things. This not confrontational.I know it kind of reads that way. I would just like to compile a list. Scott
  7. Residential: Hot or cold

    Mike, I have to say you may not need hot water to do a driveway if you spray chem on it first.But, Wayne is right about his findings. I went and bought a hotbox from Wayne last fall.We did a nasty driveway with no chems, just hot water.It turned out great. When I got home talked my wife into only doing half of our sidewalk as an experiment ( first 10 feet clean, last 10 feet still moldy and black). I used Hot water only.It's been a year and there is not a speck of mold on my sidewalk.The other half still hasn't been done and the mold has not come back yet on the clean half. Now I'm not debating the whole "baby" mold is there and I can't see it yet. The only point I'm saying is just that, you can't see it. If you have any ambition to do commercial go with hot. That way even if you have to buy special chems for a tough job, you already have the hardware to do it with confidence. just an opinion Scott
  8. That was the theory Ron said you could figure out if you read the post. The whole theory reads something like this....One part Ron ********** into any post equals confusion among reader. Scott
  9. duh....I have been!!! You weren't reading or listening!!!! Scott
  10. Besides I told you to back up your statements!!! You know that is the whole reason you are the only one qualified to post on a subject because you claim you back up everything you say. so back it up. Still waiting.............. scott
  11. READ THE POSTS!!!!! She said she believed it was Mel NOT me. You are clueless as to what other people say. Just what you say matters. Scott
  12. Oh wait !!! Look Here !!! Now You know I said it!!! Which is it Ron???
  13. So it wasn't me according to your quotes
  14. After Katrina I went and spent a week in Florida with Wayne. I ate breakfast and dinner with Big Pete several times also.I promise flesh and bones here. I just don't have a BBS or 24 years experience yet.After hearing it come out of your mouth, I may never say my # of years experience when I get as many as you. Sounds pretty bad when you say it. Scott
  15. What the heck are you sniffing dude!! What is it now an industry wide conspiracy to discredit Ron **********...the 24 year veteran. No it's more like you don't READ what is written. You just go off on misinterpreted information. You made a statement and I'm asking you to back it up. Sooooooooo......I'm........waiting............. Scott
  16. Show me that quote Ron. I'm quite interested to see what you're talking about. Scott
  17. Ron I understand what you are trying to say. The problem with what you say is you skip words and the reader is left guessing.You are also confusing in your argument (bouncing around). I have no anger toward you at all. If we ever meet, It'll be like nothing happened.Until you start with that condescending attitude you seem to have portrayed here. I'm sure it's not as bad in person as on a computer screen.On the screen though I must say, your attitude towards others BITES!! Just read what you said... "you contractors"....."like most of ya'll on a BBS"....."I'm Ron Musgrave...I've got 24 years experience and am a leader in this industry.Who are you?? Are you even real? Tell us your experience before you dare question me.......You need to quit telling us your opinion and back everything up with published test results. It may sound a little dramatic because I'm only going by memory." I guess no hard feelings here...next time the condescending attitude rears it's ugly head (if it does)I'll just assume that's your personality and won't take it personally. Scott
  18. Don't worry. If it sounded like I was threatening to leave....well no.. I'm just staying out of a confusing debate with someone who has an attitude that I would consider less than polite.I gave Ron the benefit of the doubt when he misread my post(I feel). But it continued none the less. I love the Grime Scene!!!! You'll have to drag the keyboard out of my hands to get me out. Scott
  19. So Ron, just forget about responding back to me. I'm going to try not to post on this anymore unless I'm directly quoted or mentioned. I'm not worth you're time anyway. After all I'm just one of those STUPID contractors you inferred to earlier. I don't have BBS like you and Beth. But I never have heard Beth or Rod belittle people on this board as a sub class of people as you have us contractors in this thread. In fact it has taken all I have in me to not respond to the personal and professionsal attacks you have made against me and my industry. I am respecting Beth and not flaming or bashing you like I feel like. I know that you are a respected leader in our industry. Fine!! I respect the contributions you have made. But I cannot tolerate the PURE ARROGANCE AND DISRESPECT you have shown toward the general membership here. So have fun with the debate because every Florida roof guy is gonna fight this for me.Because in OUR roofing forum, Sodium Hypochlorite is the preferred method. Scott
  20. I never made fun of Henry personal or professional, just his roof cleaning class If he used the roof cleaning chemical he sells in his store. Scott
  21. No Ron I don't. I say that Sodium Hydroxide is a degreaser and shouldn't be used on asphalt shingles for that reason. You say a shingle will melt in a bucket of sodium hydroxide. But you continue to imply I'm some kind of idiot, rattling off about things I'm totally misinformed on. One minute you're telling me I'm wrong, next post you're agreeing with me again. So yeah you're argument has me totally confused. Scott
  22. So Ron if you are arguing the same point as me, Why did you jump down my throat?????? Scott
  23. Thanks Mike. I tried to use the quotes but it wouldn't work right (I was on my Mac). I can't understand why he won't use it on asphalt pavement because it destroys petroleum based products. But I'm some kind of dummy for not wanting to use it on asphalt shingles. Confused as I am??? I'm just wondering if he was having a bad morning. Scott
  24. Well Ron, I don't have 24 years years like you. I'm sorry that I assumed your mix included Sodium hydroxide. I don't know how you are confused into thinking I don't know that caustic is the same as Sodium Hydroxide.I read my response over three times and still can't understand where you got that from. Unless you are speaking of what Mike said. But I give you more credit than that. I am not a chemist, but I do understand PH. I use caustic (sodium hydroxide) every day at my full time job. A chemical plant. You see there we mix chemicals, react chemicals, and are constantly adjusting ph with HCL and caustic to get the right formulation and control yields. On a 12 hour shift I use about 140,000 pounds of caustic to regulate ph. As far as the sig line I've been meaning to that, but it's all in my profile.Never saw the need as urgent.If that makes me a phantom I'm sorry. As far as washing a roof with caustic(one in the same with sodium hydroxide) I STAND BEHIND IT 100% !!! WRONG PROCESS!!!!! 500 psi is too much pressure for a roof. Sodium hypochlorite(bleach just so you're sure I know they are the same) is the best chemical for a roof and the one ARMA says to use. Don't know what set you off Ron, but I'm sorry for it. Scott
  25. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Believing what you want is Ok except that it may be wrong. Suppose you went around thinking the best concrete cleaner in the world was peanut butter. You thought that was correct because you were taught that. We both know OX acid works better. So am I correct in letting you use peanut butter? Or should I speak up and let you know about Ox? Now if i'm OK telling you about ways to improve your pressure washing biz, why not your life. I'm not talking about brow beating you, just sharing. Scott