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M Brasington

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Everything posted by M Brasington

  1. Hello All

    Doing some late night research and wanted to join this site. I'm in Union SC and just starting out. I am working with bare bones stuff and steady trying ti build, depending on the cash flow. So far, OK but not to what I would like to be reaching but as I said, I'm building and planning for the long haul. Hope you are all doing well and as we all know, there is nothing easy about this type of work. I have a couple of years experience in the PW world during my school days and I just want a successful business of my own. I look forward to working with you folks and I hope we can all be of some help to each other. Thanks for a wonderful site and i wish you all the best. Mark Brasington :lgwave:
  2. Arghhh! &*$%@$@! lowballers.

    I hate to play econ. 101 but the market will dictate the price. You should see it here in up-state SC. I seen better prices in the early 90s. I'm looking at high work that others are either too scared or lazy to do and putting in bids based on it. I am one of those that you all seem to despise because I don't have a ton of high $$ equipment yet, although I am working at it. I plan to build slowly and make it work long term. I bid in hopes of getting the work and a local painter say's "that bid is too low" to which my reply is "well, you bid it and stay at home while I work". It seems to be the only way that I can build. I know that it isn't easy but with the competition coming from south of the border and such, we may all have to take 2nd look at pricing. I have the license and all and still have to bid low. I guess everyone is watching the pocket books these days. This is a great site and I surely hope I'm not offending anyone. Wishing you all success. Mark Brasington