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Posts posted by Aplus

  1. There is a noticable difference in weight between the 3/8 and 1/4 inch hose. I don't downstream, so I bought the 1/4" for the weight savings.

    The main problem with any kind of extension pole at 24 feet is controlling it. I find that 24 feet is too high to safely operate an extension pole. I have a 24 footer, but only extend it to about 18 foot max. That is just my opinion, others may vary.

    The only problem I have with the Extendawand is that it is harder to let off on the trigger once it gets going. The pressure keeps the handle jammed into your hand, and hard to let off. It is however, somewhat less fatiguing than other styles. And the pin lock mechanism is FAR better than the twist cam lock style that others use. So many times I cannot get an adequate grip on the twist lock to loosen it. I end up having to wrap the end of my t-shirt around the cam to be able to twist it. A couple times I had to use pliers.

    At some point, I plan to switch all my extension poles to Extendawands, but it may take awhile due to the up front cost.

  2. Personally, I feel the xjet is not the correct tool for applying gutter cleaner. I know some do with great success, while apparently others are not sharing in the same results.

    Gutter cleaner is too expensive to freely xjet, as well as too caustic to be spraying all over everything while trying to get it on the gutters. That's my .02.

    I mix gutter zap in a five gallon pail at 1 part gz to 2 parts water. I apply it to the gutters either with a pump up sprayer for single story homes, or via a brush on taller homes. In either case, I use my brush to obtain the best results. I have not yet had a gutter that could not be cleaned.

    Naturally I have some long brush extension poles, and they can get a little unwieldy at times, but like anything else, practice makes perfect.

    If I couldn't get gutters clean, I wouldn't offer house washing services, which would be too much revenue to pass up on.

    A clean house with dirty gutters is like a clean car with dirty wheels and tires....an incomplete job.

  3. For residential deck work, I use a 5x8, which is a little tight, but very workable if the inside is configured correctly. I carry two portable cold water machines, and everything needed to wash and stain decks, as well as wash houses.

    The 5x8 easily fits in almost all residential parking situations. It's also nice because it fits inside my garage which has a typical seven foot high door. My bigger trailer would require an 8 foot door to store it inside.

  4. One drawback of a bigger trailer is that it becomes more difficult to manuever/park in some residential areas.

    Here is a pic of my hot water rig. It is a 6x12. Notice how it just barely fits between driveways. If I back it up into some driveways, it completely blocks the sidewalk.

    If you're going to do mostly commercial work, then parking space will not likely be an issue, and a nice roomy trailer is ideal.

    Something to consider.

  5. These are the best disposable sweat bands I've found. I've tried several types, and these work the best as well as being super conveniant, and inexpensive. With these on, the sunblock and sweat can't get in your eyes. You can take them off and wring them out in a second. They're also nice when you rinse them off with really cold water before putting them back on.

  6. This hat is the whip.

    I have another I use that does not have the cooling band inside.

    The hat prevents my scalp burning, and provides coverage for my ears, and stops direct sunlight and uv rays from glaring right into my eyes.

    I'm not trying to promote any company, but check out Direct Safety for all the stuff you didn't know you needed until you spotted it in the catalog. It's also where I get my respirators, cartridges, safety glasses, gloves, etc.

  7. I use SPF 30 lotion purchased from one of the chain pharmacy stores. It is labeled as "waterproof". I apply it on my entire face everytime I'm working out in the sun.

    It seems to hold up well thru heavy perspiration. I try to remember to reapply about every 4 hours. I've never been sunburned when applying it correctly.

    However, I can vouch that any perspiration that rolls off my forhead and into my eyes burns like heck.

    I wear a hat all the time otherwise the top of my head always gets sunburned. When washing I wear a baseball style hat, so I can pull down the brim which helps keep my face dry when I'm washing houses, and other vertical surfaces.

    When I'm staining, I wear a loose fitting wide brimmed hat. I just got a new one from Direct Safety that has a little chill band inside that you soak in water or put in your freezer before wearing. It's supposed to help wick the heat off your head. I'll post a pic of it, seems to be the whip for hot days.

    Direct Safety also has these cellulose strip sweat bands that work very well. We wear these on really hot days to stop the perspiration from running into our eyes.

  8. Paul,

    Maybe the bids from the others weren't including the use of Defy. Even so, .58 s/f is ridiculous for any product. Obviously, they are not doing wood card for a living, but rather weekend warriors.

    I always thought the main point of Defy was that it is water based, and less harmful to the environment. I really haven't done the research on that product, and I've only ever seen it on a deck one time, and it looked like poo-poo after one year.

    I would try to find out why the customer wants Defy, and if possible, try to build a case that other products are available that work as well or better, and cost less money.

  9. On the can of Goof Off, it mentions that dried latex paint can also be removed. Often times, on condos that I do, the buildings have been repainted, and the sloppy painters didn't cover the decks right and drips of latex paint end up on the deck.

    In the past, I've used a single edged razor blade to more or less scrape off the paint drops, but I'm going to try the Goof Off next time.

    Also, I've actually had a couple decks that people have laid down pieces of indoor/outdoor carpeting on the decks, attached with two faced tape to hold it down. The adhesive from the tape dissolves right away with the Goof Off.

    Now I'm curious if Goof Off might remove citronella wax spilled on a deck.

  10. Another easy way to quickly meaure chems is as follows:

    Go to a dollar store. Buy several clear plastic measuring cups.

    You'll need one cup for every dry chem you plan to use.

    Use a scale to weigh out various amounts, then pour it into the measuring cup, and mark the cup to indicate that particular amount. Use fingernail polish to mark the cups, magic marker wears off too quickly.

    All the dry chems I use come packaged in resealable plastic pails, and I keep a measuring cup in each one, with the appropriate hash marks indicating the common portions I use.

    I hope I explained this clearly, if not, I expect to hear from Paul....;)

  11. That's why I like the 12v shurflow system. Never have to worry about electricity onsite. I keep a battery charger in the trailer in case I forget to charge the battery.

    I also have two pump up sprayers in each trailer for back up purposes. I try to be redundant in as many areas as I can so not to be down on a job.

    Actually, on single story homes, I like to apply gutter cleaner via a pump up, because it is faster and more economical.

  12. It is true those statements are included on most pump sprayers. The issue is not whether the device is capable of spraying certain chems, but rather the liability issue of doing it.

    If you dress and equip yourself properly, you can greatly reduce the risk of personal injury during their use. In fact pump sprayers and their use can be downright safe if certain care and procedures are always followed.

    The problem is that many consumers won't follow the proper procedures, and will end up injuring themselves, then trying to sue the manufacturers for their stupidity.

    I've seen people smoking while gassing their cars, so I can't picture it would be any different while spraying any number of caustics, solvents, and what not.

    I'm not saying to anybody that it is safe to spray certain chems with a pump up that says not to. Just be equipped for safety if you make that decision.
